Take us with you

*POV* Destiny Blaze 


There were 500 or so people gathered at the parking lot of the base. They had looks of hope and fear on their faces, and on their backs, they carried all they could. 

"Are we going to have enough jets?" I asked Stefon as we walked beside the crowd. He grunted in reply, I watched the wild anxious crowd. 

When we reached Dominic standing behind 10 tables in a line, I stopped to look around some more as Dominic addressed Stefon with a salute. 

The people at the front of the crowd closest to the tables would step forward one by one before being let through to board one of the 10 jets that were being fueled.

"We should be able to send a jet every hour. Those at the Fort are ready to welcome everyone." Dominic was saying, Stefon nodded before he walked towards the building. 

I revealed a soldier at one of the tables, at Dominic's request. I picked up the clipboard and  

nodded at the middle-aged man standing in front of the table.

"Name?" the man hummed his name and I sighed. "Did you say, John?" he shook his head. "It's Jones." 

Writing it down, I asked where he was from and his age. When I was done filling out his small line of the page, I nodded letting him pass. Then next was a teenager. 

The girl was quite pretty with red wine-colored hair tied up in a black ribbon. "Name?" her eyes shifted around before she replied. "I am Beverly." I nodded, marking the paper. Then I asked where and what age. 

"I am 16," she is named one of the cities that were marked on my papers as destroyed by the rune sickness. I glanced up at her. "Power?" she wiped her hands on her black skirt. 

"I am an Illusionist, I can make things appear real to a person." I raised a brow. "That's quite the power," she smirked, eyeing her hands. "It's kinda tricky." 

I marked her down and nodded. "Alright, you can go." she grinned. "Thanks!" she then walked past me with a wave goodbye.

I shook my head and helped the next person, a couple of hours later Dominic brought someone to relieve me. I fell in step with him. 

"How's it going?" He smiled, taking my hand, I pulled it back and I glared, and he chuckled. "It's good, there is food for you in the cafeteria." We headed towards the main building.

When we got there, we went through a line to grab a plate before taking a seat at one of the many tables. I glanced up from my plate to see Dominic watching me with a warm affectionate gaze.

I felt the heat rising in me and up my neck to my cheeks. "Did you know, your hair lays to the right side more than the left? And you tend to scrunch your nose when you see something you don't like?" 

I glared at him as he straightened in his chair. I scrunch my nose an extra amount and he smiles. 

Footsteps interrupted us as a young soldier timidly approached. "Captain Crane, you are requested to go meet with General Rosell." The girl saluted. 

She gave me an awkward smile, her mannerisms were fidgety. Dominic stood. "Wait!" I spoke quickly, he glanced at me. Something wasn't right. "Can I come with you?" He frowned as I stood. "You want too?" 

I walked around the table to get a better look at the girl. Something about her was familiar, she took a small step back as I came over to look her in the eye. "You are dismissed!" He commanded, the girl turned and marched quickly from the room.

I turned to him. "Yeah, I want to come." He smiled.

When we reached the door of General Rosell's office Dominic knocked loudly, I stepped closer to Dominic as the door opened. An older version of 

Stefon sat at the large desk in the room, three large windows at his back let in the afternoon light. 

The soldiers that opened the door stepped out and as the door clicked shut I took a deep breath as General Rosell fuzzed out and sitting in his chair was Elisabeth. 

"Beverly's power is quite interesting, don't you think?" She stood with a slight smirk. Dominic stiffened. "Where is the General?" Elisabeth shrugged. "I don't know, I just wanted to get you to talk to me." 

A spell tingled on the tip of my tongue. "Well you have us here, what do you want?" She came to lean on the front of the desk. 

"I want you to bring the Blue Phantom's on the jets and through the portal." My fists clenched. "No." 

She smiled. "I knew you would say that, I just wanted to give you a choice." She came to stand right in front of Dominic. "Either you take us too." She tapped on his chest, my blood boiled. "Or we will follow you and come through anyway, after we blow up everyone." 

I pushed between her and Dominic pushing her back with a shove. "You are insane!" She caught herself and shook her head. "You guys are the one here playing like you can pick and choose who goes and who stays to die!" She shot back.

"There are plenty of people from The Blue Phantom's that don't deserve to die!" I looked at Dominic, he nodded. "I can agree with you there. But the blue phantom's as a whole doesn't deserve to, it has always been your goal to destroy the empirical council, these people are offering us a second chance. We can't chance you to ruin the trust they are giving us." 

Elisabeth's face softened before she frowned. "I see." She marched past us. "We won't stop you, but we will still make it through." She said right before she slipped through the door.

Dominic let out a breath as the door shut. He cursed and spinning on his heel walked for the door, I followed. He didn't speak until we had reached the office he had been assigned.

He stormed over his desk and plopped into the chair, I stayed by the door and watched him. He poured over some papers for a second. "How big are the blue phantom's anyways?" I asked. 

"Over a couple thousand members, we guess." Dominic replied, I walked closer to his desk. "I hope this works." I sighed leaning on his desk, glancing at his papers. 

"You aren't worried about her?" He asked, his expression worried. I frowned slightly. "I am a little bit, but we have a girl that can use all four elements and an army of soldiers who does nothing but training. I am confident in our chances in a dispute." 

He shook his head. "I kind of wish I hadn't brought up the idea." he covered his face with his hands, and I frowned. "Don't be so hard on yourself. Your world does need help. I wouldn't want to see Lexus or her baby die." 

Dominic looked up at me. "Yeah," he mumbled, looking away. He seemed in his own thoughts, I turned to look around the office, and as I did so the door to the office opened.