He is alive!?

*POV* Coral Sparks

I stared at Randall, a mix of fear and outrage clutching at my chest. "What did you just say?" I whispered once my voice returned. 

I watched him through the mirror as he pulled his shirt over his head. "I said, I met a mysterious girl earlier and she seemed really distressed." he turned around and walked towards me. "She said to tell you that 'he' was still alive and she had seen him." 

He grabbed his nightshirt off the bed and pulled it on. "Who was this girl?" I asked, my hands shaking because there was only one man I never wanted to see again. 

"I don't know her, but I heard Sander calling her Mari." The name was vaguely familiar. "Hmm." I took a breath. "He is dead, he won't come back." 

I told myself as Randall came to stand beside me.

"She couldn't mean your ex right?" I shook my head. "I am not sure." He hugged me close. "Maybe we can find this Mari, I could ask Sander." 

I nodded. "That could work." I smiled tiredly and snuggled closer. 

After lunch the next day, 4 guards led Leon and Maricela Calldell, from an outlying village into my study. Randall followed. 

The Calldell children had grown up poor, and with an abusive father. They turned to stealing and came to the White City where they happened to piss off Magnur. 

Maricela looked tired and her clothes were dusty, her hair a mess. Her brother looked less disheveled than her. They bowed. I motioned for the guards to leave before I stood. 

"I appreciate you coming in to see me. I heard that you have something you wish to tell me." Maricela's eyes fell to the floor, and she rubbed her arms. 

"I didn't want to be the one to tell you," she muttered. Leon placed a hand on her shoulder. "Your majesty, My sister was helping Lady Destiny to gather up the last of the king's men and was there when she disappeared." 

Maricela shook him off. She stepped forward tilting her chin, she set her jaw. "When she disappeared I panicked and went to tell everyone, but as I ran down the hall. I bumped into someone." She took a breath and I found myself holding mine. 

"I thought nothing of it at the time because I was scared for Destiny's life. The hall was dark, but I heard him speak. A week ago I saw him again in the white city, it was just a fleeting glimpse, but a couple days ago I saw him here." 

My breath caught. "In the castle?" I whispered. She nodded, "I am sorry." A chill went down my spine, numbly I acknowledged Randall saying something to them before he opened the door for them to leave. 

He came over and helped me to my chair. He said something but my mind was replaying every moment with Magnur. 

*POV* Randall Franklin the 2nd

Coral literally curled in on herself, pulling her knees to her chin she stared wide eyed at the far wall. Tears came to her eyes and she began to silently cry. 

I continued to try to comfort her, as the room around us started to chill. It got so cold I could see my breath, I shivered. "Come on Coral, it's okay. You're not alone." Something clicked in her mind because she stood. 

Wiping her eyes she glared at the door. "We have to go check on Lula and Samuel!" I took her hand. "Okay let's go." 

When we got to the nursery. I was relieved to find Dixie and her maids playing with the twins. 

When Dixie saw Coral's face, she stood. "What's going on?" Coral took a breath. "Magnur isn't dead, and he is here in the castle." Dixie frowned, her hands shaking. "You're kidding!" 

Coral turned to one of the maids. "Go get me the captain of the guard." The maid curtsied and quickly left. 

Dixie took Coral in a hug. "Don't worry, we wouldn't let him anywhere near you." Coral hugged her back. "We need to also keep a guard on the twins, he is not getting to them!" Dixie straightened her back. "I agree." 

New guards were placed in front of the nursery, and the captain and his best followed Coral around everywhere. Coral had them sweep the castle and grounds twice, but Magnur was not found. 

Night fell and Coral and I sat in the nursery with the sleeping twins, with a large amount of guards at the door. 

After a couple hours Coral curled up in my arms and was soon fast asleep. 

*POV* Coral Sparks

I pushed his hands away, crying out for help. His hand covered my mouth and his face darkened with shadows came closer to mine. "Coral, you are not going to escape me this time." I shivered, I took shaky breaths. Tears running down my cheeks. 

"You know." He chuckled close to my ear. "Just because you have moved on doesn't mean you aren't still mine." I went still, staring into his eyes a smile spread across his face. "I am coming for you Coral." 

I awoke with a start, I shoved his hands off. "It's okay." Randall said softly, pulling me closer. 

"He.." I took a breath. "He isn't here." Randall reassured, rubbing my back. A cry from Lula had me scrambling to my feet, I knelt by her bed and gathered her in my arms, she whimpered and opened her eyes.

When she saw me she calmed down, then wrapped her arms around me and buried her face in my shoulder. "The atmosphere must have gotten to her too." Randall stood and sighed, coming over to stand beside me and rub Lula's head. 

"I can't believe he is alive." I whispered. Randall wrapped an arm around my waist. "We can get through this." He smiled. I knew he was trying to help me feel better, I just wished I believed him.