The dinner party

*POV* Lula Sparks Franklin

The king and queen of Ironhaul were a sight to behold, this was my first time seeing them. Mother had gone to see them in their kingdom

when I was 12.

King Derrick Groman was tall, about 6'4" or so and giant if ever they lived. His hair was coppery red, his body toned with muscle. I

couldn't help staring.

Queen Iceis was in no way less beautiful than her husband, her ebony hair was long reaching her ankles. Atop her head she wore a crown of

metal to match her husbands.

She was slim but was protected by her fur cloak. Her face was all smiles as King Desmond stood to meet them. "Your majesties, I welcome you to my home." I stood also wanting to show respect.

King Derrick's laugh shook the walls. "Desmond old friend, there is no need to be so formal!" He pounded Desmond on the back, he winced but smiled.

"Yes, come sit." I sat last, being a princess in a room of majesties. The king introduced me, Queen Iceis smiled at me. "Oh, dear you are

pretty. How is your mother?" I blushed and reassured her she was doing alright.

Movement to my left had me looking up as the brown haired scandal from that morning sat beside me. "Excuse me for my lateness." Iceis

partially beamed.

"Oh, Zander dear, I see you were settling in at home well. How is your training going?" I sipped my drink, as I told myself not to stare

over at Zander. But from the glance I gave him I saw he was wearing a tailored suit of black and green.

"It's going well, I have had lots of fun trying out your suggestions." Iceis giggled. "I bet you have." I was surprised that Prince Zander knew Queen Iceis enough to talk so openly.

"Oh dear girl." Gushed Iceis. "Do tell me about what you do, do you take after your mother in ice?" I shook my head and set my drink down.

"No, I am, born fire." Her smile faltered but she regained it quickly.

"And your mark?" I pulled up my sleeve only a little and displayed the daisy that was marked there in light red. "Oh," Iceis smiled

again. "It is a pretty mark. "Do you fight with swords? Daggers? Staff?" I shook my head at each question.

"Oh, I see. Fire is quite a powerful magic. If you ever wish to spare, I would love to see it in action." I nodded feeling extremely special.

Zander shifted in his chair beside me, Iceis asked if he was feeling alright. "Oh yeah. I am alright." Iceis stood. "Is everything alright

dear?" Her husband asked.

I snuck a glance at Zander, he and I hadn't exchanged words all evening. He was fiddling with his food, apparently not very hungry.

Iceis waved a hand with a laugh. "Of course, I just wanted to go for a walk, this country is so beautiful!"

"I will walk with you.!" I cried standing also, she seemed like a great person, and I didn't mind her company, and I also had to get out

of here. If I continued sitting with Zander so close, I was going to start a fire.

I was growing increasingly self-conscious, and I was getting more and more mad. To my dismay Zander stood. "Oh Zander, you will have to take me to some of your favorite places!" 

Zander moved around the tables to help Iceis from her chair, she slipped her hand in his. "Oh course." Zander told her, I was about to

rethink my decision and sit back down when Iceis spoke.

"Lula dear, do you have a favorite place in the castle?" I faltered, I had never thought about any place I liked to be in the Elesor castle. Zander's hazel eyes watched my face, waiting for my answer.

"Not really." I blushed, Iceis smiled. "Oh, that's fine. When I am in Ironhaul I have so many favorite things that I can never tell which,

I like more." She grinned. "Come on, let's walk."

I hung back as Zander unlocked the old west tower door with a key that had been hidden behind a loose brick. "So why was it abandoned again?" Zander pulled the key from the lock and paused.

"Because it's where my mother died." Iceis covered her mouth. "Oh. That is tragic." Zander pushed the door open, his tone new and extremely cheerful. "That's what makes it special."

Iceis shifted to hold a hand out to me. "Come on Lula. Have you ever been up the tower?" I shook my head taking her hand, she had a way of making me feel included even though Zander was here.

"It's kind of creepy." Iceis whispered to me as we followed Zander up the stairs, I couldn't help but laugh. "You have a pretty laugh."

I felt my cheeks heat at her words. "Don't you think Zander?" I flamed at her words, why did she have to bring him into the conversation?

"It's alright." Zander said from a few steps up, the winding stairs soon leveled out into a long hallway. Iceis pulled me closer to Zander,

so we walked beside him.

"Are you feeling alright Zander?" She asked, her tone of voice was soft. He stopped and moved to push a door open, "I am fine." Iceis

smiled thinly, I saw what she saw as I looked closely at Zander as we entered the dust covered room.

He was hiding his face from us. Iceis let go of my hand and took Zander's arm, they walked to look out a window.

A painting above the fireplace caught my eye, it was similar to the painting of the queen of Elesor in the halls. But this one was also

different. In Queen Gellia's arms was a baby boy, she was smiling, her red hair in large ringlets.

I stared at her brown eyes until something brushed against my arm. "She is pretty." I breathed. "That's what they say." Zander said from beside me.

I steeled myself from jumping in surprise, thinking it had been Iceis. I shifted my gaze from the painting and moved to stand beside her, where she was watching birds from the window.

"It has an amazing view. Don't you think so?" I nodded, she was right, the view opened up. You could see over the wall, the faint lights of

the city. "We should go see the next place before it gets dark." Zander said from the doorway.

Iceis smiled and took my arm. I started to wonder just how old she was, because she acted like a teenager. And she didn't look far off. But I knew it would be rude to ask, so I didn't.