How it works

*POV* Lula Sparks Franklin


The next place Zander took us surprised me, the loft of the large barn beside the stables was the last place I would picture a prince


Iceis laughed as we climbed the ladder, she babbled about how her childhood friend and how she broke her leg on a ladder. I brought up

the rear, when I got to my feet, I looked around at the old hay stored in the cramped loft, I grimaced.

Zander led Iceis to a small cubby hole in the hay, there was not much in the space. Just a clock slung over a pile of hay, which looked

suspiciously like a bed, and three barrels.

I didn't understand why this place was a favorite of Zander's until Iceis laid down on the cloak, I looked up at the roof and the stars that were starting to show in the evening sky could be seen through the open roof.

Zander placed his lantern on the floor and sat beside Iceis. Then with a breath he blew it out, the loft went semi dark. "Come sit with us

Lula!" Iceis said.

I sat against the hay and looked up at the darkening sky. Iceis mumbled something about the night sky, I looked from the stars to study Zander where he lay and looked up.

His brown hair was messy, and his suit now dusty. I realized with a half-smile my dress didn't look much different. I straightened my

skirts, the movement had Zander looking at me. Our eyes met, he held my gaze with a smoldering in his eyes.

My heart skipped a beat, and my chest tightened. All of a sudden Iceis sat up, "Zander, I almost forgot! I brought you a gift." We broke eye contact as Zander rolled to his feet.

"What gift?"

Iceis wouldn't tell him, but after we had exited the barn, she linked arms with me and smiled. "I have enjoyed your company Lula, I hope

we will be fast friends. If you ever need anything, just send me a message and I will see what I can do."

I smiled in return as we walked back into the castle, where she bid me good night and led Zander away with a mysterious laugh. I walked

towards my room feeling happy, but also full of mixed feelings.

The evening had gone better than I had thought and now I could say I was best friends with Queen Iceis of Ironhaul.

*POV* Kylo Hillmore

Samuel yawned as we entered the room we were to share, I looked around the small space. 2 twin beds hugged opposite walls, and a door led to a washroom.

I set down my bag on a bed and looked towards the door as Kalea knocked. "Would you all want to join us for dinner? Mother said we can go down and eat if we want to." Samuel shook his head and flopped on his bed.

"I am good." He muttered, Kalea shrugged and turned her attention on me. "What about you?" I walked towards the door. "Sure, I could eat." She beamed up at me.

Lexus and Stefon met us at the top of the stairs, I gave Stefon his space for fear he would punch me into the floor.

The inn had a private dining area for people like the first president of Aurora's daughter. I sat in the booth and silently listened while

Lexus ordered us our meal.

"When we are done eating, how about you show me that power of yours?" I all but jumped as Stefon spoke, he was looking at me with a semi interested look.

"Uh, sure. Though, I am not sure how to make it happen again. I haven't tried it since last night." Stefon took the plate Lexus placed

before him on the table and picked up his fork.

"Well, if your power is magic based like those of the original elemental users then a spell will activate it. But if it is power or energy based like a lot of Auroras then it is focus and control that makes it work."

He took a bite after he finished, I thought about how it had happened. I hadn't said anything to bring the shadows figures to life, but I had said something to make them disappear.

"I see." I mused, Lexus spoke up as she set a heaping plate of food before me. "All power will have limitations, be it energy or spells. Unfortunately, all of us are energy based, so we wouldn't be able to demonstrate a spell." She paused.

"My power doesn't need an activation, I just read the thoughts of those with open minds, in a sense. But my limit is, I can't read minds with strong magic or with energy bearers."

Kalea shifted forward. "I can heal living creatures with souls, but not inanimate objects or plants. But I get dizzy sometimes, depending on the wound." Stefon pulled my attention back, with a wave of his hand.

"I have worked on my power a lot, it's not hard for me to." He demonstrated his power by using his forks shadow to move the object. "Or to move through shadows. But that's a bit trickier." All of a sudden, he stood up and seemed to turn away from us, then vanish into his own shadow.

I gapped until his hand appeared on my shoulder, I jumped slightly. "I am limited though, because I can't use others' shadows against them." He moved around the table to sit down again across from me.

I was thrilled at the demineralization. "Do you think I can move through the shadows?" Stefon's face hardened and he shook his head. "No, it's not just walking through shadows." He paused. "It's going into the shadow realm." Kalea and Lexus both gasped.

I stared at him. "Really?" Then I thought of something. "Are there more guys like those ones from the other night? In the shadows realm?" Stefon nodded.

"That's why we have to be careful." He picked up his fork again. "Aren't you afraid they will find you again?" I asked, he shared a glance with Lexus.

"Not if I am careful, but they are looking for me." He admitted, I stared at him then down at my food that was growing cold. What kind of a world was I getting myself wrapped up in?