Your Own Experiments

"Shifters are more than just humans with an animal inside of them," I started, turning my head so that I was staring up at the ceiling. The light was still an issue, but right now, it was like looking at the sun. Even if it blinded me, it was worth the pain to not be looking at the doctor.


"Not according to my research. Your base form is human," replied the doctor, and I could see him adjusting his glasses from the corner of his eye.


"It depends," I said with a shrug. "If the mother gives birth in human form, then the child will come out human and experience their first shift when they are around five years of age. If the mother is in their animal form, their offspring with come out as animals and shift to human later. I was born a mouse."


The doctor leaned forward until he was blocking my view of the bright light. "Explain."