part 27 new grouping

Sorry, the process of translating new episodes of the main story has been delayed. With the re-updation of the original story parts, the new parts will be translated. The names of some main and minor characters have been changed.

..... part 27 new grouping

Damn, it's all your fault

I; What was my fault that he made fun of me In front of everyone?

Agnes (Melodia's Hardy name changed from Angus to Hardy due to mistranslation of the story): Who told me you were a clumsy clown?

Me: Who told me that I am a perverted boy?

Agnes: Perverted

Me: Red hair

Who once summoned fire in his hand to attack and I summoned wind magic in my hand that...

Hand sound

I turned my head and saw Master Joe knocking on the door of the hall, and as I waved his hand, he had a smile on his face.

Master Joe: Keep doing well like little children

Agnes: Master, it was all Tom's fault

Me: Ha ha, why did the teacher ignore me and I pointed to Agnes

Master Jo: Well done, blame each other like little children, Gods, I came here to say something for you.

What can I say? I came to say, Tom, after the end of training today, go see the manager because he has a card for a two-year-old child

Agnes laughed

Master Jo: You too laugh less, you clumsy redhead

This time I laughed

In the end, the second bell was set to go to the magic training area where master Ziyar was teaching

To our surprise, all four of our professors (Marin Ziyar, Joe Hyper and Karesh, or Nikolai Markov)

This question had occurred to all of us, so I asked the question myself

Me: Excuse me, Master Ziyar, why are all the teachers gathered here?

Ziyar: It was a good question because we are going to group you today

Selif: Excuse me, teacher, weren't we grouped before?

Ziyar: This was a good question, but no, It was to find out that your magic is the level of your magic and how many of you are in a magic category. We understood that there Is a difference.

Salif: What's the difference, teacher?

Ziyar: That you will be placed in two-person groups until the end of the semester, whichh will be for competitions and research inside (the academy and Inside the wall) and outside (outside the academy and the wall), whichh will be suitable for your two-person magic.

He hit a breaker and then a test in the middle of the battlefield (a mutant jaw that weighs 1 ton and is 6 meters tall, with a pink color from the head to half of the body and has only one tooth).

Most of all are shocked

How many!

Ziyar: No matter how many, girl, you have to fight, what will you do if you are In the middle of a field full of blood and dismembered bodies?

Now, without wasting time, we go to grouping and battle

Which Joe added

Master Joe: And every group of two that we said should start the battle without any prepositions or talking, you understand

Now the first group

When Marin started reading the names of the groups:

Dan Hyper and Rose Tarin

What a suitable group!

Going to the battlefield

Joe: Well, you have to beat this test in less than ten minutes

Rose Tarin: But Master, according to my accurate calculations and observation, ten minutes Is less time and thirty minutes are needed for the battle

Joe: Let go of this nonsense and just fight, General Manuel the Great

Rose: Even an ant knows that a man's greatest need Is science.

Joe: Science makes even man doubt his own existence and his own world, General Torge

Rose: Only stupid people who don't know anything about life don't understand science, Flora's great ancestor

My sincere reaction from the children and teachers "...."

Joe: You...

Ziyar silenced him by hitting his head

Ziyar: You are a fool, you say that someone starts the battle without any conversation, then you make a gesture for me, you idiot...

Now go to the middle of the battlefield and start the fight with Dan and Rose


Dan and Rose Taryn were ready for battle when they started to fight after Joe announced

As usual, Dan started attacking without any strategy, and even though his eyes were closed, Mohak hit him with his tail, which caused Dan to leave the field, and Rose, who...

You thought that he continued to fight and won, not that he surrendered as easily as possible

Joe's honest reaction after announcing Rose's surrender: Ha ha ha

I said in the fools that nothing scientific can be fought

Rose Tarin had no answer

Seeing Ziyar's face, Joe stopped teasing


After Dan was healed by the doctors, they came and watched the rest of the battles with us

The next ones are William Jordan and Daenerys Falcone

..... After announcing the start of the battle, William said something in Daenerys's ear that I could feel Harry's jealousy

After that, Daenerys suddenly put her hand on the ground and summoned the magic of the big spiral of the plant, whichh caused the plant to wrap around the oracle and made It unable to do anything.

After that, William made a big leap and tried to hit the target, but his plan was flawed

William's blows had no effect, and Mohak hit William with his head, which caused him to leave the battlefield, and after tearing the magic of the serpent plant, Daenerys also fainted.

(Actually, it was a very good plan, but William was a descendant of the knights of the church, whose source of power was the light and the honor of the Gods of Light, that all their power was summed up In their sword, and without having a sword and armor, they had practically no power)

Marin: Adriana Flore and Steve Afrina are next


Steve started attacking Anwar and Adriana, but It had no effect and caused both of them to faint after being hit hard.

In fact, most of Adriana's power, like William, on the contrary, most of the members of Flora's family, was summed up In her sword, that's why she had no power without it. Steve's magic, which was from Afrina's family, was water magic Instead of inflicting wounds on Mohawk, on the contrary, it healed Mohawk. Been !

The next people were Harry and Nicola Zharna who

Harry: Excuse me, teacher, can I make a request?

Ziyar: What do you want?

Harry: Given that Nikola and I have no knowledge of each other's spells, It's better not to fight until you tell me why my magic is suitable for Nikola?

Ziyar: It was a good request, but no, you have to fight!

That Harry and the rest of the children were all broken

It was the turn of me and the one who hated him the most

Marin: The Last of Tom Breech and Agnes Melodia

The end of part 27