Part 28: Hard War with Mohak....

Part 28: Hard War with Mohak....

There is no way;

There's no way !

Ziyar: What problem do you have together?

Agnes: Your teacher, can you accept me to be In a group with this (Tom) perverted boy?

Me: You are telling the truth, Professor, how did you calculate that this clumsy, red-haired girl would become a pervert with me?

Agnes looked at me with a murderous look

Me: Why are you looking like this?


Ziyar: Well, if you object, you can go


Ziyar: If you cannot accept our grouping, leave the academy altogether

Now you know

I was left with what to do, on the one hand, being in a group with this self-satisfied girl, on the other hand, leaving the academy, which was equal to death.

Me: Master, I am satisfied

Ziyar: Well, Tom is satisfied, Agnes, what illusion are you satisfied with?

Agnes was silent when she nodded her approval

Ziyar: Now start the battle quickly


After the start of the battle, I summoned the black storm magic and attacked Mahak without paying attention to what Agnes said

I gave successive blows, whichh had no results except for giving Mohak, he was about to hit me, so I quickly ran away from his stomach and went around and climbed on his tail from behind, Mohak raised his tail, whichh I did with I prepared the use of this topic and hit him hard on his head that....


It didn't have any effect and my shot was practically vetoed and It had no effect. What was I left to do and I was lying on the ground due to pain and fatigue when my eyes were fixed on Agnes.

While Agnes was hitting Mohawk with her fiery whip, Mohawk had gotten up and was even able to create a wound on Mohawk's body!

I understood

....from Agnes Melodia's point of view....

After the completely mandatory grouping, I prepared for battle with Tom

After announcing the start of the battle...

Tom Tom Tom

But without paying attention to me, he attacked Mohak like a brainless fool

Out of greed, I hit my foot hard

The dumb fool doesn't know that no impact has any effect on the test except dirt and fire

This is how he kills himself, stupid

In this way, regardless of the fact that his mana capacity might run out, he would hit hard If he continued like this, he might hurt himself.

No, nothing should happen to him, because without him, I would be without a group, I would be alone, and I would be expelled from the academy, and because of him, I would stain my pride, the nobility, and most importantly, my parents, the Melodia family.


What happened to him?


Why does he say my name shamelessly?


I was continuing to hit without paying attention to him, when suddenly they turned me around and shouted...

I have an Idea

Me: What are you stupid ideas?

His face turned a little red, It was obvious that he was angry, which was good

Tom: Yes, if you allow me to speak, I will tell you the idea of this humble person

He came to his senses and started hitting the ground and coming towards us

Me: Tell me quickly.

Tom: Let's hit together


.... from Tom's point of view...

After explaining to Agnes, she didn't agree, but finally she had to agree

The problem was lack of time and my idea not working!

My idea was that Agnes would summon a simple fire strike and I would increase it with the wind whirling magic and send It towards the test, which I hoped would work.

Agnes summoned the fire, whichh I blew around the wind that....

My vision blurred

.... from Harry's point of view ....

Master Ziyar was really right to say that Tom's magic power Is equal to me and Adriana's five stars, I can even say that with the blows that Tom gives, It is equal to his uncle and he can even fight with him!

The problem was here, It's true that Tom's finishing shots were good, but they had no effect on the test!

Agnes was also a good hitter, but not as strong as Tom, and It was only thanks to the nature of her magic that her hits were effective.

Suddenly, Agnes summoned fire magic, and after that, Tom Kord summoned the wind, and a fire magic spread that...

My vision became black and I didn't understand anything anymore

..... from Tom's point of view ....


How much it hurts

I opened my eyes with difficulty, except for a black powder that was suspended in the air, there was no sign of Mohak or Agnes!



I got up quickly and ignored the pain in my body and went to Agnes who was unconscious

I shook her and no matter what I called her, she didn't answer, and the doctors inside, who were also unconscious, quickly hugged Agnes and took Agnes out without paying attention to anyone....

The end of part 28