Part 29 Strange Grouping 2

Part 29 Strange Grouping 2

.... from Harry's point of view ....


I barely opened my eyes

It was hard to see anything because of the smoke and black powder that covered everything.

My whole body was hurting because of that explosion, but I barely got up from the cup.


I got up with the help of my hands and after cleaning my clothes with a few simple strokes I looked around to find the children, everywhere I looked there was no sign of Tom or Agnes!

Until I saw Daenerys and quickly went to her

He was gettingg up and I raised my hand to help him

Daenerys: Thank you and got up

Daenerys: Where are Tom and Agnes?

Me: I don't know, I was looking for them when I found you. We have to see if Dan knows about them or not.

"I do not know either."

Or who were the gods themselves?

I turned and saw Dan coming towards us!

Dan: How are you?

Me: Yes, I'm fine, the family Is fine, how are you, the family Is fine?

Dan; "…" What?

Me: You fool, you see that I stopped, you see the situation, there is no trace of Tom and Agnes, then you ask me how I am.

Dan: No, then look

What about me?

Dan: Mr. Harry, what are you looking for, sir? I'm really sorry

Me: To whom?

Dan: Since Tom didn't disappear like you said, then you're trying to make fun of me

Me: or the gods themselves! Well, you follow the church, then you tell me

Dan: Look, don't interrupt the church, I'll do something

Me: What are you doing? What are you doing wrong?

Dan: God bless you, God bless you, I'll make you forget your name and take the collar of my dress!

Me: You take the stain of my dress and I took the collar of his dress

That ....

Hand sound

Good job


I turned my head and saw that teacher Ziyar was looking at us along with other teachers and children

Ma: Excuse me, Master Ziyar

Master Ziyar: No, continue with your cartoon, be shy like little children

Ma: I'm sorry, Master Ziyar

Teacher: Shall I forgive? The dirt on your head, you not only belittled yourself by arguing with your children, but you also tarnished your reputation In front of everyone

Me: Professor, don't talk racially anymore

Teacher: Be quiet after your class, come to the principal's office, I have your cartoon

And then he turned to the children

Professor Ziyar: Well, you understand what I mean. You saw the result of the grouping of Tom and Agnes

Dan: Master, I didn't see It, neither did you guys, becausee there is no trace of them!

Master Ziyar: Fool, I meant the war between Ziyar and Mohak

Dan: I'm sorry, you said that you were a devotee, while Tom and...

Master Ziyar: Shut up!!!!!

Dan: Yes, sorry, teacher, continue


Master Ziyar: What can I say to the gods and continued

To be very brief, Tom took Agnes to the hospital becausee the doctor here was not very good and as you saw, our composition was correct because as you saw, wind magic is both an offensive magic and a support for fire magic, which is an attack that combines the two. Combined magic is beyond your imagination, just as the combination of Dan and Rose's magic is the same, a fool like Dan attacks without restraint, while Rose is not like this, and the combination of these two means the combination of combined power and science is beyond your Imagination.

Master Ziyar: Well, now you understand what I mean

Children: Yes, teacher

And went

Teacher: You two fools should come as well

And we also went to the director's office with Professor Ziyar

.... from Tom's point of view ....


How is he feeling ?

The doctor, who was a woman, told someone else while he was writing a prescription

He Is fine and will wake up soon, the problem is due to lack of oxygen, he will be fine soon, don't worry

And went

I came out of the clinic and sat down on the floor due to exhaustion and without paying attention to the strange and heavy looks of the others

God, I am miserable

I don't want anything to happen to any of the main characters, I shouldn't let anything happen to Agnes and Adriana, otherwise...

I just have to pay attention to William, it's over and gone!

.... in the manager's office ....

Surprisingly, Dan and Harry were inside the manager's room with Master Ziyar!

Me: Why are you here?

Dan: Look, it's like that...

He was interrupted by the sound of Dan speaking at the door

It was Agnes who entered

The manager is Jaref Jamron, a middle-aged man who was among the high-ranking members of the practical base and those with the support of the court and the Flore family, who had reached the management after reading a sheet...

Manager: Well, Tom Breach

Me: Yes sir

Director: So you are the famous Tom Breach?

Me: Yes sir

Manager: Hmm, he found my records from the file

Name: Tom Breech

Father's name; Anthony Breach

Name ; The mother who...

Position: peasant and church worker

Guardian: Grandpa Tom

Education is nothing

And supported by the church and the Hyper family

It's true ?

Me: Yes sir

Director: And now Agnes Melodia

From Melodia's family, Melodia's father was born and Melodia's mother was the successor of Melodia's family, educated by her father and supported by Melodia's family.

It's true ?

Agnes: Yes

Manager: Well, as a result of Professor Ziyar's grouping, you are in the same group, and you saw the result today, do you have any objections?

Agnes: No sir, I have no objection

Manager: What do you have no objection?

No, sir, I don't have

Manager: Okay, so you can go now, now your problem Is that you will be In the same group for a month as punishment

And you must have a research activity outside the wall, otherwise this grouping will be to the end


I left the room without paying attention to them and Agnes

God, save me, I am in a position where I am nothing In front of Agnes, I am not a proper official, the identity of her mother Is unknown, and the support of the church and Hyper's family Is there as long as I am useful to them.

The gods

No, I can't anymore, I have to try, I have to be able, I have to be able, I will do something

Stay alive...

The end of part 29