Part 30 of the midterm exam

Part 30 of the midterm exam

.....1 month later....

Black magic is a magic that can be used to revive and control the dead.

``Why doesn't it end?''

Black magic doesn't have any weak points and it can only be reduced a little with light magic

Black magic was created and created by Armen's angel of death.

Continue the lesson for later

It's finally over

I was sitting in Marin's magic class and today's lesson was about black magic, it was the last bell and the bell of the movie, which we were trained hard by master Joe Hyper.

I didn't feel like studying

Marin continued while putting the book in his hand on the table.

As you know, about a month has passed since you came to the academy

You who were tested by a test and were able to succeed now

``Teacher, you can't say your words correctly, the children are tired, in fact, I am the most tired.''

I was the one who said such a thing

Marin: Okay, in short, your midterm exam will start in two weeks

I see ?

When I was in Heprot, I came to my senses with this statement, not only me, but the whole class

Marin: Well, I didn't expect such a reaction, at least not from Harry Dan and Tom

It started again because of those two idiots, see what everyone expects from me....

Nicholas: I mean, what will the teacher of the initial exams be like?

Marin: Your test was a good question...

It will be practical and oral

In the practical test you will be tested in three stages

And in the oral exam, you will answer the questions on the paper

Nicholas: What will this practical test look like?

Marin: These will be known in two weeks, you will know in your exam in two weeks

While he was packing his belongings. He was nearing the bell, he was collecting and continued

In addition, the academy will be closed due to the readiness of as many elite students as possible, of course, the classes and you should use this opportunity and practice.

ring Ring

All the children were busy gathering things and talking about the upcoming test when these two idiots....

Harry: Did you see what Master Marine said, the exam will start in two weeks

Dan: Did you think everyone was deaf like you? Yes, I heard that I beat both you and Tom in this test

Harry: You thought I was the one to beat both you and Tom

Those two were busy carrying for Hamidege and I continued while passing by them

... Did you think I would compete with you?


While I was about to leave the class, I had to react because of the reaction of those two idiots

Me: You thought I was a fool like you two who put all my energy on this stupid test

Harry and Dan's honest reaction hahaha

Dan: Yes, I also believed that I should practice more to beat you

Harry: I will train more to beat you

God, it's like they don't really understand this

Whatever I say to them is a male cow, they say it looks like a female cow (sarcasm for not understanding)

I decided to go to the cafeteria and have some food


I was sitting on a chair and I was eating a sandwich when I thought about the recent events....

A month had passed since I came to the academy.

Harry and Dan were punished and as a punishment, they were assigned to bring the extremely rare blue camilla plant from outside the wall, which they succeeded...

But it made the competition between the two more

And because of my performance in this one month and of course defeating them, they might have put me in a competition between them, so I didn't want a three-person competition, but it happened.

Agnes and I's defeat of the test was a big news not only in the class but also in the whole academy and made me relatively famous.

This is what made my three-person Harry Dan competition famous among everyone, and besides that, it made everyone's eyes fall on me.

I kept thinking that...

Look who is sitting here!

It was Lucas who said such a thing

Although he no longer had his former servants, but by force

It seems to the others that he had found some new servants

I was eating my sandwich without any reaction when Lucas was not alone

Lucas: Why don't you take us over? Before you entered the academy, you used to lick my feet and beg for mercy, now you have become a person for me.

Everyone's attention was drawn to us and I could hear and feel their whispers

Lucas: Yeah, well done, keep eating your sandwich because no one knows that your leftovers were church food before.

And he took the sandwich from my hands and threw it on the ground

Lucas: Oops, did you see what happened to your sandwich, what happened? Your sandwich fell on the floor and got dirty, of course it's okay, you can kneel down and pick it up because you're a slave.

I got up from the chair and wanted to go...

Lucas: Go, run away, slave-born bastard, and don't show any reaction, just for me, the question is, who did your mother sleep with, that you have magic, because your father, who was a breech, I even heard that he was not a man, that your mother slept with someone else until you...


I didn't want him to continue his nonsense because I punched him hard in the face, which made him fall to the ground and bleed from his mouth.

Lucas continued while he was touching the blood on the side of his lip

Lucas: You can't even accept the fact that you shouldn't be here.

Me: It's like I was able to fail you in the entrance exam, I made you very greedy

Lucas while getting up

Lucas: You know, you guessed right, I was upset that you passed the exam, but I wasn't upset that you entered the academy just because of the support of the church.

I: ?

Lucas: Don't you understand, don't put yourself in that way, everyone knows about the support of the church and the Hyper family, and they know how you passed the entrance exam with cowardice.

Me: don't give me the nonsense, no one will accept this

Lucas: No one is blind, you don't see how people look at you, how everyone talks about you.

He was telling the truth. I looked at the people around me and the way they looked and whispered about me confirmed what Lucas said.

Lucas: You see, all my words prove that no one accepts you, not even the church itself

He said in my ear as he approached

Because you are born a slave

Me: Ha ha ha

It was over, it was very impressive, even your words and your likes made me laugh

To everyone's and Lucas' surprise, I continued

Me: I'm Tom Breech son of Anthony Breech I'm going to prove to you all that I didn't get into the academy I'm going to prove to you all that I'm Anthony's son and as I was pointing at Lucas

I will defeat you and I will definitely be among the first four people in the test

And I came out of all of them

It's over, I didn't mean to compete, but with your words, Lucas, I will prove that I am Tom Breach

The end of part 30