Part 31

Part 31


O God

Why can't find anything? Why can't you find something right?

I read more than 6 volumes of books about various wind magic techniques, which were extremely rare, that Is, they could not be found at all, even In the academy library, which was the largest library in the empire!

But I didn't understand anything, I didn't learn anything!

I put my head on the book due to fatigue and headache.

In fact, this Idea of learning and the necessity of a new technique started when...

First of all, I was aware of all the events of the upcoming competition and the test, and I knew who the first to fourth players were, and therefore I knew about the complex and strong techniques they had.

Second, in the past three days, I saw the efforts of others, especially my main competitors in the upcoming exam, Harry, Dan, Adriana and Prince Steve.

I only knew four magics and techniques of the blue swamp, the swamp of death, the tornado of death, and the Solentar storm, and two skills of spear and archery, which I could go up to eight people, but after that, I encountered a hard obstacle named Adriana, who In the skill of two swords and fighting from The closest way was the master, and my only magic was from a distance, which I could not do any way, so I needed to learn a new technique, and I could learn from master Ziyar, but...

With the words that Lucas had started and the rumors that were complicated in the whole academy and with the abuse of Melodia's Flora family and the court that I did not pass the entrance exam because of my talent but because of the support of the church and the wealth of the Hyper family.

With the silence that the church and Hyper's family adopted, this rumor became stronger day by day and made me blacker (they were joking about the bad name)

So what did it have to do with Master Ziyar?

Because I was trained by Master Ziyar, everyone knew and It was rumored that even I am now being trained by Master Ziyar.

That's why I planned not to be trained by Master Ziyar and with my own new techniques, I could be the first four people who...

It didn't work, whichh means it can't be done, the problem was here, these 6 books were practically obsolete and they didn't work for me, but It was better than nothing.

I took two of the books and went out of the library

Surprisingly, there was no one In the hall or In the yard.

It was the best time for fun and conversation when...


A terrible sound came from the end of the hall and I hurriedly went to...

I saw the students of the academy practicing and this awesome sound was the result of Lucas's magic, whichh drew everyone's admiration and applause.

I decided to get out of there quickly so that Lucas wouldn't catch my eye and make me hit him with his nonsense.

.... the market outside the academy....

I have fresh fish!

I have the best sweets!

I have the best and sharpest imperial swords, I have the best spears!

I was walking in the bazaar to clear my mind a little and get rid of this damn headache when a man's voice about a spear of a sword caught my attention...

I went to the stall of the man who was shouting without paying attention to me

``Where are your spears?

The man did not understand me when I shouted this time

``Where are your spears?

Did the man notice this time?

Man: Yes, sir, tell me, young master, what kind of spear do you want so that I can give you the best and he pointed to the spears in front of the pavilion and above the pavilion.

I was looking with my eyes and none of them were interesting until...

My attention was drawn to a nagitana spear (a Japanese spear used by the nobility and samurai).

The same spear that was taught to me by Master Hiroshi Maito.

There was a spear whose wood was a special wood or silver Iron, and the head of the spear was a green ruby, and the head of the spear was a green mud.

It was really a special spear and of course it was very strong

Young teacher, young teacher!

I woke up with a man's voice

Man: What caught your attention?

And I pointed to the spear

Man: Oh, well, by the way, you chose my best work. It was just yesterday that my friend brought me from the battlefield and...

Me: price?

Man; Well, it's a thing

Me: price?

Man: Nimshe was bought by the Flore family

Me: It's a pity

I wanted to go to...

If I fail here, I will fail In another area of the Flora family

``I buy for twice the price

Men ?

Me: I will buy twice as much as Flora's family bought

Man: I said no

Too bad I have to use the influence of the church and the Hyper family

Me: Look, if it was the Flora family, I am supported by the church and the Flora family, If you don't just sell me that spear, I will do something. From now on, the church and the Flora family will buy all your weapons.

The man, who was clearly surprised, did not say anything

I got careless and was going to...

2000 thousand coins!

I see ?

2000 thousand coins!

I turned and saw the man standing with his hands on his chest and taking the price

Man: Plus business with the church and the Hyper family

Me: OK

In the end, after going to the bank, in fact, the bank was not like the land and my former world, it was a bank where all the common people, not only the nobles, but not all the nobles, kept their wealth there.

I was able to collect about 2,200 coins with the paper given by the Hyper family, which was 200 coins for taxes.

Finally, after signing the contract, I was able to hold the spear

It was practically evening because of the coming and going that....

My attention was drawn to a group gathered together

I barely pushed aside the crowd and saw a man cutting some pineapples into pieces, not with a knife but with two fingers!

Everyone clapped for him while he had nothing to do, It was all because of magic

He easily collected the magic In his fingers and that's why It was like...

A new idea came to my mind!

Spear in hand and I quickly returned to the dormitory to implement the idea....

The end of part 31