art 32: Implementing a new idea

art 32: Implementing a new idea

Well, now I was sitting In the dormitory and I was reading the magic control book.

Why am I reading now?

In fact, my idea was to use that man in the market to concentrate the flow of magic In my fingers like a man, but It was not that simple, I wanted the flow to remain concentrated in my fingers like a straight line for at least one meter. It is exactly like a sword that has no handle and Is in my fingers instead of the handle.

The more I read, the more I believe that this Idea is difficult to implement, but...

In one of the pages, it was written about concentrating magic and mana In the feet, which was interesting.

It was written that for this you should actually trick your brain, actually make your brain change from self-aware to self-aware.

What does this mean now? It means that for our brain at the beginning of creation and In the continuation of life, a series of rules have been embedded to give energy and orders to all body parts simultaneously and concentratedly.

Now, with what you are doing, you are actually saying that instead of the mana flowing In all the body parts, It will happen in this part of the time, I.e. the foot, and all the energy will be concentrated here.

So that's it

The first step is to trick the brain.

.... In the forest ...

It was morning. I could hear the birds.

Akhish, I heard exactly one good sound, but this was not like the earth, here everyone had mutated, even the nightingale

Well, in order to trick my brain, it must be a place full of peace and silence so that the brain does not get involved.

After a few minutes, I found a place to train and was Impressed that no animal would attack during training.

Well, now we start.

I sat on the floor and started meditating.

Like at the beginning of the training, I imagined an extremely empty space and only there was the brain.

I could see the brain that had a blue energy flowing In it, whichh indicated the flow of mana and magic in the brain.

What should I do now? I should force the brain to focus the flow of energy towards the northern hemisphere, which was for the hands, and all the energy should be here.

Little by little, the flow of energy started to get disturbed and unstable, after that I could feel a lot of pressure in my body.

But I continued and directed the energy again, so that all the energy in all the brain was going to the specified direction that...


There was a sound but I continued again that...


And this time, the brain noticed the deception and quickly returned to the first state

What the hell was that?

I opened my eyes and went to the place of the sound.

There was a bush that was shaking violently

I opened my eyes and went to the place of the sound.

There was a bush that was shaking violently

I was waiting for something to come out quickly like In the movies, but nothing came.

I carefully and very slowly went to the bush and pushed the bush aside...


I saw two sea hares that were doing mating and breeding operations, and they ran away quickly when they saw me.

Unlucky, because of a mating, all our plans went to hell.

Damn damn


I sat down again and started training again.

One more time ...

Once again I Imagined the empty space and the brain In the middle of it again started to deceive my brain that...

I was succeeding and I succeeded that...

I opened my eyes and went to a tree to try.

I hardly moved as much as possible because since I concentrated all my energy In my fingers, the energy In other parts of the body was extremely low, which made me unable to move well.

I took two middle and index fingers together and hit the tree that...

Oh oh damn

There was only a little hole In the tree, but it didn't seem to have any effect at all



There is the sound of the bushes shaking again

I turned my attention to the source of the sound

Suddenly, a wolf jumped towards me and landed on me

God willing

He started hitting and grabbing which caused my shirt to tear and the marks of his claws caused a wound on my chest.


I barely moved my hands and after grabbing his paws, I hit the wolf's chest, whichh caused him to be thrown to that side.

I quickly moved from the cup and in fact it was not a wolf

The mouse was a wolf, a mouse that was exactly the height of a wolf, great strength, high jump, high speed, and the ability to stand still on two of Its legs.

With his red eyes, he saw me as a prey that he was going to catch soon

I tried to make a swamp of death, but it didn't work. In fact, I didn't have any mana left to make magic

Damn, now all my strength must be in my fingers

Another time, the wolf mouse jumped to attack me, and I barely moved to avoid It, but It hit me In the side and made me hit a tree.

He attacked again and this time I managed to dodge the tree In two halves instead of me

Damn, should I lose my life here, this creature will end my second life?

No, he shouldn't have attacked again, and this time I sacrificed my hands, which caused it. His grip on my arm

Oh, oh, damn you, you damn creature

He attacked again, he attacked again and again, whichh I barely dodged or caused wounds on my body

This time, not again, I put my fingers together and when he attacked, I blocked him with one of my hands and knocked his body to the ground.

Damn you

I started hitting him which had no effect on his body

Damn you, I have to, In the end I hit his mouth, whichh caused my hand to open his mouth and go between his teeth.

That ...

My hand stayed in his mouth

Damn him, he closed his mouth and made him completely stuck.

No matter what I did, it didn't go away that this time I felt that I saw the angel of death In front of my eyes and all the hairs on my body stood on end and I felt danger that suddenly

A force was summoned from my hand that caused the head of the mouse to be destroyed and I was thrown from there.....

The end of part 31