1:Making of a world.

"I am so bored !" ,a feminine yet childish voice sounded,it it look like a pink glowing ball made of etherial substance, founded in a void completely filled with darkness.

"Oh,not this again",spoke something or someone in frustration that looked like a ball made of deep red aether.

"Now now, calm down,she is still a child.",said a come and elderly voice in a shothing tone, it looked like a grey ball that was radiating wisdom.

"Fine",said, the red one.

"But you both have to agree with me it is getting boring here after all this place is completely empty ,it is too much frustrating."said the pink orb of light in anyonace.

"Well we can't do anything about it after all,we are at the 2nd lowest level of creation itself."reminded the wise one.

"Yeah, it was you who got us here after you went about doing one of your stupid pranks on the king of divinity."said red one is intense fullly directed at the pink orb.

"Yeah and what about you? ,you battled so much in the upper level of creations that you nearly brought down two lower divine realms to complete ruins."said the pink orb clearly at the red ones remark.

"Yes I did but at least,I knew how to retain them under my grasp without alerting anyone in the upper divine echelons , until your stupidity brought the lord of heavens itself right up to my door steps!!"screamed the red one in a furious tone.

"Hey, it's not my fault he couldn't take such a small prank!!",yelled the pink one in return.

"Ahem,with all due respect, mixing a potion that makes one dance for 3million years without stopping in the drink of the head honcho of heaven himself, isn't a joke " told the wise one in a relatively calm tone.

"Yeah and neither is the act of scheming against the entire heaven itself"said the red one.

"Ah um un,anyway putting that matter aside I really am getting bored in here myself ,so how about we do something pass the time."repiled the grey entity,in a tone of clear embarrassment.

"And what in the 100 hells are we supposed to do ? Majority of our powers have been sealed in the box of Pandora, we can't do anything here , to use what remains of power we will have to go the mortal realms, where everything is useless for us."said the red entity,in a monotonous way.

"Well I have a idea,how about we

"No no no,we will do everything but listen to what you have to say after all you are never up to no good!!" yeld the red one interrupting the pink .

"Ohh, listen before you make a decision you idiot what I am saying is how about we harness mortal souls from the lower realms and put them in other worlds to see what happens it will be a constant source of entertainment and we can tweak it however we want."suggested the pink one in a childish manner.

"As if, a mortall lifespan is as much as 3 to 4hrs compared to ours , an endless supply of souls will be needed, which will probably get noticed by soul management and not to mention we don't have that kind of power that allows us to bypass soul management's restrictions of accessing the soul stream more than 3 or 4 times."countered the red one .

"Actually, that can be solved very easily." Spoke the gray one with confirmation.

"How?" questioned the red one.

"Do you know,why the number of worlds in mortal realm is always increasing?" questioned the wise one.

"No,but what does that have to do with my plan?" questioned the pink one.

"Your plan or our plan." growled the red warrior.

"Wait What?! , since when?"spoke the pink one in annoyance.

"Ahhh enough already!! ,what I am trying to say is that almost all action has a alternate route,that leads to the creation of a new world and since,there are so,many worlds that means there are almost infinite alternate worlds."said the wise one.

"So,What? How will that help us?"question the red one with a little arrogance.

"You know for someone ,who matched Athena in terms of strategic warfare.You are pretty dumb."said the pink one in a mockery.

"What did you say?!!"roared the red one in anger.

"I said, you are dumb.Could it be that you are deaf as well?"said the childish pink entity.

"Why you little!!!!"roared the red warrior God in fury.

"Calm down will you,what I am saying is that if there are infinite alternate worlds being created simultaneously ,there must be some worlds that get left out of soul management's grasp,we will simply use those."explained the sage entity.

"Then, let's get to work. Since,you are the samrtest of us,you find us a base world,that we will extract souls from and send to other worlds ."said the pink one to the grey entity.

"Very well, Let's get going." Said the red one.

"See you soon."said the pink one in a cheerful tone.

"Very well,have nice trip, farewell."said the grey sage.

As,the three entities disappeared from the void,it was clear that something will change.

300million years later:-

A pink ball of light came in a void of darkness. This was no one other than the pink entity. It had a big yellow ball and a small white ball revolving around it.

Soon after came the Red entity radiating emnse wrath,it Hed a green plate revolving around it.

Than came the grey entity, with a blue ball revolving around it.

"So,we all came at the same time."said the red one.

"That's beside the point,why are you angry?"asked the grey one.

"I had a feeling someone was following,so I was putting up a act."answered the red one.

"Ohh stop it , tell me what you all found ?"asked the pink one with impatience.

"Well,as the base world , I found this blue planet in a isolated reality and brought it here."answered the grey one.

"What so special about it?"questioned the red one .

"The life-forms in this world have souls that can be allted in any way shape or form so it will be useful in creating lots of fun main characters."said the grey one.

"All right,well that's a nice base and good fit for the world that I brought."said the red one.

"What did you bring?"asked the pink one curiously.

"It is a mystical reality,that has many types of worlds in it."said the red one,prouddly.

"Well, I brought a sun and moon to keep the worlds in harmony."said the pink one.

"All right,let then ,let us begin."declared the grey one.

"Very well"said red.

"Let's go"yelled the pink orb in excitement.

And,so the creation of the new entertainment soley for the three entities of the void began,the heavens may not be affected but some mortal life's will definitely change.