2:The choosen one.


"Life sure isn't easy"

These words were spoken by a big muscular man who was walking in the street.Despite, looking like a vetran wrestler he was,only 21 years old.

Around,the age of 13 this man,whose name is not that important,so I am not going to mention it.So,let's just refer to him as Mc/protagonist in this prouluge.

Decided to become the strongest Matial art master in the morden day and threw all he had in it.

Through,dedication and stubborness he trained for 8 years,while trying to convince his parents as they weren't willing to support something with less opportunity for life, though before he could something else happened.

And he had to mange everything in his life by himself. So,in his later life as a late teenager While managing both his college and his training,he had also won a few championships in both regional level and state level tournament's and had a decent grsap on the way of martial arts with his most prominent fighting style being boxing and fa-jin, supplemented by breathing and wrestling techniques.

Currently, he was in his second year of college and had started working more part-time jobs in order to scrap money for a karete club member ship.

"*Sigh* Man,if only I had more money it would have been easier to focus on my martial art training."while, muttering to himself about his money problem,our protagonist reaches a shabby apartment and goes to his flat.

"I am home…. uff,why the hell,I am saying that? This isn't Japan ,I should probably cut down on those rom-com animes ,they are messing up my language ,but I have to admit some martial arts shown in the more action packed anime and manga are really great."said the MC to himself while going inside his bedroom.

After changing our protagonist goes to the kitchen to have his Lunch.

"Though, I have to say,I will appreciate having some power of friendship in real life. Consedering,most people will rather off themselves instead of talking to someone because they had a huge problem in life."wondered the MC while taking his bowl of salad to the couch,until his eyes fell on the photo of his parents.

"*Sigh* Seriously, Our life may not have been perfect but it was decent,than why did they take a step like that?"wondered the MC as memories of his early life with his parents started to surface in his mind.

As,he stood in the living room contemplating not,knowing that someone or rather something's were watching him and they are going to change his fate.


In the void as black as the embrace of death,three entities were coming to a conclusion on their discussion.

"So,it's decided we will send the first chosen soul to the world of martial arts."declared a ball of etherial red substance in a happy voice.

"I can't believe you managed to convince us to this."said the pink orb like entity in annoyance.

"Well, argument is also a war and in that department he accels us by a large margin."said the grey entity in a assuring tone.

"But, before we start how about we give ourselves some new names,since we can't use our original ones."said the pink entity in a cheerful tone.

"Sounds good to me."said the red one.

"Very well."affairmed the grey one.

"All right then from now on I will be known as ,'Iris' declared the pink entity,as a light of playful pink flowery energy surrounded her.

"From today, I shall be named as

'Valor'."declared the red entity,as a energy of crimson red fury engulfed him.

"As, of today I shall be called as 'Macarius'."declared the grey entity,as a white light of great wisedom fell upon him.

As,the declaration of names were made witnessed by the void the three entities gained form and were reborn as the rulers of the ones lifeless void as it now served the three new god's as it's master's.

As the turmoil of energy ended three humanoid shaped beings wre revealed.

"Wow,that ended pretty quickly."said a pinkhaired girl with a giggle in her voice,dressed in a white frok,this was Iris.

"Yeah we can see that."said a dark skinned man with fiery red hair in a stern voice,this was Valor.

"Now,relax little bit my friend after all we have just gained new forms."said a blond man with blue eyes,this was Macarius.

"Well,Valor since you picked the theme of the world how about you choose the soul too."said Iris

"No,I think we should let Macarius choose since he found the world.I am sure he knows the more about it then us."replied Valor.

"Very well."said Macarius, accepting the task.


In the room of a random shabby apartment,a young man practicing boxing against a punching bag,near his apartment balcony.

As he got done for the day he stopped and took out the timer from his pocket.

"Hmm,eventhough there is improvement it is too little,but I shouldn't be greedy considering the path of martial arts is one of effort and patience."said our protagonist as looked out of his balcony only to see a drone coming towards him at high speed.

"Wait,what?"as MC watched the drone coming closer to him he came out of his daze and tried to dogde only to trip due to

his slow reaction and fell down.

As the MC landed on the ground headfirst he started bleeding ,while shouts emerged in the background.


Nani,the f#ck!!

Someone fell !!

Call the ambulance!!

Quick, someone bring first aid!!

Alas,as all of it was in vain as the man had already died the moment he hit the ground and in those moments he only felt one thing REGRET.

"Ahh,where am I?"said a soul floating in void.
