3: Arrival and knowing the world.


"Ahhhh,What? Obi wan."said a disembodied soul in the middle of void.

"No,but anyway*snaps finger's*."

"Now, I take it that you are aware of everything you are supposed to know?"asked Macarius.

"So,this is the soul we are going to send there,huh. "said Iris in a unsure voice.

"If you have anything to say, just say it. It will save all of us a lot of time."said Valor.

"Well, I don't know if I am wrong or not but he seems kind of off ,doesn't he?"questioned Iris.

"How so?"questioned Macarius.

"A major part of h ppis life only consists of training and fighting, nothing else."replied Iris.

"Flights my ass,they don't even have proper technique."scoffed Valor.

"Valor my dumbo friend that's because your standards are really high, even for a warrior God."stated Iris in a jockeying manner.

"Why you little!"said Valor in annoyance.

"Well,that statment does hold weight, considering at the height of his power he had conquered two lower divine realms."reminded Macarius.

"Well whatever,so mortal as you are aware we want you to go to a different world and restart your life,so we can see it for entertainment."declared Valor.

"Umm,do I…"

Before the soul could speak Macarius interrupted him.

"No,you don't have the right to refuse."told Macarius.

"Yeah and besides what reason do you have to refuse, you are literally getting a new life?"asked Iris with a hint of surprise in her voice.

"No, actually I was going to ask if I am getting any blessings or not." the soul spoke his true intentions without any falsehood as he knew there will be consequences if he even tried.

"Hahaha! Now, I am excited someone who dares to speak their mind in front of a god without any hesitation, I have to say like you."said Valor.

"To answer your question yes you will afterall we do need you to survive the beginning stage of your new life."answered Iris.

"Here"said Macarius as he put his hand out revealing a cubical box in the palm of his hand .

"This box contains some cultivation techniques for you."said Iris.

As the box floated and assimilated right inside the soul,as a huge mass of white etherial substance started surrounding the soul .

"Once,you are there your body will return to your 10 year old self, from then on it will be upto you to survive,so make sure to do your best."advises Macarius.

"Make sure to get a girlfriend and don't live a colourless life."said Iris cheerfully.

"All ways remember a true warrior should always strive to improve and reach even greater heights."said Valor.

"I will and I thank you for your blessings and the new chance that you offered."said the soul before the red light completely engulfed him and he disappeared.


In a little forest,near a Lake there was a blinding flash of light.

"Uhhh, my head."said a little boy lying on the forest floor dressed in a red skirt like attire, as he stood up while caressing his head.

"This place, looks like I am in a mountain area."said the boy as he looked at the massive valley surrounded by trees.

Suddenly,a big red bird went over his head.

"What the .,."the boy yeld out as he looked in surprise and then his face revealed a look of horror as he ran for cover in a near by bush,as the giant bird went over his head.

"Ha* phew*thought I was going to die by something flying ramming in me again,what was that anyway?"the boy asked himself as he peeked from the bush,Only to see a huge bird like creature clad in crimson flames as it swore through the sky.

"A f#cking a phenoix."the boy yeld in astonishment as he saw the bird going away.

After, waiting for half-hour,he came out of his hiding spot.

"Ahhh, finally it seems like there was nothing chasing after him,not that anything can eat it,but who knows maybe there is something like a crabdozer in this world."said the boy while making an assessment.

"Anyway let's find a safe place to open the treasure box,that they gave me."said the boy as he started walking towards the direction wre there was more vegetation.

(For,those who are wondering,MC will get a name when the preparation arc is over.)

half-hour later.

"Hmmm, I was right on the spot."said the boy as he stood before a river.

"There is also a cave nearby, perfect for staying the night if it not filled with beasts."said the boy as he started to haistly but quietly walk towards the cave.

As,the boy reached the cave he found that it was completely empty, with no scines of a creature being there prior to his arrival.

"Few,thats perfect now let's open the box."said the child as he sat down in a meditation position and started focusing.

Soon, enough a blinding flash of light appeared as a cubical box appeared in front of him.

"All right let's open it." as he touched the box a blue pannel appread in front of him and a computarized voice sounded.

"Greatings transmigrator, I am the convince explain system,tha is here to explain to you about the fundamental structure of this world.Is there anything particular would like to know or should I start it the general way?."said the computerized voice.

"The general way,please."asked the kid politely.

"Okay,first let's start with the basic geography of this world

This world is one massive supercontinent with enormous sea's that are as big as oceans of Earth.

While mostly covered in huge swaths of continent sized forests it also contains other geographical features.

Do you have any questions so far?"asked the computerized voice,after the explanation.

"What about the place I am currently in?"asked the kid.

"You are currently in a mountain inside an unexplored forest area."answered the computerized voice.

"What is the distance of closest human settlement?"asked the kid.

"120km,westward there is a small village."answered the computerized voice.

"Okay, please continue further ."said the child after writing the information on the ground with a small rock.

"Next,is the explanation about life-forms in this world,

The world has many kinds of creature's that are considered mythical and fantasy in your world, example being creature's like managal,tikbalang,etc.

The humans in this world reside in three places,

First small village like hutments on the border,s of unexplored area's,these number in thousands as most of the area in this world is unexplored,due to powerful monsters,these places are used to scout for treasure and mines in their respective zones which attracts trade bringing prosperity to these settlement,that are than settled by new organisation or subsidiaries of existing factions.However, these places are often regularly destroyed in monster waves due to lack of protection.

Second ,mid-sized city structure that are near the sects and martial powers in a particular region,these cities are the bridges b/w military and economic centres of the central planes and the small settlements . They are mostly ruled by mid-sized powers or subsidiaries of central planes power's.

Third,large fortified cities that in the central area of this world,these are situated in areas that are very rich in resources and huge forests are conserved in these parts of the world with a maintenaned population of beasts and herbs to use as material's,making these cities the headquarters of world power's.

Do you have any questions,so far?"asked the computerized voice.

"No."answered the boy.

"Okay,than let's move onto what you would refer to as the power system,

This world basically has a natural energy as the basis of all its creation,as such this energy can be tuned by a living being to control and use as they see fit.

While non-living creatures although don't have the ability to manipulate this energy,have a inate trait of accumulating energy giving these things either some amount of sentience or evolving them to a next stage,over a course of time.

Any questions?"asked the computerized voice.

"No."answered the child after processing the information given to him.

"Then, let's talk about your training."declared the computerized voice.