4: Training part-1

"Now let's talk about your training."told the computerized voice.

"Finally."said the boy in excitement afterall as someone who has trained for 8 years in field of martial arts, he was interested. As martial arts of fantasy worlds was something he was interested in due to his interest in anime.

"Your training will involve strengthning your body for the first two years,then you will be able to use the techniques provided without any burden, while the next six years will be spent learning provided techniques and about the types of combat styles,weapons and professions that exist in this world and common knowledge things."explained the computerized voice.

"So,when will this tranning will begin?"asked the kid thinking there should be a proper routine for this.

"Tommorow,you will be provided with the specific way of training inside the box along with necessary books about the other mentioned subjects,for now eat and sleep as the night is here. The food in the box will only last for three months ,also there is a match box inside with some cotton,so don't worry about not having a fire for sometime,you can use sticks from nearby trees to use as fuel."said the computerized voice.

"What are you taking about the sun hasn't set y…ahhhh."the boy had to eat his words mid sentence as he saw that it was already night outside.

"But, anyway at least there is something to keep me compa….."the child had to stop himself mid sentence again as the pannel was gone along with the computerized voice.

"Hun ,all alone again, I guess."said the child in a disappointed voice.As the boy went towards the box to take some food out.

"Ha,there is only rice balls in here." Said the child in a dejected voice.

"Well, I guess I will have to manage it's not like, I can go anywhere."the boy told himself as he finished his lunch and went to sleep.

Next day:-

"Ahhh,god damm it It's so hard to sleep on rocks."groaned the ten year old boy as he stretched his back which has been strained due to sleeping on the rocky surface of cave that he had found on his first day after escaping from becoming birdfood.


As,the boy came out of the cave,he was greeted by a familiar blue pannel with a computerized voice came in front of him.

"Yaeks!! Give a god damn warning will you!.?"said the boy as he got shocked by the sudden appearance of the screen.

"Here is your training routine for the next year."said the computerized voice as it displayed some data on its screen.

[Training routine]

200 Crunches.

200 situps

200 pushups

15min plank

"A 15min plank? are you sure you aren't trying to kill me?"asked the child in sarcasm.

"Since, you are in a forest you can't exactly go jogging due to obvious reasons. So,it is there to improve endurance and stamina."answered the computerized voice.

"Well, I can't exactly do anything about this situation. So let's just get going."sighed the boy in defeat as he walked out of the cave.

Only to see large ass crane hunting fish in the river. So, like a normal sane human, he decided to go and exercise inside the cave.

After coming in he started with doing pushups.

1hrs later

"Uhhh, someone or something,just kill me again this is a nightmare."said a exhausted child lying on the cave floor.

"Who, would have thought that a ten year old body is this weak."said the boy in fatigue as he assessed his current situation.

"Well,training is never easy. So, let's just go with it."said the boy.

So,time passed and slowly but surely the small child got used to it, even learning to hunt fish by meditation techniques,that he developed from his breathing techniques over the course of two weeks,to increase his independence.

And so, time went on as weeks turned into months the boy continued his training and soon a year had passed.

The boy was now 11 years old with a bit of increased height and musculature.

and after one year and two weeks s the computerized voice appeared again.

"Congratulations,you have completed your one year traning regime flawlessly.Now,is the time to move to next stage."said the computerized voice.

"Finally, I thought you would never come." said the child in excitement as he was eating a roasted fish.

"So,what is it that I will have to do for the next year?"asked the boy after having his fill.

"This year's tranning will be divided into two parts,each lasting for six months each.."answered the computerized voice.

"For the first six months, the new tranning routine will be



30 min plank

after this routine has been followed for six months,the next set will be provided."said the computerized voice.

"All right, let's get started from tomorrow morning then."said the boy.

Next day

As the boy woke up and started to plan his upcoming months.

He took a pushup position and started his new routine exercise.

3hrs later

"Gosh damnit,it is as hard as ever."asid the boy after completing his work out.

After thirty minutes of rest,the boy got up while picking up a pointy stick,that he made to use as a mismash spear for fish hunting.

"All right let's hunt some fish."said the boy as he went towards the direction of river and stood at its banks.

"All, right let's begin."said the boy taking a deep breath in and moved into the river, enough to have his lower body submerged and positioned his spear while closing his eyes and focusing his senses.

3 min later




As the 11 year old hunter attacked and as the aftermath,seven fishes (four small and three big) were impaled on his spear thrashing on it and struggling to escape but the child held onto it tightly and took the fishes back to the cave.