9: Travel and Trouble.

As Rai Kan and Hi Ho traveled in the carriage, the rhythmic clatter of hooves against the dirt road filled the air. Rai Kan broke the silence with a simple question, "What is your name?"

The man, Hi Ho, glanced at Rai Kan before replying, "I am Hi Ho, a humble merchant of these lands. And you, traveler, what brings you to these parts?"

Rai Kan hesitated for a moment before crafting a fabricated tale. "I am Rai Kan," he began, his voice steady. "I was sent away by my now-deceased master to train in the forest. I am now independent, seeking my own path."

Hi Ho nodded, accepting Rai Kan's story without question. "A noble quest, indeed," he remarked, his tone respectful. "And where might your journey lead you next?"

Rai Kan considered his response carefully before asking, "Where are we headed?"

Hi Ho smiled, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. "We are bound for another Outer City, known as the Bed of Flowers. It's named for the rare herbs that grow in the forest surrounding it. Many alchemists and herbalists journey there in search of ingredients."

He continued, his voice tinged with anticipation. "It's a relatively safe area, protected by the presence of these skilled individuals. And with the expansion of human territory on the horizon, it's one of the prime candidates to be converted into a middle city."

Rai Kan nodded, filing away the information for future reference. The Bed of Flowers sounded like a promising destination, ripe with opportunities for both adventure and discovery. As the carriage continued on its journey, Rai Kan's mind buzzed with thoughts of the adventures that lay ahead in this new city of opportunity.

As the night fell, Rai Kan set up a fire while Hi Ho busied himself preparing the bear meat for their meal. Rai Kan stood guard, his senses sharp and alert to any potential danger lurking in the darkness.

Hi Ho glanced over at Rai Kan with surprise as he skewered the meat over the flames. "You don't know how to cook?" he asked incredulously. "How have you survived all these years in the forest?"

Rai Kan shrugged nonchalantly, his gaze fixed on the surrounding forest. "I didn't need to cook," he replied simply. "I would usually just burn whatever I hunted in a fire pit and eat it all in one go."

Hi Ho's eyebrows shot up in astonishment. "Eating raw meat?" he exclaimed. "That's... quite unusual."

Rai Kan merely nodded in response, his expression unreadable as he watched over their campsite. As the aroma of cooking meat wafted through the air, a flicker of realization crossed his mind.

"This meal," he murmured to himself, "will be satisfying in a different way."

As they sat by the fire, Rai Kan observed Hi Ho's physique and couldn't help but ask, "Do you practice martial arts? Your physique suggests so."

Hi Ho chuckled softly, a hint of modesty in his reply. "Yes, I do practice," he admitted. "But only enough to fend off small-time bandits. Nothing compared to someone like you, I'm sure."

Rai Kan nodded, acknowledging Hi Ho's response with a faint smile. "Any knowledge of self-defense is valuable," he remarked. "You never know when it might come in handy."

As the fire dwindled and Hi Ho prepared to retire for the night, he glanced over at Rai Kan, who remained seated, his posture relaxed but alert. "Don't you sleep?" Hi Ho asked, curiosity coloring his tone.

Rai Kan shook his head, his eyes gazing into the flames. "Meditation is enough for me," he replied quietly. "It helps me stay focused and maintain control."

Hi Ho furrowed his brow, concern evident in his expression. "But isn't sleep important for your health?"

Rai Kan met Hi Ho's gaze with a reassuring nod. "I have trained my body to endure," he explained. "Sleep is a luxury I can afford to forego."

After a moment of contemplative silence, Hi Ho relented, realizing that Rai Kan's ways were beyond his understanding. With a shrug, he settled down to rest, leaving Rai Kan to his meditation as the night enveloped them in its comforting embrace.

As the first light of dawn broke through the trees, Rai Kan opened his eyes from meditation, feeling refreshed and alert. He rose from his seated position and gently woke Hi Ho, who stirred from his slumber with a yawn.

"Time to move," Rai Kan announced, his voice calm but firm. "We have a journey ahead of us."

Hi Ho nodded groggily, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he rose to his feet. Together, they set about preparing the carriage for departure, securing their belongings and ensuring everything was in order for the journey ahead.

With practiced efficiency, they loaded the supplies into the carriage, Rai Kan's imposing figure casting a shadow over the task at hand. Hi Ho estimated their travel time with a glance at the sky, his voice filled with quiet confidence.

"We should arrive by tomorrow morning," he stated, his tone tinged with anticipation. "The Bed of Flowers awaits."

Rai Kan nodded in agreement, his expression unreadable as he surveyed their surroundings one last time. With everything in order, they climbed into the carriage and set off towards their destination, the rhythmic clatter of hooves against the dirt road echoing through the forest as they journeyed into the unknown.

As the carriage rumbled along the forest path, Rai Kan's sharp senses caught a glimpse of movement in the distance. His eyes narrowed as he watched a massive, muscular beast emerge from the shadows of the trees. Its fur bore striking orange and black stripes, and its powerful form exuded a primal aura.

Rai Kan tensed, his instincts urging him to remain vigilant as the beast surveyed its surroundings with a calculating gaze. The air seemed to crackle with tension as the creature lingered for a moment, its intentions unclear.

Then, with a decisive snort, the beast turned away from the forest and began to move in the opposite direction, its destination unknown. Rai Kan watched its departure with a mixture of curiosity and wariness, his senses on high alert.

"What was that?" Hi Ho asked, his voice filled with apprehension as he peered out of the carriage window.

Rai Kan's gaze remained fixed on the fading figure of the beast. "A creature of the forest," he replied cryptically. "One we would do well to avoid."

As the beast disappeared from sight, Rai Kan's mind raced with thoughts of the unknown dangers that lurked within the depths of the forest. With each passing moment, the journey to the Bed of Flowers seemed fraught with uncertainty, and Rai Kan knew that they would need to remain vigilant if they hoped to reach their destination safely.


contents of Rai kan box:-

1 Horns(6) and some meat (from the bronze horned bull's.)

2 some temporary Dismantling tools(collected from the destroyed village.)

3 Scale(Just a huge slip that is 2ft in length and 1ft in width)(from the monster encountered in the forest )

4 Bear fur and some bones(From the twin headed bear.)

5 The book given to him by the gods.