10: Sale in the bed of flowers.

As Rai Kan and Hi Ho entered the bustling city gates, they were greeted by the vigilant city guards who quickly ushered them towards a checkpoint for inspection. Rai Kan watched with a calm demeanor as the guards meticulously examined their belongings, his sharp eyes taking in every detail of their surroundings.

"Identity slates, please," one of the guards requested, eyeing Rai Kan with suspicion.

Rai Kan reached into his belongings, only to realize that he did not possess the required identification. Hi Ho stepped forward, offering to pay for Rai Kan's slate to be made.

"It's the least I can do," Hi Ho insisted, his voice laced with determination.

Rai Kan nodded gratefully, handing over a portion of the bear's fur as payment. Hi Ho accepted the offering with a nod of thanks before proceeding to pay for the slate.

Once the transaction was completed, the guards' suspicions seemed to deepen as they scrutinized Rai Kan's towering figure and intimidating appearance. Hi Ho's jaw dropped in disbelief as Rai Kan calmly revealed his age.

"Seventeen?" Hi Ho echoed, his eyes widening in astonishment. "But... how?"

The guards exchanged skeptical glances before one of them produced a crystal, a device capable of revealing a person's true age. With a sense of urgency, they activated the crystal and held it up to Rai Kan.

The crystal emitted a faint glow as it scanned Rai Kan's body, its magic unraveling the mysteries hidden within. After a tense moment, the crystal's light faded, and the truth was revealed.

"It's true," one of the guards muttered in disbelief, his voice tinged with awe.

Rai Kan remained impassive, his expression unchanged as he met the guards' gaze with quiet confidence. With the truth confirmed, the guards reluctantly allowed them entry into the city, albeit still wary of Rai Kan's enigmatic presence.

As they ventured into the heart of the city, Rai Kan and Hi Ho agreed to part ways temporarily to explore the bustling streets and sell off their wares. They arranged to meet later in the evening at a nearby inn, eager to share their experiences and plan their next steps in this unfamiliar city of opportunity.

Some time later:-

Rai Kan entered the leather shop, "Skin and Leather," with a sense of purpose, the bear fur draped over his arm. As he approached the counter, the shopkeeper glanced up, his eyes lighting up at the sight of the luxurious fur.

"Ah, what have we here?" the shopkeeper exclaimed, his gaze lingering on the fur. "A fine piece indeed. I would be willing to offer you 2000 ning for it."

Rai Kan considered the offer for a moment before shaking his head. "I believe it's worth more than that," he replied calmly, his voice steady.

The shopkeeper frowned, but after a brief negotiation, they settled on a price of 3000 ning. Rai Kan nodded in satisfaction as he handed over the fur, the transaction complete.

"Now," Rai Kan began, reaching into his box to retrieve the iridescent scales he had harvested from the barbaric lizard. "What about these?"

The shopkeeper examined the scales with interest before shaking his head regretfully. "I'm afraid I don't have enough funds to offer you a fair price for those," he admitted. "But you might have better luck at the auction house."

Rai Kan nodded in understanding, tucking the scales back into his box. "Thank you for your honesty," he said respectfully, his gaze meeting the shopkeeper's. "I will seek out the auction house."

With a nod of farewell, Rai Kan left the leather shop, his mind already turning to the possibilities that awaited him at the auction house.

As Rai Kan made his way towards the auction house, he unexpectedly crossed paths with Hi Ho, who emerged from an ornamental store with a satisfied smile.

"Hey there, Rai Kan," Hi Ho greeted him cheerfully. "Just stopped by the bone ornament store. They've got some truly exquisite pieces."

Rai Kan nodded in acknowledgment, intrigued by the concept. "Bone ornaments, you say?" he mused. "Interesting."

Curiosity piqued, Rai Kan decided to enter the store himself, carrying the bear bones he had collected from the recent hunt. After some negotiation, he emerged with 250 ning in hand, satisfied with the transaction.

As they resumed their conversation, Hi Ho couldn't help but inquire about the fate of the bear fur Rai Kan had been carrying.

"I sold it for 3000 ning," Rai Kan replied casually, prompting a look of astonishment from Hi Ho. "Now, I'm heading to the auction house to sell the scales of the barbaric lizard."

Hi Ho's eyes widened in disbelief. "The scales of a barbaric lizard?" he exclaimed. "That's an incredibly rare material! You'll fetch a hefty sum for those."

His curiosity piqued, Hi Ho couldn't resist asking, "Do you have any other rare items to sell?"

Rai Kan's response left Hi Ho speechless. "I have horns of the Bronze Bulls," he revealed, casually mentioning six of them in his possession.

Hi Ho's jaw dropped in astonishment. "Six horns of the Bronze Bulls?" he repeated, his voice filled with awe. "That's... incredible."

Realizing the importance of their upcoming visit to the auction house, Hi Ho quickly extended an invitation. "Come with me," he offered. "I'll give you a carriage ride. They don't accept anyone who arrives on foot."

Grateful for the offer, Rai Kan accepted, following Hi Ho to the awaiting carriage as they made their way to the auction house, eager to see what fortunes awaited them within its walls.

As Rai Kan and Hi Ho entered the bustling auction house, their eyes were immediately drawn to a commotion near the entrance. A man was being forcibly ejected from the building, his protests falling on deaf ears as the guards swiftly dealt with him.

Curious, Hi Ho approached the guards and inquired about the situation. "What happened to that man?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern.

The guard grimaced, his expression hardened. "He tried to scam the auction house," he explained tersely. "We don't take kindly to swindlers around here."

With a nod of understanding, Hi Ho followed Rai Kan into the building, their path guided by the receptionist, So Yi. Despite her polite smile, Hi Ho couldn't help but sense the underlying disdain in her demeanor. Rai Kan, however, remained oblivious to the subtle mockery, his attention focused solely on the task at hand.

As they were directed towards the inspection area, the inspector meticulously examined the scales of the barbaric lizard and the six horns of the Bronze Horned Bulls. After confirming their authenticity, he informed them that the auction would be held the following day.

"We'll need permits for you to attend the auction tomorrow evening," the inspector explained, gesturing for So Yi to handle the necessary paperwork.

With the permits secured, Rai Kan and Hi Ho made their way back to the inn, their minds buzzing with anticipation for the auction to come.


contents of Rai kan box:-

1 some temporary Dismantling tools(collected from the destroyed village.)

2 The book given to him by the gods.