11: Money and Masscare.

As the day arrived, Rai Kan and Hi Ho emerged from the inn, ready to explore the city separately before the evening auction. They agreed to meet near the auction house as the day drew to a close.

The city's streets buzzed with activity, and Rai Kan found himself intrigued by the various shops and stalls. His heightened senses picked up the myriad scents of the marketplace, the chatter of merchants, and the clinking of coins. Although he wasn't one for small talk, he observed the interactions around him, absorbing the nuances of human behavior.

Hi Ho, meanwhile, navigated the city with practiced ease, visiting various shops and gathering information. As the sun began to set, he made his way towards the auction house, eager to meet Rai Kan and share his findings.

Rai Kan arrived at their meeting spot just as the first stars began to appear in the evening sky. Hi Ho greeted him with a nod, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes.

"How was your day?" Hi Ho asked, genuinely curious.

"Informative," Rai Kan replied simply, his calm demeanor unchanged.

They walked towards the entrance of the auction house, permits in hand. As they approached, a guard inspected their documents and nodded approvingly. "Welcome. You may enter," he said, stepping aside to let them through.

Inside, the atmosphere was a blend of opulence and anticipation. Rai Kan and Hi Ho exchanged a few words as they navigated the bustling interior.

"This place is quite grand," Hi Ho remarked, his eyes scanning the lavish decor. "Have you ever been to an auction before, Rai Kan?"

"No," Rai Kan replied, his voice steady. "This is my first time."

Hi Ho chuckled softly. "Well, it's quite the experience. Stay close, and I'll help you navigate."

They found their seats, the murmurs of the other attendees filling the air. Rai Kan observed everything with a hunter's keen eye, noting the wealth and status of those around them.

"I spoke to a few merchants today," Hi Ho said, leaning in slightly. "They say this auction house often deals with rare and valuable items. Your scales and horns should fetch a high price."

Rai Kan nodded, appreciating Hi Ho's insights. "Let's hope so," he replied.

As the auctioneer took the stage and the room fell silent, Rai Kan and Hi Ho settled in, ready for the auction to begin.

The atmosphere in the auction house was electric as the male anchor took the stage, introducing himself as Wu. He was a charismatic figure, his presence commanding the attention of everyone in the room.

"Welcome, esteemed guests. I am Wu, your anchor for this evening's auction. Let us begin," he announced, his voice resonating through the hall.

One by one, he introduced several items: rare herbs, quality leather, and books about medicine. The bids started at 15,000 ning, and the competition was fierce. The room buzzed with excitement and the occasional groan of disappointment as bidders vied for their desired items.

"Next up," Wu called, "we have one of the three main items of the night: the scales of the barbaric lizard!"

The room fell silent, then erupted into a flurry of bids. The price climbed rapidly, and eventually, the scales were sold for an impressive 30,000 ning.

Rai Kan and Hi Ho exchanged glances, a sense of satisfaction passing between them.

After a few more items were auctioned off, Wu announced the sale of the bronze bull horns. "Ladies and gentlemen, our second main item: six bronze bull horns!"

The bidding was intense, but when the gavel finally fell, the horns had sold for 27,000 ning.

Rai Kan felt a quiet pride at the successful sales, but he remained focused as the auction continued. The next item piqued his interest: red ginseng. He raised his hand, entering the bidding war. The bids flew fast and furious, but Rai Kan remained resolute, finally securing the red ginseng for 16,000 ning.

Hi Ho looked at Rai Kan with curiosity as they settled back in their seats. "Why did you buy that?" he whispered.

Rai Kan glanced around, noticing the curious eyes of other attendees. "I'll tell you later," he replied softly. "Too many eyes on us right now."

As the auction neared its conclusion, Wu announced the final item. "And now, the last item for tonight: the green blood of the poison-fanged snake!"

The crowd buzzed with anticipation. The bidding started high and quickly escalated, finally settling at a staggering 50,000 ning.

With the auction concluded, Rai Kan and Hi Ho stood to leave, permits in hand. The transactions had been successful, and Rai Kan felt the weight of the ning he had earned. As they exited the auction house, Hi Ho couldn't contain his curiosity any longer.

"What's the story with the red ginseng, Rai Kan?" Hi Ho asked, his eyes bright with interest.

Rai Kan looked around to ensure they were out of earshot. "The red ginseng is known for its restorative properties," he explained. "I can use it to enhance my meditation and recovery,after battles."(He read this about in the book given to him by the gods.)

Hi Ho nodded, impressed. "Smart move. You really know how to make the most of what you find."

Rai Kan offered a rare smile. "Survival in the forest taught me that everything has value. It's just a matter of understanding how to use it."

The next day:-

As commotion rattled the city in the early morning , Rai Kan awoke with a sense of foreboding. Sensing the tension in the air, he quickly packed his box and descended to the inn's reception area.

Hi Ho was already there, his expression grave as he relayed the situation. "The guards are evacuating everyone out of the city," he explained urgently.

Rai Kan nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. Without hesitation, he handed his box to Hi Ho. "Take this and evacuate," he instructed. "I will meet you at the inn after this."

Hi Ho opened his mouth to protest, but the intensity in Rai Kan's eyes silenced him. With a reluctant nod, he turned and headed towards the evacuation camp, Rai Kan's box in tow.

Alone now, Rai Kan wasted no time. He could sense the impending danger, and his instincts urged him to act. "I'm going to practice a bit," he told himself, though he knew the real reason was to prepare for the impending battle.

As he arrived at the scene of the conflict, Rai Kan's senses were assaulted by the chaos and violence unfolding before him. A herd of gorillas, their primal roars echoing through the streets, were attacking the city guard with ferocity.

Ignoring the warnings of the guards, Rai Kan advanced towards the herd, his demeanor shifting into something primal and savage. His face contorted into a beastly grin, his sharp teeth flashing as his fingernails extended into deadly claws. An aura of bloodlust surrounded him as he unleashed his martial prowess upon the gorillas, tearing through their ranks with brutal efficiency.

The battle raged on, the city streets becoming a battlefield littered with the bodies of the fallen. Rai Kan fought with a primal ferocity, his movements fluid and deadly as he dispatched his enemies with ruthless precision.

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, the remaining gorillas retreated, defeated by Rai Kan's relentless onslaught.

With the threat neutralized, Rai Kan returned to the inn, the streets eerily quiet in the aftermath of the battle. He wasted no time in cleaning himself of the blood and gore, his mind still reeling from the adrenaline of combat. Settling into a meditative stance, he sought to calm the raging storm within him, finding solace in the stillness of his own thoughts.