12: Departure and a new companion.

Hi Ho returned to the inn, relief washing over his face as he spotted Rai Kan alive and well. "Rai Kan! You're alright!" he exclaimed, rushing over. "Are you injured at all?"

Rai Kan shook his head calmly. "I am fine," he replied, his tone as steady as ever.

Hi Ho's relief was palpable. "Thank goodness. The city sustained minimal damage thanks to your involvement, but the guards are looking for you."

Rai Kan's eyes narrowed slightly. "Does anyone know it was me?"

Hi Ho shook his head. "No one saw your face, but your height makes you stand out."

Rai Kan nodded, pondering the situation. "What will you do now?" he asked, curiosity flickering in his eyes.

Hi Ho grinned. "I'd like to travel with you. Interesting things seem to happen around you, and besides, you're really bad at reading people." He teased, trying to lighten the mood.

Rai Kan met his comment with silence, his expression unreadable. The quiet stretched on until Hi Ho brought out a lunchbox full of dumplings. "Let's eat. We can leave tomorrow morning," he said, offering the food to Rai Kan.

The two sat down to eat, the delicious aroma of the dumplings filling the air. They enjoyed their meal in relative silence, the camaraderie between them unspoken but understood.

After they had eaten their fill, Hi Ho retrieved Rai Kan's box from the cart downstairs and brought it up to their room. "Here's your box," he said, placing it carefully by Rai Kan's side.

"Thank you," Rai Kan said simply, appreciating Hi Ho's gesture.

As night fell, the two men prepared to rest. Rai Kan resumed his meditative stance, while Hi Ho settled into bed. Despite the events of the day, a sense of calm had returned, and they both knew that their journey together was only beginning.

As the first light of dawn broke, Rai Kan and Hi Ho rose early and prepared to leave. They made their way through the city gates, their identification checked by the guards. A few of the guards recognized Rai Kan from the previous day's battle.

"Thank you for your help yesterday," one guard said, bowing slightly. "You saved many lives."

Rai Kan gave a brief nod in acknowledgment. "It was necessary."

As they passed through the gates, Hi Ho turned to Rai Kan with a suggestion. "We should head to the area near the forest to look for some herbs."

Rai Kan raised an eyebrow. "We already have enough money," he remarked, questioning the need for more supplies.

Hi Ho shook his head, a smile on his face. "A merchant must never be empty-handed. It's always good to have more variety."

Rai Kan glanced at the cart laden with boxes containing clothes and spices. "We have more than enough goods," he pointed out.

"True," Hi Ho conceded. "But having a wider variety of goods makes our income source more versatile and opens new opportunities for trade. Plus, one can never have enough money."

Rai Kan considered Hi Ho's words for a moment before nodding. "Very well. Let's find those herbs."

The two traveled towards the area near the forest, the landscape gradually transitioning from the bustling city to the quieter outskirts. The morning air was crisp, and the sounds of nature grew louder as they approached the forest.

As they began their search, Hi Ho took the lead, his knowledge of herbs guiding them. "Keep an eye out for plants with broad leaves and small flowers," he advised. "Those are usually the most valuable."

Rai Kan nodded, his enhanced senses scanning the surroundings. They moved efficiently, their combined skills making the task easier. Hi Ho's keen eye for detail and Rai Kan's heightened awareness allowed them to gather a good variety of herbs in a short time.

"These will fetch a good price," Hi Ho said, examining a bundle of herbs he'd collected. "And they'll make our inventory more attractive to buyers."

Rai Kan silently agreed, appreciating the practicality of Hi Ho's approach. They continued their search, the morning passing in a blend of focused work and quiet camaraderie.

As they finished gathering herbs, Rai Kan glanced at Hi Ho. "You were right," he admitted. "Having more variety is beneficial."

Hi Ho grinned. "I told you. Besides, it never hurts to be prepared for anything."

With their cart now filled with even more valuable goods, they prepared to head back towards the road leading out of the forest.

As Rai Kan and Hi Ho prepared to leave, a loud roar echoed in the distance, startling them both. Rai Kan's senses heightened instantly.

"I'll go check it out first," Rai Kan said, his voice calm but firm. "It's near the road we're taking. You follow with the carriage."

Hi Ho nodded, quickly gathering their supplies and loading them onto the carriage. "Be careful," he called after Rai Kan as he hurried off.

Rai Kan moved swiftly through the forest, his keen senses guiding him. After a few minutes, he emerged into a clearing to find a massive, muscular bull standing over a mountain of corpses. The wild dogs, each the size of a five-year-old child, lay dead or dying around the beast.

Rai Kan approached cautiously, his eyes locking with the bull's. He could see the intelligence and ferocity in its eyes. After a brief confrontation, Rai Kan managed to calm the bull, sitting down next to it and pulling out his book.

When Hi Ho arrived 14 minutes later, he was greeted by an astonishing sight. Rai Kan was sitting calmly, reading, while the bull stood nearby, the mountain of dead wild dogs a testament to the recent chaos.

"Rai Kan!" Hi Ho exclaimed, his voice filled with shock and a touch of fear. "What happened here?"

Rai Kan looked up from his book, his expression serene. "The dogs made the mistake of attacking the bull. After the bull made this mountain of corpses, I managed to calm it down."

Hi Ho took a cautious step closer, still eyeing the massive beast warily. "You're planning to tame it?"

Rai Kan nodded, a rare smile touching his lips. "I like it. Besides, it seems like it could be a valuable companion."

Hi Ho's eyes lit up with an idea. "That's a good plan. Her milk could make quite a good commodity."

Rai Kan's smile widened slightly. "From what I've read, she's a rare breed of raging horn bulls. They can produce milk even if they're not mothers. Plus, her large stature makes it difficult for her to find a breeding partner, as she's bigger than the males of her species."

Hi Ho nodded, understanding. "So, what are you going to name her?"

Rai Kan looked at the bull, thinking for a moment. "Bi Ji," he said finally.

With their new companion in tow, Rai Kan and Hi Ho departed towards the next city, their journey now accompanied by the impressive and imposing presence of Bi Ji. As they traveled, the bond between the three grew, each step bringing them closer to their next adventure in this unpredictable world.


Bi ji-


contents of Rai kan box:-

1 some temporary Dismantling tools(collected from the destroyed village.)

2 The book given to him by the gods.

3 Red ginsing(that he bought from auction.)