13: Proof of strength.

As they traveled, Rai Kan broke the silence. "What is the name of our destination?"

Hi Ho glanced at him. "We are heading to an area called the Claw of Crow. It consists of three outer cities that have direct routes connecting to the middle city of Iron Wall. The area is famous for its metalwork."

Rai Kan nodded thoughtfully. "Why is the area named the Claw of Crow?"

Hi Ho shrugged. "I don't know for sure, but I've heard it's due to a local legend."

Rai Kan looked ahead, his eyes scanning the horizon. "Since that place is a mining and forging area, we can buy containers for milk storage and probably rare ores."

Hi Ho nodded. "Exactly. We'll need those containers if we want to make the most out of Bi Ji's milk."

Rai Kan's eyes flicked towards Bi Ji, who was walking steadily beside them. "It will take one week to reach the place. Until then, we will have to make sure that Bi Ji eats less, or she will start producing milk."

Hi Ho laughed. "She sure is a valuable addition to our little group. We'll manage. With her, we'll be able to trade for even more valuable goods."

Rai Kan simply nodded, his mind already turning to the tasks ahead.

As night fell, Rai Kan and Hi Ho prepared to settle in. They found a small clearing by the side of the road, perfect for setting up camp.

Rai Kan looked around, ensuring the area was safe. "This spot will do."

Hi Ho nodded, starting to unpack their supplies. "I'll get a fire going. We need to cook some dinner."

Rai Kan watched him for a moment before speaking. "I'll stand guard while you cook."

Hi Ho glanced at him. "Don't you ever get tired of standing guard? You need rest too, you know."

Rai Kan shook his head. "Meditation is enough for me. Besides, I can keep an eye on things better this way."

Hi Ho chuckled as he lit the fire. "You're a strange one, Rai Kan. But I suppose it works for you."

As Hi Ho prepared the food, Rai Kan settled into his meditative stance, his senses on high alert. Bi Ji and the horse, which Hi Ho had affectionately named Trotter, grazed nearby.

Hi Ho spoke up after a while. "You know, it's quite peaceful out here. Almost makes you forget about all the chaos."

Rai Kan opened one eye, looking at him. "Peace is fleeting. Always be prepared for what's next."

Hi Ho nodded, understanding the wisdom in his words. "True enough. But a little peace now and then isn't bad either."

As the food cooked, the aroma filled the air. Hi Ho served up the meal, offering a portion to Rai Kan. "Here, you should eat something too."

Rai Kan accepted the food silently, eating quickly before returning to his watchful position.

After dinner, Hi Ho stretched and yawned. "I'm turning in. Don't stay up all night."

Rai Kan nodded. "I'll wake you if there's any trouble."

Hi Ho smiled as he settled into his bedroll. "Goodnight, Rai Kan."

"Goodnight, Hi Ho," Rai Kan replied, his voice calm and steady.

As Hi Ho drifted off to sleep, Rai Kan remained alert, his mind focused and clear. Bi Ji and Trotter also settled down for the night, the gentle sounds of their breathing a soothing backdrop to the quiet forest.

Rai Kan's thoughts were a mix of strategy and reflection. "This world is full of challenges. But at least, I'm not alone anymore. "

With that resolve, Rai Kan continued his silent vigil, ever watchful as the night deepened around them.

As dawn arrived, Rai Kan and Hi Ho quickly set up camp and mounted the carriage, ready to continue their journey.

Rai Kan glanced at Hi Ho. "Let's get moving. We have a long way to go."

Hi Ho nodded, guiding the carriage onto the road. "Indeed. The Claw of Crow won't come to us."

As they traveled, the morning light filtering through the trees, a group of armed men suddenly appeared in front of them, blocking their path.

"Hand over everything you have," one of the men demanded, brandishing a sword.

Before Rai Kan could respond, Hi Ho stepped forward, a determined look on his face. "I'll handle this."

Rai Kan sensed Hi Ho's confidence and stepped back. "Very well. I'll let you take care of it."

The bandits laughed, mocking Hi Ho's bravery and Rai Kan's apparent cowardice. "Look at this! The little man thinks he can fight us! And the tall one hides behind him!"

Undeterred, Hi Ho faced the bandits. "You've made a mistake attacking us."

One of the bandits sneered and lunged at Hi Ho. With precise movements, Hi Ho used his martial arts skills to redirect the force and flow of the attack, sending the bandit sprawling to the ground.

The other bandits hesitated, surprised by Hi Ho's skill, but quickly recovered and charged. Hi Ho moved gracefully, each attack redirected back at the assailants. In a matter of moments, the bandits were reduced to a bloody pulp, groaning in pain on the ground.

Hi Ho wiped his hands, looking down at the defeated bandits. "Told you it was a mistake."

Rai Kan stepped forward, surveying the scene. "Impressive. You handled them well."

Hi Ho smiled, breathing a little heavily. "I might not be as strong as you, but I know a thing or two."

Rai Kan nodded, respect evident in his eyes. "I'll remember that."

They mounted the carriage again, ready to continue their journey. As they moved on, Rai Kan spoke up. "Why didn't you let me fight them?"

Hi Ho chuckled. "Sometimes, it's good to handle things on your own. Besides, I wanted to show you that I can be useful too."

Rai Kan considered this, then nodded. "Understood. Just don't get yourself killed."

Hi Ho grinned. "Don't worry. I've got more tricks up my sleeve."

As they traveled, the bond between them grew stronger, each understanding the other's strengths and respecting them. They continued towards the Claw of Crow, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.


contents of Rai kan box:-

1 some temporary Dismantling tools(collected from the destroyed village.)

2 The book given to him by the gods.

3 Red ginsing(that he bought from auction.)