17:Han sho is frustrated.

As Rai Kan and Hi Ho traveled closer to the middle city, Hi Ho broke the silence. "Rai Kan, you've been quite expressive since the attacks started."

Rai Kan nodded, his expression slightly strained. "I haven't had time to meditate. My control over my emotions is a bit loose."

Hi Ho glanced at him, curious. "And what's this about the way the mercenaries referred to their leaders? Why does it bother you?"

Rai Kan furrowed his brow. "They were calling them names like Jack, Gibson, and other unusual terms. It seemed... off."

Hi Ho chuckled. "Oh, that. It's a tradition among mercenary groups. When someone becomes the leader, they take on an unorthodox name as their designation. It's a way of marking their identity and leadership."

Rai Kan nodded thoughtfully, absorbing the information. "Interesting."

As they traveled further, the path became narrower and more treacherous. Suddenly, they found themselves confronted by the remaining mercenaries, blocking the narrow impasse.

Garok, the leader of the Iron Fist Mercenaries, stepped forward. "Hand over everything you have, and we might let you live."

Hi Ho stepped up, his stance calm but ready. "We've had enough of your threats. We're not afraid of you."

Rai Kan's eyes gleamed with a predatory light. "Come, let's end this."

The mercenaries sneered and attacked. The battle was fierce and brutal. Rai Kan unleashed his blood frenzy, tearing through the ranks with savage ferocity. Hi Ho moved with precision, redirecting attacks and delivering devastating blows. Bi Ji, the bull, charged into the fray, trampling and goring the attackers.

In the midst of the chaos, Hi Ho shouted, "Rai Kan, watch out for the archer!"

Rai Kan dodged an arrow, slicing through another mercenary. "Got it!"

The battle raged on until the last mercenary fell. Rai Kan and Hi Ho stood victorious, though their carriage horse lay dead amidst the carnage.

Hi Ho sighed, looking at the fallen horse. "Poor creature. It served us well."

Rai Kan nodded solemnly. "We should bury it."

They buried the horse nearby, then tied the cart to Bi Ji. The bull snorted but accepted the new burden.

As they finally reached the city gates, they faced the usual inspection. The guards, once again suspicious of Rai Kan's age, checked his identity slate and the age crystal, confirming his age with shocked expressions.

One guard muttered, "Seventeen... unbelievable."

Hi Ho laughed. "Get used to it. He's full of surprises."

After the inspection, they registered at an inn. The innkeeper greeted them warmly. "Welcome. How long will you be staying?"

Hi Ho replied, "Just a few days. We need to rest and resupply."

The innkeeper nodded. "Very well. Your room is ready."

Rai Kan and Hi Ho settled into their room, finally able to relax after their harrowing journey. Hi Ho stretched, looking out the window at the bustling city. "So, what's our plan for tomorrow?"

Rai Kan leaned back, closing his eyes. "First, we find new supplies. Then, we figure out our next move."

Hi Ho smiled. "Sounds good. Let's get some rest. We'll need it."

As night fell, they finally allowed themselves to unwind, ready for whatever challenges the next day would bring.

15 min before Rai kan and Hi ho arrive at the city:-

In one of the wealthy corners of the city, a black-clothed figure approached Han Sho, who was waiting with eager anticipation.

Han Sho's eyes gleamed with excitement. "So, how did the mercenaries fare? Tell me about their crushing victory in my name."

The black-clothed figure hesitated, glancing nervously at Han Sho's attendant. "The mercenaries... they failed, Master Han Sho. All of them were defeated. Rai Kan and Hi Ho are still alive, and they're heading towards the middle city."

Han Sho's face contorted with rage. "What?! How is that possible? They were just two men and a bull! How could the mercenaries fail?"

The attendant, equally shocked, stammered, "This... this cannot be! We hired the best!"

The black-clothed figure continued, "They fought like demons, sir. The mercenaries didn't stand a chance. It was a massacre."

Han Sho slammed his fist onto the table. "This is unacceptable! They will pay for this humiliation!"

Meanwhile, in another part of the mansion, Gu Sho sat in his study, listening to his attendant's report.

The attendant spoke respectfully, "Master Gu Sho, it appears your son has been causing trouble again. He hired mercenaries to deal with two travelers—Rai Kan and Hi Ho—but they failed."

Gu Sho sighed, rubbing his temples. "Mercenaries for two travelers? Ridiculous. What else?"

The attendant hesitated. "There's something peculiar about one of their possessions. They have a bull, but not just any bull. It's a rare breed, of Raging Horn Bull named Bi Ji. It can produce milk despite not being a mother, and its milk is highly valuable."

Gu Sho raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "A rare breed of Raging Horn Bull, you say? That changes things."

Gu Sho thought for a moment, then nodded. "Monitor Han Sho closely. If it looks like he's unable to handle this situation, intervene. I don't want a minor issue turning into a significant problem for our family."

The attendant bowed. "Understood, Master Gu Sho. I'll keep a close watch."

Gu Sho leaned back in his chair, pondering. "A Raging Horn Bull... This could be more beneficial than I initially thought. Let's see how this unfolds."

As the attendant left, Gu Sho stared out the window, contemplating the potential opportunities and threats that lay ahead.

As the next day came, Hi Ho approached Rai Kan's room, knocking softly before entering. "Rai Kan, are you feeling any better?"

Rai Kan, his composure now firmly established again, nodded. "Yes, I'm fine now. Thank you."

After having breakfast together, they checked on Bi Ji for any kind of harm. She seemed well, much to their relief.

Hi Ho looked thoughtful. "Rai Kan, do you have any non-lethal martial arts techniques? Killings inside the city could be troublesome."

Rai Kan replied almost immediately. "Yes, I have one. It's called wrestling."

Hi Ho raised an eyebrow and looked weirdly at Rai Kan. "Wrestling? Really? After seeing your fighting style, I didn't expect such a quick and straightforward answer."

Rai Kan shrugged. "It's effective and non-lethal. Why the strange look?"

Hi Ho chuckled. "I just imagined you tearing through enemies, not grappling with them."

Rai Kan smirked. "There are many ways to defeat an opponent. Not all involve bloodshed."

With that, both men headed out to buy supplies. As they walked through the bustling streets, Hi Ho glanced at Rai Kan. "So, what's on our shopping list today?"

Rai Kan replied, "We need more containers for Bi Ji's milk, some food for the journey, and a few other essentials."

Hi Ho nodded. "Sounds good. And maybe some information about our friend Han Sho wouldn't hurt either."

Rai Kan's eyes narrowed slightly. "Agreed. Let's stay vigilant."

As they moved from stall to stall, purchasing their supplies, the two men kept a watchful eye on their surroundings, knowing that Han Sho's influence could pose a threat at any moment.


contents of Rai kan box:-

1 Dismantling tools(bought in the outer city of crow of claw(off-screen))

2 The book given to him by the gods.

3 Red ginsing(that he bought from auction.)