18: Calm before the storm.

As Rai Kan and Hi Ho went around the main city of Claw of Crow, they efficiently sold Bi Ji's milk and bought iron tools and grains. Their interactions with the merchants were brisk and businesslike, as they tried to maximize their profits and acquire quality goods for their travels.

During their transactions, they subtly inquired about Han Sho.

A merchant, wiping his hands on a rag, chuckled. "Han Sho? He's just a spoiled brat with too much money and not enough sense. His father, Gu Sho, runs everything. Han Sho just throws his weight around."

Rai Kan, listening intently, couldn't hide his growing disdain. His fists clenched at his sides. "So, he really is just a good-for-nothing piece of shit whose only accomplishments are his background and a big ego," he muttered under his breath.

Hi Ho, noticing Rai Kan's tension, stepped closer. "Rai Kan, calm down. Why are you so worked up?"

Rai Kan glared at the ground, frustration evident in his eyes. "I was hoping he'd have some backbone, some reason behind his arrogance. But he's just a pampered fool. It's infuriating."

Hi Ho placed a calming hand on Rai Kan's shoulder. "I expected as much. People like Han Sho rely on their family name and power, not on their own merits. It's common."

Rai Kan took a deep breath, trying to rein in his anger. "It just... it angers me that someone so useless can cause so much trouble."

Hi Ho nodded, understanding. "I get it. But losing our temper won't help. We need to stay focused. We're here to trade and gather supplies, not to get tangled in local politics."

Rai Kan exhaled slowly, the tension easing slightly from his posture. "You're right. Let's just finish our business and move on."

Hi Ho smiled, patting Rai Kan's shoulder. "Good. Now, let's find a place that sells decent grains. I have a feeling we're going to need all the strength we can get for whatever comes next."

As they continued through the bustling market, Rai Kan kept his mind focused on their mission, determined not to let his frustration with Han Sho derail their plans.

Han Sho paced angrily in his luxurious study, his mind swirling with thoughts of revenge and humiliation. His attendant entered the room, bowing deeply. "Young Master, Ye Yun has arrived."

Han Sho's face lit up with a cruel smile. "Good. Send him in."

Ye Yun, a tall, lean swordsman with a reputation for ruthless efficiency, stepped into the room. His cold eyes scanned Han Sho with a hint of disdain. "You called for me, Han Sho?"

Han Sho didn't miss the slight in Ye Yun's tone but chose to ignore it. "Yes, Ye Yun. I need your skills. There's a pair of troublesome wanderers I want dealt with."

Ye Yun raised an eyebrow. "You couldn't handle it yourself, so you called me?"

Han Sho's smile wavered but he maintained his composure. "These men are more than they appear. One of them is a brute who tore through my hired mercenaries like they were nothing. I need someone with your... finesse."

Ye Yun's interest piqued. "A brute, you say? And the other?"

"He's more measured, but equally dangerous. Together, they pose a threat to my plans. I want them eliminated."

Ye Yun smirked. "And what makes you think I will risk my neck for your whims, Han Sho?"

Han Sho's eyes narrowed. "I am willing to pay handsomely for this. Besides, failing to deal with them could damage our operations here. Surely, you wouldn't want that."

Ye Yun pondered for a moment, then nodded. "Fine. But my price is steep."

Han Sho waved a hand dismissively. "Name it. Just get rid of them."

Ye Yun's smirk widened. "Consider it done. Where can I find these men?"

Han Sho gave a malicious grin. "They're staying at an inn near the market. They're not hard to find. The brute is hard to miss with his size and that infernal bull."

Ye Yun turned to leave, his voice carrying a dangerous edge. "I'll take care of it. Make sure you have my payment ready."

As Ye Yun departed, Han Sho's smile returned, full of anticipation and cruelty. "This time, Rai Kan and Hi Ho, you won't escape."

In another part of the mansion, Gu Sho's attendant observed the exchange from the shadows, reporting silently to his master about Han Sho's newest scheme.

Gu Sho sighed heavily as he listened to his attendant's whispered report. "Monitor the situation closely. If Ye Yun fails, we might need to intervene directly. I won't have my son's foolishness jeopardize our position."

The attendant bowed deeply. "As you command, Master Gu Sho."

Gu Sho turned to gaze out the window, his mind calculating the next moves. "This will be interesting to watch. Let's see how this plays out."

As evening fell, Hi Ho and Rai Kan made their way back to the inn. The streets of the middle city of Claw of Crow were bustling with the usual activity, but a sense of unease lingered in the air.

**Hi Ho**: "We should be more vigilant tonight, Rai Kan. I have a feeling Han Sho won't let this go so easily."

**Rai Kan**: "I agree. I'll meditate to keep my senses sharp. You should get some rest, but keep one eye open."

**Hi Ho**: "Understood. Let's check on Bi Ji and make sure she's settled for the night."

After ensuring Bi Ji was secure and comfortable, they headed to their rooms.

**Hi Ho**: "Goodnight, Rai Kan. Stay alert."

**Rai Kan**: "You too, Hi Ho."

As the night deepened, Rai Kan sat cross-legged on his bed, his eyes closed in meditation. His senses stretched out, aware of every sound and movement around him.

"Han Sho won't give up. I must be ready for anything."

Hi Ho, meanwhile, lay on his bed, his mind racing with thoughts of the day's events and the potential threats they faced.

"This Han Sho... he seems more dangerous than we initially thought. We have to be careful."

Outside, in the dark alleys and secluded corners, Ye Yun and his men prepared for their ambush. They moved silently, their eyes gleaming with anticipation.

"Tonight, we end this. Han Sho's bounty will be ours."

The common people of the city went about their evening routines, oblivious to the storm brewing in the shadows.

"As both sides waited, the common people were still in the dark about the incident that will become known as… The Blood Moon Ambush."

As the first light of dawn began to creep over the horizon, the stage was set for a confrontation that would leave a mark on the history of Claw of Crow.