22: Invitation and decline.

Six months had passed since Rai Kan and Hi Ho arrived in the Valley of Eternity, and life had settled into a peaceful rhythm. The valley, with its lush greenery and tranquil atmosphere, provided the perfect backdrop for a period of respite and growth.

Hi Ho had quickly adapted to the new environment, making regular trips to nearby cities to trade goods with Bi Ji, their faithful and impressive bull. His knack for business and friendly demeanor made him a welcome sight among the merchants and traders. Every time he returned, he brought back not only profit but stories of his encounters and the vibrant life beyond the valley.

**Hi Ho** "Rai Kan, should have seen the market today. They had the most exquisite fabrics. I managed to get a great dea."

Rai Kan, on the other hand, had taken full advantage of the valley's serene landscape to hone his skills. He spent his days training in the mountains, pushing his body and mind to new limits. The isolation allowed him to focus intensely, mastering techniques and meditating to maintain control over his formidable power.

Rai Kan sat cross-legged on a mountain peak, eyes closed, breathing steadily.* "This place... it brings a clarity I've never felt before."

One evening, as the sun set and cast a golden hue over the valley, Hi Ho and Rai Kan sat outside their modest quarters, enjoying a quiet meal together.

"You've been training harder than ever. Have you made any breakthroughs?"

Rai Kan, nodded slowly, a thoughtful look in his eyes."I've refined my techniques and learned to control my emotions better. The tranquility here helps center my mind."

Hi Ho smiled, appreciating the peace that had enveloped their lives.

"It's good to see you at ease. I've made some excellent connections in the trade circuits. We're thriving."

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of distant bells, signaling the approach of a visitor. Both men looked up, curiosity piqued.

**Rai Kan**: "I wonder who it could be at this hour."

Moments later, a monk from the Mountain Martial Sect appeared, bowing respectfully.

"Pardon the intrusion, but the sect leader wishes to speak with you, Rai Kan."

Rai Kan and Hi Ho exchanged glances, sensing that something significant was afoot.

**Hi Ho**: "I'll hold down the fort here. Go see what the leader wants."

Rai Kan stood, his calm demeanor unshaken.

**Rai Kan**: "Very well. I'll be back soon."

As Rai Kan followed the monk to the sect's main hall, Hi Ho watched him go, a mixture of pride and curiosity in his eyes. Life in the Valley of Eternity had been a welcome respite, but it seemed their journey was about to take another turn.

The monks escorted Rai Kan to the main hall of the Mountain Martial Sect, a place filled with an aura of tranquility and discipline. Inside, eleven monks sat cross-legged in silent meditation. At the center of this assembly was the sect leader, Master Li Feng, an old man whose eyes radiated wisdom and serenity.

**Master Li Feng spoke eyes twinkling with a knowing smile.* "Welcome, Rai Kan. We have observed your dedication and strength. And it would be an honour for us to have you among our ranks, therefore I propose you join our sect."

Rai Kan bowed respectfully, his demeanor calm and composed.

**Rai Kan**: "I am honored by your offer, Master Li Feng, but I must decline."

The monks exchanged puzzled glances. One of the elders, Elder Shen, leaned forward, his expression stern.

**Elder Shen**: "You refuse a great honor. Explain yourself."

Rai Kan met Elder Shen's gaze with unwavering respect.

**Rai Kan**: "My techniques and fighting style are incompatible with the teachings of the Mountain Martial Sect."

Elder Shen's face darkened, taking Rai Kan's words as arrogance.

**Elder Shen**: "Such pride! Do you think our teachings beneath you?"

Rai Kan shook his head, his voice steady and sincere.

**Rai Kan**: "I must have misspoken, Elder. I meant no disrespect. I have great admiration for the strength and wisdom of the Mountain Martial Sect. My style of fighting, however, is different, and it would not harmonize with your teachings. I deeply respect those who have attained their strength through diligent effort, as you all have."

Master Li Feng raised a hand, calming the room with a gentle gesture.

**Master Li Feng**: "Peace, Elder Shen. Rai Kan speaks with humility and truth. Our paths may be different, but respect binds us all."

The tension in the hall eased, and the monks resumed their serene postures.

**Master Li Feng, nodded thoughtfully.* "Very well, Rai Kan. If you ever seek guidance or wish to share knowledge, our doors will always be open to you."

Rai Kan bowed deeply.

**Rai Kan**: "Thank you, Master Li Feng. Your generosity and wisdom are appreciated."

With that, Rai Kan turned and left the hall, his thoughts calm and his respect for the Mountain Martial Sect intact. As he made his way back to Hi Ho, he reflected on the encounter, grateful for the understanding that had prevailed.

**Rai Kan, thought to himself.* "Different paths, but mutual respect. This valley truly is a place of wisdom."

Back at their quarters, Hi Ho was waiting, his curiosity piqued.

**Hi Ho**: "How did it go?"

**Rai Kan replies, "They offered a place in the sect. I declined, but it was a respectful exchange. They understand."

Hi Ho nodded, understanding the delicate balance Rai Kan had navigated.

**Hi Ho**: "Good. Now, let's see what the future holds for us in this peaceful valley."

As they settled back into their routine, the bond between them grew stronger, fortified by their shared experiences and mutual respect for the world around them.