23:The winter festival,part-1

The year was drawing to a close, and winter had settled firmly over the Valley of Eternity, bringing with it a biting chill. The weather drove most indoors, seeking warmth and shelter from the cold. Hi Ho, a seasoned merchant and Rai Kan's companion, spent much of his time in their lodging, tending to their supplies and preparing for the next season.

Rai Kan, however, remained undeterred by the cold. His daily training sessions continued unabated, the crisp air sharpening his focus and honing his formidable skills.

One evening, as the snow gently fell outside, Rai Kan and Hi Ho gathered around a crackling fire. The warmth was a welcome contrast to the cold that permeated the valley. Hi Ho added another log to the fire, the flames dancing higher, casting flickering shadows on the walls.

**Hi Ho**: "Rai Kan, this winter is harsher than I expected. It's a good thing we're well-stocked."

Rai Kan nodded, his gaze steady as he watched the flames.

**Rai Kan**: "The cold sharpens the senses. But it's true, it's best to be prepared."

They sat in comfortable silence for a while, the only sound the crackling of the fire and the distant howl of the wind. Then, Hi Ho turned to Rai Kan, his expression thoughtful.

**Hi Ho**: "What are your thoughts on our next move? Should we consider leaving once winter passes?"

Rai Kan looked into the fire, contemplating.

**Rai Kan**: "I've been thinking the same. This valley has given us much, but it's time to move on. When spring comes, we should depart."

Hi Ho nodded in agreement, his decision affirmed by Rai Kan's words.

**Hi Ho**: "Spring it is, then. We can head towards a more bustling area. Our skills and goods will be in higher demand."

Rai Kan smiled slightly, appreciating Hi Ho's practicality.

**Rai Kan**: "Agreed. And with Bi Ji's milk and our other trade items, we'll have plenty to offer."

The decision made, they both felt a sense of anticipation. The coming months would bring new challenges and opportunities, but for now, they enjoyed the warmth of the fire and the camaraderie of each other's company.

As the fire burned low, Hi Ho stretched and yawned.

**Hi Ho**: "I'm turning in for the night. Stay warm, Rai Kan."

**Rai Kan**: "You too, Hi Ho. Rest well."

With that, Hi Ho retreated to his bed, leaving Rai Kan to his thoughts.

Three more months passed, and winter reached its peak in the Valley of Eternity. The snow was now so deep that even walking had become a challenging task. Despite the difficulties, the valley remained a place of serene beauty, its landscapes blanketed in pristine white.

Rai Kan continued his training, the cold air invigorating him as he practiced his martial arts in the mountains. Hi Ho, meanwhile, focused on their supplies and plans for the spring. The two companions had grown accustomed to their routines, finding solace in the rhythm of their days.

One morning, as Hi Ho was busy checking their provisions, a messenger arrived at the inn with an announcement that caused a stir among the residents.

**Innkeeper**: *Raising his voice to address the guests.* "Hear ye, hear ye! The Winter Runner Festival has been announced!"

Hi Ho, curious about the commotion, decided to find out more. He approached the innkeeper, a burly man named **Chen Wei**, who seemed to know everything that happened in the valley.

**Hi Ho**: "Chen Wei, what is this Winter Runner Festival?"

**Chen Wei**: *Smiling broadly.* "Ah, the Winter Runner Festival is an old tradition here. It's a competition among the sect disciples, a test of their skills and endurance. It's one of the most exciting events of the year."

Hi Ho thanked Chen Wei and hurried back to their room to share the news with Rai Kan, who was practicing his breathing exercises.

**Hi Ho**: "Rai Kan, I found out about the Winter Runner Festival. It's a competition between the sect disciples."

Rai Kan opened his eyes, interest flickering in them.

**Rai Kan**: "A competition, you say? What kind of skills do they test?"

**Hi Ho**: "From what I gathered, it's a mix of martial prowess and endurance. The disciples compete in various challenges, showcasing their training and abilities."

Rai Kan nodded thoughtfully. The festival sounded like an intriguing event, one that could provide valuable insights into the skills and techniques of the sect disciples.

**Rai Kan**: "It could be worth watching. We might learn something useful."

**Hi Ho**: "Agreed. Plus, it's always good to understand more about the people around us."

As the days passed and the festival drew nearer, the excitement in the valley grew palpable. The disciples of the Mountain Martial Sect prepared for the event with fervor, their dedication evident in their intense training sessions. Rai Kan and Hi Ho observed from a distance, noting the different styles and techniques being practiced.

On the day of the festival, the valley was alive with activity. Spectators from all over had gathered to watch the competition. Rai Kan and Hi Ho made their way to the main grounds, where a large arena had been set up.

The sect leader, Master Li feng, stood at the center, ready to address the crowd. His presence commanded respect, his eyes filled with wisdom and authority.

"Welcome to the Winter Festival! Today, our disciples will demonstrate their skills, strength, and endurance. Let the competition begin!"

The Winter Runner Festival was in full swing, with the crowd buzzing with excitement as the first challenge was announced. The anchor, a charismatic man named **Wu Liang**, took the stage, his voice ringing out across the arena.

**Wu Liang**: *Addressing the eager spectators.* "Ladies and gentlemen, disciples and guests, welcome to the Winter Runner Festival! Our first challenge tests the participants' agility, focus, and courage. They will face a barrage of arrows while blindfolded, and their ability to deflect them will determine their success."

Rai Kan and Hi Ho watched from the sidelines, intrigued by the unique challenge. The participants lined up, each one prepared to demonstrate their skills.

As the challenge began, the sound of arrows whistling through the air filled the arena. The participants, blindfolded and relying solely on their instincts, moved with grace and precision, their movements fluid as they deflected the incoming projectiles.

Among the crowd of competitors, Rai Kan noticed a few who stood out, their movements swift and confident despite the blindfold. As the challenge progressed, it became clear that only the most skilled would emerge unharmed.

After a tense few minutes, the challenge came to an end, and the results were announced. Out of the thirty participants, twenty-seven managed to qualify, their skill and focus earning them admiration from the spectators.

Rai Kan and Hi Ho exchanged impressed glances, acknowledging the impressive display of martial prowess. The Winter Runner Festival had begun in earnest, promising a day filled with excitement and fierce competition.