33: The tournament begins.

After a few days of rest, the day of the tournament finally arrived. The city of Vim Bo was alive with excitement, as throngs of people made their way to the massive stadium where the tournament was to be held. Vendors shouted about their wares, children ran about, and the air was thick with anticipation.

Rai Kan and Hi Ho stood at the entrance of the stadium, blending in with the civilian crowd. Extravagant entourages arrived in a steady stream, each bearing the banners of various prestigious martial sects. The spectacle was awe-inspiring, with colorful flags fluttering in the breeze and the occasional glint of weaponry catching the sunlight.

Rai Kan seemed slightly distracted, his eyes scanning the grand displays with a hint of confusion.

**Hi Ho**: *Noticing Rai Kan's expression, asked with a chuckle.* "Are you nervous, Rai Kan?"

**Rai Kan**: *Shaking his head.* "No, it's not that. I was just thinking about how all this is so... unnecessary."

Before Hi Ho could respond, a man from the crowd approached them. He was tall and lean, with sharp eyes that seemed to miss nothing.

**Mysterious Man**: *With a smirk.* "They're just showing their prestige. What's wrong with that? Haven't you heard of basic public presentation?"

**Rai Kan**: *Calmly.* "I understand why a lion has a mane, but this... This looks like the lion has been wrapped in so many trinkets that the mane has lost both its meaning and purpose."

**Mysterious Man**: *Chuckling.* "Interesting perspective. This tournament will indeed be fun."

**Hi Ho**: *Curious.* "What's your name?"

**Mysterious Man**: *Walking away.* "You'll learn soon enough."

As the elaborate displays continued, a troupe of artists took the stage, performing a brief but stirring rendition of the history of martial arts in Murim. The crowd watched in rapt attention, the performance serving as a reminder of the deep traditions and fierce pride that underpinned their world.

An announcer then took the stage, his voice booming across the stadium.

**Announcer**: "Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests and participants, welcome to the Mountain Under the Sky tournament! Before we begin, all participants must undergo a final public age check using the most advanced age crystal in all of Murim."

One by one, the participants came onto the stage, placing their hands on the crystal to prove their age. The crystal glowed softly, verifying the ages of each contestant. However, about twenty people were disqualified as they failed to meet the age requirements.

A murmur ran through the crowd, with audible gasps heard when a participant named Chen Zu was announced as being only sixteen years old. He was a prodigy of the Black Blade Sect and the youngest in the tournament. Rai Kan, recognizing him as the same man who had spoken to them earlier, looked at him closely but said nothing as he returned to his seat.

**Announcer**: *Clearing his throat.* "Now, let me remind everyone of the rules of this tournament:

1. Any killing is forbidden unless permitted.

2. The use of any kind of weapon is allowed.

3. The loser is not allowed to pursue the winner after the tournament in any way.

4. The fight will end if the loser admits defeat, is unable to fight, or has been pushed completely out of the ring.

5. A death match is allowed if both parties consent to it."

With the formalities out of the way, the tournament began. The first few matches were met with polite applause, but it was clear that the audience was eagerly awaiting the clashes between the sect prodigies.

Finally, the time came for the first highly anticipated match. The air in the stadium crackled with excitement as Lin Wei, a disciple of the Thunder Sect, stepped into the ring to face Yu Shan, known as the Silent Blade of the Azure Cloud Sect.

**Announcer**: *Excitedly.* "In this corner, we have Lin Wei of the Thunder Sect! And in the other corner, Yu Shan, the Silent Blade of the Azure Cloud Sect!"

The fighters faced each other, their eyes locked in a fierce stare-down. The crowd buzzed with whispers and rumors, each faction confident in their champion's abilities.

**Lin Wei**: *Smirking.* "Ready to be struck down, Yu Shan? I've heard a lot about you, but words are just that."

**Yu Shan**: *Quietly, with an air of calmness.* "The storm is loud, but the blade is silent."

They began to circle each other, sizing up their opponent. Suddenly, Lin Wei made the first move, dashing forward with incredible speed. His movements were like lightning, quick and unpredictable, as energy crackled around him.

**Yu Shan**: *Reacting swiftly, his expression unreadable.* "Silent Mirage Technique!"

In an instant, Yu Shan's form shimmered and split into fifteen identical copies, each one moving independently. The crowd gasped in awe at the display of such advanced technique.

**Lin Wei**: *Eyes narrowing, his fists crackling with energy.* "You can't hide behind illusions forever!"

Lin Wei struck out, his fists charged with thunderous energy, but Yu Shan's mirages danced around him, evading each strike with graceful precision. Despite the speed and ferocity of Lin Wei's attacks, he could not land a hit.

**Lin Wei**: *Frustrated, but determined.* "Hold still, you shadow!"

Yu Shan remained silent, his mirages continuing their evasive maneuvers. Then, without warning, the real Yu Shan emerged from the midst of his illusions, his blade slicing through the air with deadly precision.

**Yu Shan**: *Softly.* "Silent Blade: Moonlit Slash."

Lin Wei barely managed to dodge, feeling the razor-sharp edge of Yu Shan's blade brush past his cheek. He retaliated with a powerful strike, sending a wave of thunderous energy towards Yu Shan.

**Lin Wei**: "Thunderclap Strike!"

The energy wave blasted through Yu Shan's illusions, dispelling them instantly. The real Yu Shan, caught off guard, was forced to leap back to avoid the brunt of the attack.

**Yu Shan**: *Landing lightly, his calm demeanor unshaken.* "Impressive. But not enough."

The crowd watched in rapt silence, the tension palpable. Lin Wei and Yu Shan continued their dance of death, each move calculated and precise. The stadium echoed with the sounds of their battle, the clash of energies, and the cheers of the spectators.

**Hi Ho**: *Whispering to Rai Kan.* "These two are incredible. This is what we came here for."

**Rai Kan**: *Nodding, his eyes focused on the fight.* "Yes. This is the level I aspire to reach."

As the battle raged on, it became clear that both fighters were evenly matched. Lin Wei's raw power and speed were countered by Yu Shan's agility and precision. The crowd was on the edge of their seats, each exchange met with gasps and cheers.

Finally, Yu Shan made his move. With a swift, almost imperceptible motion, he closed the distance between them, his blade aimed straight for Lin Wei's heart.

**Yu Shan**: "Silent Blade: Heart Piercer."

Lin Wei, anticipating the attack, summoned all his energy and unleashed a devastating counterstrike.

**Lin Wei**: "Thunder God's Wrath!"

The two attacks collided in a brilliant explosion of light and sound, sending shockwaves through the stadium. When the dust settled, both fighters were still standing, but it was clear that they were exhausted.

**Lin Wei**: *Panting, a smile on his face.* "You're good, Yu Shan. But I'm not done yet."

**Yu Shan**: *Equally tired, but focused.* "Nor am I."

With one final burst of energy, they charged at each other, their final attacks clashing in a spectacular display of martial prowess. The crowd held its breath, waiting to see who would emerge victorious.

In the end, it was Yu Shan who stood triumphant. His blade pressed lightly against Lin Wei's neck, a testament to his skill and precision.

**Lin Wei**: *Smiling, despite his defeat.* "You win this time, Yu Shan. Well fought."

**Yu Shan**: *Nodding respectfully.* "You as well, Lin Wei."

The crowd erupted in applause, the first truly thrilling match of the tournament setting the tone for what was to come. As Lin Wei and Yu Shan exited the ring, their fellow competitors watched with a mixture of admiration and determination. The bar had been set high, and the next matches promised to be just as intense.

**Hi Ho**: *Turning to Rai Kan.* "That was incredible. Are you ready for your match?"

**Rai Kan**: *Smiling confidently.* "More than ready. Let's show them what we're made of."

With the first major match concluded, the tournament continued, each fight showcasing the incredible talents of Murim's young generation. And amidst the cheers and excitement, Rai Kan prepared for his turn in the spotlight, ready to prove his worth on the grand stage.