34: Excitement.

The crowd buzzed with anticipation as the announcer's voice boomed throughout the stadium. "For our next match, we have a special treat for everyone! On one side, we have Rai Kan, the fierce warrior with a beastly appearance that has caused quite a stir. And on the other side, representing the Kin Sect, we have Jang Seok, known for his mastery of the Iron Fist Technique!"Rai Kan and Hi Ho stood at the edge of the arena, surrounded by the murmurs and gasps of the spectators. Rai Kan's large frame cast a long shadow over the ground, his expression calm and focused. Jang Seok, on the other hand, was a picture of discipline and precision, his body honed to peak physical condition through years of rigorous training.Hi Ho placed a reassuring hand on Rai Kan's shoulder. "Are you ready for this?"Rai Kan nodded, his eyes never leaving the center of the arena. "I am. I've been preparing for this moment."The announcer continued, "Fighters, take your positions!"Rai Kan stepped into the ring, his movements deliberate and confident. Across from him, Jang Seok entered with a measured pace, his eyes scanning Rai Kan for any sign of weakness. The two warriors sized each other up, the air between them crackling with tension.Jang Seok spoke first, his voice steady and clear. "You look strong, but appearances can be deceiving."Rai Kan replied, "Strength isn't just about looks. It's about what's inside."The referee raised his hand. "Begin!"Jang Seok wasted no time, launching himself forward with a burst of speed. His fist shot out, aiming for Rai Kan's chest. Rai Kan sidestepped the blow, his reflexes sharp. He countered with a powerful strike of his own, but Jang Seok blocked it with his forearm, the impact resonating through the arena.Jang Seok's thoughts raced. "He's fast and strong. I'll need to be smarter about this."Rai Kan remained focused, his mind clear. "He's skilled, but I need to find an opening."The two warriors clashed again, their movements a blur of speed and power. Jang Seok aimed a flurry of punches at Rai Kan, each strike precise and controlled. Rai Kan parried and dodged, his eyes locked on Jang Seok's every move.Jang Seok pivoted on his heel, delivering a roundhouse kick aimed at Rai Kan's head. Rai Kan ducked under the kick and seized the opportunity. He drove his shoulder into Jang Seok's midsection, sending him staggering back.Jang Seok regained his footing quickly, his face set in determination. "He's tougher than I expected. I'll have to use my full strength."Rai Kan advanced, his fists ready. "I need to end this quickly."Jang Seok launched himself into the air, his fist glowing with energy. "Iron Fist Technique: Crushing Blow!"The crowd gasped as Jang Seok descended upon Rai Kan with a forceful strike. Rai Kan braced himself, his muscles tensing. At the last moment, he twisted to the side, narrowly avoiding the blow. He countered with a powerful punch to Jang Seok's side, sending him crashing to the ground.Jang Seok groaned, struggling to rise. "How...?"Rai Kan stood over him, his expression serious. "You have strength, but you rely too much on your techniques."Jang Seok forced himself to his feet, his breaths labored. "I won't give up that easily."Rai Kan nodded, respect in his eyes. "Good. Then let's finish this."The two warriors clashed again, their movements a dance of power and precision. Jang Seok's strikes were relentless, each one aimed to incapacitate. Rai Kan's defenses were solid, his counters swift and punishing.The crowd watched in awe as the battle raged on, the air thick with the sounds of their combat. Hi Ho's voice echoed in Rai Kan's mind. "Remember, don't hurt him too much."Rai Kan gritted his teeth. "I know, but I can't hold back completely."Jang Seok's movements became more desperate, his attacks more aggressive. He lunged at Rai Kan, aiming a powerful punch at his head. Rai Kan caught Jang Seok's wrist, twisting it and pulling him off balance. He followed up with a knee to Jang Seok's midsection, sending him to the ground once more.Jang Seok gasped for breath, pain etched on his face. "Damn it..."Rai Kan released his grip, stepping back. "Stay down. You've fought well."Jang Seok struggled to rise, his pride refusing to let him admit defeat. "No... I can't..."The referee stepped in, raising his hand. "That's enough! The match is over!"The crowd erupted into cheers and applause as Rai Kan extended a hand to Jang Seok. "You fought honorably. There's no shame in losing."Jang Seok looked up at Rai Kan, his expression one of grudging respect. He took Rai Kan's hand and allowed himself to be helped to his feet. "You're stronger than I expected."Rai Kan smiled slightly. "Thank you. You were a worthy opponent."As the crowd continued to cheer, Hi Ho made his way to Rai Kan's side. "You did it. And you didn't hurt him too much."Rai Kan nodded, glancing at Jang Seok. "I did what I had to do."Jang Seok bowed to Rai Kan, a gesture of respect. "I hope we meet again, under different circumstances."Rai Kan returned the bow. "I look forward to it."As Rai Kan and Hi Ho left the arena, the announcer's voice echoed behind them, announcing the next match.

The next match was announced with much anticipation: "Chen Zu of the Black Blade Sect versus Yoo An of the White Lotus Clan!"

Rai Kan and Hi Ho watched from the sidelines, the crowd's murmurs of excitement buzzing around them. Chen Zu, the prodigy of the Black Blade Sect who had caught everyone's attention with his surprising youth and talent, stepped into the ring with a calm, almost serene demeanor. His opponent, Yoo An, was a tall and muscular warrior known for his brute strength and relentless fighting style.

Yoo An cracked his knuckles, eyeing Chen Zu with a confident smirk. "You might be young, but don't think I'll go easy on you."

Chen Zu's expression remained unchanged. "I wouldn't expect you to."

The referee raised his hand. "Begin!"

Yoo An charged forward with a roar, his fists swinging with the force of a battering ram. Chen Zu sidestepped the first punch with effortless grace, his movements fluid and precise. Yoo An's follow-up strikes were equally futile, each one missing its mark as Chen Zu weaved through them with ease.

Rai Kan observed the match closely, his eyes narrowing. "He's not even breaking a sweat."

Hi Ho nodded, equally impressed. "Chen Zu's technique is flawless. It's like he's dancing around Yoo An."

Yoo An, growing frustrated, unleashed a flurry of powerful blows, each one intended to overwhelm Chen Zu. However, Chen Zu's defense was impeccable. He parried and dodged each attack with minimal effort, his calm expression never wavering.

Yoo An growled in frustration. "Stand still and fight me, coward!"

Chen Zu's eyes flickered with a hint of amusement. "As you wish."

With a sudden burst of speed, Chen Zu countered, delivering a rapid series of precise strikes to Yoo An's torso and limbs. Each blow landed with pinpoint accuracy, exploiting weaknesses in Yoo An's defenses. Yoo An staggered back, his confidence shaken.

Rai Kan watched in awe. "He's dismantling Yoo An piece by piece. It's like he's toying with him."

Hi Ho agreed, his tone filled with admiration. "Chen Zu is on a different level. His control and technique are exceptional."

Yoo An, desperate to turn the tide, unleashed his most powerful attack, a devastating punch aimed at Chen Zu's head. But Chen Zu was ready. He caught Yoo An's wrist mid-strike, using his momentum against him. With a swift and fluid motion, Chen Zu flipped Yoo An over his shoulder, sending him crashing to the ground.

Yoo An groaned in pain, struggling to get up. "Damn... How are you this strong?"

Chen Zu released his grip, stepping back with a calm demeanor. "Strength isn't just about power. It's about control and precision."

Yoo An tried to rise, but his body refused to cooperate. The referee stepped in, raising his hand. "The match is over! Chen Zu is the winner!"

The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, marveling at Chen Zu's display of skill and dominance. Chen Zu offered a hand to Yoo An, helping him to his feet. "You fought well."

Though,the match was over quickly Rai kan was excited knowing that there was someone else who also had cards up his sleeve.