The boy who survives

"White daffodils symbolize the longing after a one sided love, which doesn't have to be a strong love. It can even only be a friendship, but this longing can last for decades and longer"

I don't know how much time passed since I

first came here, but what I do remember is, that I was still very young. Probably around six years old.

I look at the boy in the mirror, at his black hair and his green eyes. He has dark circles under his eyes. Probably from the lack of sleep. I don't Even remember when the last time was where I slept well. I look at the bruises on his body and on his name card that was sticked with a needle on the clothing on his chest. 

I look at the white laboratory closes he wears and lastly at the number on his wrist. 

It's a Four.

Four is more dangerous than 5, but it's still in the orange area. It's not too dangerous but it says "Be careful around me" 

Ten is the least dangerous and one the most. I've never seen a one before.

there are also rumors saying, that there are also a handful of people who have the number 0, but those are just rumors. 

Years ago they started to catch "us". With "us" I mean people like me, with special abilities. They call us Coras.

Someone knocks at my door. It's one of them again. A guard opens the door and handcuffs my wrists to drag me outside of my cell. 

"Cora Jinsei you are coming with me."

He looks at me with disgust. I can't blame him. Most people are afraid of Coras, because of their abilities. I don't want to touch those pigs, who don't treat us like humans, only because we are different.

They are scared of the unknowing. That's why most are scared of us. I am not scared of them. They should be scared of me. Even though I know what will happen to me now, I'll face it like every day. I can do it. I will survive no matter what they do to me.

The guard is going behind me. Sometimes he pushes me forwards and sometimes he hits me. That's normal, but it makes me furious. I want to kill him. I would kill him, but not in this situation. One day I will get my revenge on them, but now it's not the time. First I have to survive the old man, the professor.

"Are we going to the Laboratory?"

I ask the guard who keeps pushing me forwards. I look at him and our eyes meet for a second. He looks at me with pure disgust. I know I shouldn't have said something.

"Shut up or you won't be able to see tomorrow"

He knows that it's not true and that this could never happen, but I lose my interest in him and quiet down.


After around a 15 minutes walk we arrive at the white building. I know this building well. Everytime I come here I want to throw up.

I wish I could just knock him out, but I know this plan could never work. Even if I would knock him out, there are just too many guards outside waiting.

The halls of the laboratory are really big, no windows, I've never seen an exit and there is no sunlight coming in from anywhere.

It's hopeless.

"Go inside, Bastard"

The guard is calling me a bastard? That's what I should call him, not the opposite. 

I go inside anyway and as soon as we enter the building I see him. The old man. My worst nightmare. The professor.

He looks at me. As soon as he sees me he smiles with that fake ass smile of his.

"Jinsei my dear boy! It's a pleasure to see you again."

He steps close to hug me but I back away. He seems offended by that but I'd rather throw up than hugging this disgusting man.

"Not in a good mood today, are we?"

When he realizes I won't answer he continues.

"After Todays session I've got a surprise for you, but only if you behave well my dear Jinsei"

I hate the way he smiles. I hate the way he looks. I hate the way he calls me his and I hate the name that I got from him. I want to kill him. If I get my revenge he will be the first person I'll kill.

"And what would that be?"

I ask that without looking at him, because I can't stand him. I don't want to see his face. It disgusts me. I might throw up.

"That's a surprise. Now come with me, boy. You know what to do, right? I was hoping to get a bit more of your blood this time. I Hope the blood experiment won't fail again. If it does we will just have to do another one"

I don't say anything as he drags me with him. I look on the ground. I know what will happen next and I try to mentally prepare for it. He makes a gesture that I should lay down on the hospital bed.

At least that's what he calls it. It's nothing similar. It's made out of metal and it's extremely uncomfortable. It probably still has my blood on it from the last session. 

I lay down and he ties my hands and feet to the bed. He then puts on a mask and gloves and takes the little knife in his hand.

I know what will happen next.

I close my eyes to prepare for the pain.

"Then let's begin" 

He says before he starts to cut in my skin.