A surprise

I Must have been unconscious for quite a while, because when I woke up no one was there. There was a lot of blood everywhere and my clothes were soaked in it. 

This bastard overdid his experiments again. He probably killed me.

When I die all my wounds on my body are healing but I am unconscious for a while. I look around but he really wasn't here.

My hands weren't cuffed to the metal bed anymore, so I could easily stand up. I mean not really easily, because after I died my legs and my body were always weak. I stood up, trying to hold my body in balance and I somehow managed to make it to the office from the professor.

When I stepped in he looked at me with a proud smile on his lips. I know this smile. He wants something from me and it's not only sanity and my suffering.

"Oh you are awake, Jinsei."

I look him dead in the eyes but I remain calm. I don't know what he would do to me if I burst out.

"You didn't cry this time Jinsei. Did you hold back? I promised you I'd have a surprise for you if you behave well. But sadly you did scream. I thought you could make it through without a sound but guess I was wrong"

I have to hold back. He just wants to provoke me and I know that. I am quiet. Even though I want to choke him right now I have to hold back.

"What do you want me to do?"

I asked, without trying to kill him. He really didn't make it that easy. 

He laughed.

"Well, well my dear Jinsei! Now we are talking. Since the first day I laid eyes on you I knew you would grow up to a brave boy and now look at you! Aren't we like family now? I spent most of your life with you, so didn't I basically raise you?"

He smiles. He is really pushing the edges right now. I was an orphan when I came here. Most Coras are forced in the centers but I was only 6 years old when I came here. I didn't know what was going on and I don't remember my family as well.

the only thing I remember is his disgusting smile and the way he looked at me back then, like I was some kind of treasure he just found. 

At first he was kind to me. Maybe he did try to be like a father. But when I was 10 they found out my real ability. 


I was immortal and he loved this fact. From the day I turned 10, on my 10th birthday he started his experiments on me. At first is was harmless. 

Cutting a bit in my skin. Make me bleed. But the older I became the crueler his experiments got. It was pure torture. 

Only because I'm immortal it doesn't mean that

I can't feel pain. And god it is painful. So insanely painful. He doesn't even think of giving me something against the pain before he starts experimenting. I'm full conscious when he does it.

I get thrown back to reality when he speaks with me again.

"Jinsei? I want you to do something for me."

I know that he wants something. I know that he asks me, because he thinks I'm loyal and that I'm brave. 

Then suddenly I've got an idea

"I'll do anything if you stop the experiments"

That surely shocked him. He was so shocked that he backs away. Then he approaches me again and comes closer than before.

he touches my hair, my cheek. It disgusts me. 

"W-What did you say? Oh my beautiful... beautiful Jinsei.. You know that we can't stop our little experiments. You know that it's only for your best, right?"

I can hear his voice shaking a bit. He is probably panicking that I try to disobey. But I don't know how much longer I can play his cruel games.

"Stop the experiments or I won't do whatever you want from me, old man"

He takes away his hand from my cheek, thankfully. 

he looks like he is thinking of what he could do. Or what solution he could offer me, because he doesn't look like he would stop the experiments.

"And what if we stop experimenting every day? Like we could maybe continue with only 3 times a week? How is that?"

He smiles. He looks confident that he has found the solution but I am just disgusted that he even thinks that I would do as he likes.

"Two times a week or no. Three times is still too much you don't even know how much the experiments hurt"

He looks at me with a played pitiful gaze.

"Oh my dear, dear Jinsei... Don't act like it's a problem you're immortal anyway. But alright two times it should be. Is that a deal? You will do as I say? You'll do the task I am about to give you?"

I am thinking for a moment, but then I just nod. It should be fine. I don't know what I am supposed to do, that he is even willing to stop experimenting as much, even though he loves the experiments. I'm sure he loves the way I scream for help as much as my cries to beg him to stop. I'm glad that finally will only happen twice a week.

Then I continue to think. Something seems off. The way he smiles like he just made the biggest success and the way he looks at me is weird. Will he tell me now what I am supposed to do?

"Professor? What am I supposed to do now for you?"

He smiles in the same sly way as he does when he has something big planned. The last time I saw that smile was when he decided to cut my arm off before killing me, because then he could see how a human would react to that.

"You will kind of work as one of us. I mean. Not really you won't have any more rights than real humans, that's impossible for a Cora like you, but I need you to do a job, that only you can do, because you're immortal."

he says and I am really surprised to hear that from him. I don't want to work for humans, as he calls them. Even though he knows Coras are also human. A job he says. I Wonder what it is.

Then he says something that I would have never expected to hear from someone. Especially not from the professor.

"Have you ever heard Of the case 0?"