White as snow

As I slowly walked in the dark room I almost tripped over something. I didn't see what it was until someone turned on the lights. 

A ball? Did they thought they can entertain a human being with a play ball for dogs?

I kicked the ball away but then I heard a sound from the right corner of the room. I forgot why I was here. The number 0.

I stepped closer. I didn't really see the person, because the corners of the room were still dark, even though the light was turned on. 

I start to breathe faster. My heartbeat starts to rise up. I am nervous. Am I scared? I didn't think I was until now. What if- no, no wait.. don't think about the what ifs now. I have to do my job and then I can go.

I hold the bowl of soup in my hands as I start to get closer to the person in the corner. As I stepped closer I could finally see him.

A boy with hair white as snow looked at me, without saying a word. He doesn't look like he is much older than me. He looks about the same age as me. 

I don't know what to think. He was just- A boy, right? Not much older than me. Just a boy. And he is a number 0? This boy?

I start to step closer but then he moves. The blanket he was covered in falls off and I can see a big chain that is attached to his leg. 

I see. He can only move through this room. 

He brushes with his hand through his hair and I could see a scar on his neck, that looked like it was kind of a new one.

I think I stared too long at the boy, because he actually started to speak up to me.

"Are you one of them?"

He said with a neutral voice. I couldn't tell if he was mad, sad or scared. He sounded like he wasn't sure himself what to feel.

"What? Oh you mean a guard? No I am a Cora. Just like you."

He tilds his head as if he didn't understand me. But he didn't speak again.

"Don't you know what a Cora is?"

I ask, but he doesn't respond. He looks like he has lost the interest in me, because he stands up and walks through the room. The sound of the heavy chains is a pain in my ears.

I try to step a bit closer, but he looks at me with a glare that says I'm dead if I step any closer. I get it. I wouldn't trust someone either if I were him.

"You don't have to trust me."

I look at him, even though he looks like he isn't listening to me. He looks thin. He probably hasn't eaten in days.

"But I won't leave until you eat the food I brought."

I step a bit closer, place the soup on the ground and step back again. I sit down and wait. He glanced at me.

"I could just kill you now."

He says without batting an eye.

"No you couldn't."

I say, still looking at him.

"Why would you think that, boy?"

he says. Now he is looking at me. 

"Because I am immortal. That's why they called me here."


"I see."

That's it? 'I see'? He probably thinks I'm some kind of insect compared to him. To the almighty number 0. his ability is probably so strong that he doesn't even want to bother talking to me. Oh I'm really so, SO sorry Mr. I don't give a shit.

"I'm sorry to hear that."

My eyes widen as I hear that. What did he say? Did I hear right? He is sorry?

"Why would you say that?"

I ask with clear confusion in my voice, but he doesn't look bothered at all. He looks at me for a second, but he immediately looks away and turns around.

"Must be lonely."

He says.

"One day you will wake up having nothing else but yourself. You will see everyone die before you."

Oh. I see. That's what he meant. I've never thought about that before. Living for an eternity. I am only 17 after all. That's not really long. I've never seen someone die that I loved. I've never loved or cared about someone. I've never had any friends.

I've never had a reason to have any.

Maybe he is right and one day I'll be lonely. But that's nothing to think about right now. That's in the future after all.

"Maybe it's time for you to go, boy."

He says without looking at me. Is he mad? I can't tell. 

I answer.

"It's Jinsei."

Now he turns around to look at me. To my surprise he looks somehow shocked. As if I said something I shouldn't have said. Or as if I was out of my mind.

"Your name is... Jinsei?"

He asks in disbelief.

"Yes? What's yours?"

He shakes his head.

"My real name? Or the name they gave me?"

I am surprised that he is even asking this question. Coras aren't supposed to know their real names. Maybe he was just bluffing.

"Very funn-"

"It's Shinda."

He says after interrupting me. Shinda. Interesting name. I Wonder what it's meaning is, but I'm not sure if I can ask that, without him killing me. He looks like he wants to get rid of me. I am probably really annoying to him.

"You have to go now."

He says with a slightly pissed undertone in his voice. I really shouldn't push the edges with someone like him. 

I stand up, looking at him for a last time.

"Eat the food I brought you. It tastes like shit but at least you won't starve."

I didn't look back as I left the room, but I could feel his gaze staring at me until the door closed.