The boy and the name

As I walked in the room the professor was already waiting for me inside. He looked at me with excitement, as if I just made the biggest success in history.

"What did he talk with you about? That's truly amazing, Jinsei! He has never said a word before. We already thought that he didn't understand us, but he talked to you. Tell me what he said, boy."

I look at him for a second but I don't say a word. I walk past him and just ignore him, but I'm sure that I shouldn't ignore the man with the might to destroy my whole life. I turn around and speak up to him.

"He didn't say anything special. Just his name and- hm.. Guess I forgot."

He looked at me in surprise but I guess he is at least happy that I made some kind of progress.

It's not like I am lying to him. I really forgot the most we talked about. I think we talked about my ability for a bit but if I mention that now he would only get mad that I told the boy personal things about myself.

"I see."

He responds. He sounds disappointed.

"That's it, right? Tomorrow I won't have to come to the laboratory, right?"

I try to not sound too relived but I'm sure that a bit of my excitement is shining through.

"Well. I guess that's the deal. But you have to come every day to the boy. I mean only if you don't want to let it die because I'm sure it is not immortal like you. It still has to eat."

He looks at the monitors and now I can see that they are actually turned on this time. They are showing the room of the number 0 from the inside in different angles. I can even see the boy, who is staring at the bowl of soup. He doesn't touch it.

"He doesn't look like he is eating what I brought either."

I respond.

"Maybe you just have to pretend to be nice to him. Just pretend you're friends or something. Just think of something to get closer to him. You're not dumb Jinsei. I'm sure you can think of something. But if you don't want to it's also fine. Then I guess we will just continue the experiments, right?"

He smiles. God how I hate him and his smile. I wish one day he will get a taste of his own cruel games. 

"I'll do it. Don't worry about it."

I say with a nod.

"Can I go now?"

He didn't say anything but just waves me off. Probably a gesture to give his permission for me to leave.

I nod a last time and go out of the laboratory. Out of this hell. Away from the professor.


When I came home I almost immediately threw myself on to the bed. My life was already exhasuting enough and now I have to take care of a boy as if I am some kind mom. 

Well he isn't much older than me. I don't know if he is younger or older but I've heard from a guard that he is also 17.

I wonder if he knows something about me as well. But probably he doesn't. He doesnt speak to those people after all.

Maybe he only speaks to Coras. Would make sense at least, because he spoke up to me.

I wonder how they caught him. 

He is a number 0 after all. Shouldn't his ability be so strong that he could kill people with only a blink?

The words of the professor came to my mind again

["The number of a Cora isn't always the most important."]

Maybe he doesn't even have a super powerful ability and that's why he got caught.

Thats a bit odd, because he seemed to be really confident. Maybe he will tell me if I ask?

Probably not.

I look at the ceiling and continue to think.

How do I make him open up more? I have to find out more for the professor. Maybe I could really act friendly. No I don't think that would suit me. How do I even act friendly?

I stand up and look at the mirror infront of me. The boy's tired eyes didn't look friendly at all. I put on a smile but I immediately stop.

It just looks weird.

I sigh and go back to my bed. I don't think I'm made for this job. 

Once the number 0 died out of hunger things will get back to normal anyway. It's not like I really care. It's been like that all my life. 

I Continue to think about something the boy said back then. 

When he asked me about his real name... What did he mean by that?