Chapter: 1.5

Chapter: The Gauntlet


Part: 5

Onboard Departmento Munitorum: Imperial Transport 'Gauntlet'

Inquisitor's Quarters

Inquisitor Greybrand took one final look in the mirror, adjusting the ornate golden chains that adorned her Inquisitorial attire. The black and red epaulets, coupled with the golden filigree on the shoulder cloak, along with the numerous badges of honor gave her appearance an air of authority that she sorely needed in her situation.

Still, she couldn't help but ponder the absurdity of wearing such elaborate and attention-grabbing attire when subtlety was often more effective in her line of work.

"But then again,"

she mumbled to herself,

"This is the Imperium. Subtlety is a rare commodity."

After ensuring that every detail was in place, she took a deep breath, checked her inner coat pocket for additional ammunition, and left her quarters, making her way toward the designated meeting point with Captain Hox.


Onboard Departmento Munitorum: Imperial Transport 'Gauntlet'

Captain's Quarters

On the other hand, Captain Hox was preparing for the meeting in her own unique way. She stood before a large table in the center of her quarter, surrounded by holographic displays depicting the status of the ship and various data streams. Her attire was... casual, to say the least, a stark contrast to Inquisitor's ornate outfit—practical, rugged, and adorned with tech implants that hinted at a fondness for technology.

The room was dimly illuminated by the gentle radiance of the holographic displays, which projected shadows across the walls and Captain Hox's face. Her gaze was focused, to the point that she ignored the servo skull buzzing frantically behind her, her entire attention was on the upcoming meeting with the Inquisitor, something she was not looking forward to.

As Captain Hox reviewed the information about the Sinaxria Sector and Accazius II, she couldn't help but feel that Inquisitor Greybrand's task might be more bloody than she initially thought it to be. Her threat level was on the rise in a neatly secured holographic screen, rising rapidly from the 10,928th position to the 7,560th position.

Because of an emergency dispatch, her ship had yet to recover from their last journey and the warp jump on this journey had caused even further damage to her sweetheart, the 'Gauntlet.' 

She would turn traitor if this mission was not worth the sacrifice she and her crew had to make, the Inquisition be damned! 

Those egoistic narcissists were known for their zealous pursuit of heretics, traitors, and Xenos whereas Captain Hox had little patience for those who saw the Imperium in black and white.


Onboard Departmento Munitorum: Imperial Transport 'Gauntlet'

The Bridge

On the Bridge of the Imperial Transport 'Gauntlet,' the Navigator Judge, monitored the ship's various data and functions, occasionally glancing at the holographic displays that showed a multitude of readouts and data streams. The crew beside him worked diligently, responding to the acting Captain's orders and ensuring the ship continued on its course.

The absence of an actual Vice-Captain meant that most of the responsibilities of commanding the ship fell on the Captain and if the Captain was, let's say, busy with some other, more important task, then it was the Navigator's responsibility. For now, the Navigator, Judge, who held the highest authority on the Bridge.

His Vox communicator beeped, and a message from Captain Hox to allow Inquisitor Greybrand to pass through the corridor leading to the command room. Judge acknowledged the communication and turned to Calenharn,

"I know, the Inquisitor is here,"

Calenharn smiled before the Navigator could inform him, he pointed at a holographic display that was dedicated to monitoring the Inquisition's movement. A bit of an overkill, but Judge understood the need for such precautions and chuckled,

"Then what are you waiting for, an official invite? Go and escort the Inquisitor to the Command Room, don't want her to be turned into mince meat by the defense mechanisms do we?

Calenharn nodded and left the command room to meet the Inquisitor.


Onboard Departmento Munitorum: Imperial Transport 'Gauntlet'


Calenharn was making his way through the wide corridors that ran like the spine of this metallic fish they called the 'Gauntlet.' It connected almost every single room and compartment of the ship, starting from the Bridge to the Hangar.

He found the Inquisitor waiting outside her gunnery,

"Inquisitor Greybrand, Captain Hox is expecting you in the Command Room. Please follow me."

The Inquisitor gave a curt nod, and together they walked down the metallic corridors of the ship. Calenharn couldn't help but notice the flashy appearance of the figure accompanying him — the Inquisitor in her ornate Inquisitorial attire which, on the battlefield, would practically be screaming, 'Here's the commanding officer, shoot me in the head and be done with it!'

While he himself was dressed in a more inconspicuous, crewmen's uniform that consisted of a red shirt, black pants, a pair of combat boots, and an Imperial Navy cap. The bar on his shoulder and the band tie around his elbow gave away his special position as the 'Handler' responsible for granting the Navigator the Emperor's mercy in case chaos managed to take hold of him.


He let out a long sigh as he remembered the fate that awaited his navigator friend, he would either die on a battlefield, falling pray to the guns of the enemy of imperium, or in the hands of a warp daemon who proved itself to be far more powerful than what Judge could hope to compete against.

Such was the fate of a Navigator, and these were the less... gruesome ones.

It would be kinder to put a bullet through the poor bastard's head once he starts to bleed black from his third eye.

As they approached the Command Room, Calenharn couldn't shake off the tension in the air. This meeting could have two results, something very good and something very bad, and from what he could tell of these two women's personalities, the latter was a far more likely option.


Onboard Departmento Munitorum: Imperial Transport 'Gauntlet'

Command Room

The command room was one floor above the Bridge, secured and sanctified against all of Chaos' minions, guarded by traps that would rip even the Emperor's Angels to bits if they tried to force their way through. This was the last sanctuary of a Captain, the place where they gathered their most trusted crewmates and held councils regarding the course of a ship's journey.

As such, being invited to a ship's Command Room was the highest show of trust that a Captain could show others, although Calenharn doubted the Inquisitor knew of this insignificant and yet critical detail.

The heavy metal door to the Command Room slid open with a pneumatic hiss as Calenharn, followed by the Inquisitor, entered the sanctum. The room was dimly lit, with a large hololithic display in the center, projecting an image of the Sinaxria Sector and its celestial bodies.

Captain Hox stood beside the holographic display, her cybernetic eye scanning the data streams as she acknowledged their arrival.

"Inquisitor Greybrand,"

Captain Hox greeted with a nod, her gaze sharp and calculating.

"I trust you found your quarters suitable?"

The Inquisitor inclined her head slightly, acknowledging the greeting without a smile.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Captain Hox. Let's get to the matter at hand."

"As you wish,"

Captain Hox replied, her fingers deftly manipulating the holographic controls to zoom in on the display of Accazius II.

"Inquisitor, as far as I am aware, 'YOUR' destination is Accazius II, a minor Agri-world within the Sallur system. The planet has fallen behind on its Imperial Tithe, and 'OUR' mission is to ensure the compliance of the planetary authority in this matter."

Inquisitor Greybrand listened attentively, her stern expression giving away little of her thoughts. However, the meaning behind the Captain's words was not lost on her.

Captain Hox continued, her voice steady.

"The Sector Command has received reports of unrest and possible... heretical activities on the planet. The local Planetary Defense Forces have been marked as 'compromised,' by the Inquisition."

Her last sentence was aimed at Inquisitor Greybrand who had absolutely no idea that such a thing happened until she heard it from the Captain's mouth. Another consequence of not being in the higher-ups' grace.

"Your primary objective is to investigate the situation, ensure the collection of overdue Tithes, and eradicate any heretical elements... if necessary."

Calenharn observed the two figures from one corner of the room, noting the tension that lingered like a distant storm. This whole damned situation smelt like a powder keg ready to blow at any moment, and Calenharn wanted to keep a safe distance. His only regret was that Judge was not there, the Navigator had a kink for recording interesting, if not amusing, events.

The Captain was a pragmatic person, willing to bend the rules here and there for success and a bit of profit. The Inquisitor, on the other hand, was an entirely different story.

From what they knew of Inquisitor Greybrand, she was young and inexperienced... but she had been under the tutelage of Inquisitor Sterbe, a cunning old hag who kept the entire Sector Navy pinned down under her thumb for as long as she was 'alive.' And if that didn't warrant caution, then there was also the fact that she was an 'Eta' Grade psyker, of the Telepathy Discipline.

Which basically meant she could mind-fuck someone for shits and giggles.
