Chapter: 1.6

Chapter: The Gauntlet


Part: 6

Onboard Departmento Munitorum: Imperial Transport 'Gauntlet'

Command Room

The Inquisitor's expression remained impassive as Captain Hox spoke. The information about the unrest on Accazius II, the compromised Planetary Defense Forces, and the potential heretical activities, or at least the confirmation of it, was news to her. It seemed that the Navy was allowing Captain Hox access to intelligence that the Inquisition was not willing to share with her, a fact that irked her but didn't show on her face.

"As the representative of the Inquisition, it is my duty to ensure the security and loyalty of the Imperium. I will investigate the reported heretical activities and take necessary action, however, I belong to the Ordo Xeno and this is the duty of Ordo Hereticus. As such, the final decision-making is out of the bounds of my authority."

Captain Hox raised an eyebrow at Inquisitor Greybrand's response, and a sly smile played on her lips.

"Of course, Inquisitor. I understand the boundaries of your authority. However, considering the nature of the situation and the potential threats to the Imperium, I believe collaboration between the Inquisition and the Navis Imperialis would benefit us both. The Imperium needs a united front against heresy, wouldn't you agree?"

Inquisitor Greybrand's gaze remained steady, her eyes narrowing slightly. She was well aware of Captain Hox's pragmatism, there was an underlying motivation for this sudden promise of compliance and she didn't like it one bit.

Still, she couldn't dismiss the possibility that the Captain might have useful information and resources for the mission.

"Collaboration does not mean compromise, Captain. My duty is to the Emperor and the Inquisition. If your interests align with the Imperium's, we may find common ground., however..."

She paused, glaring at the ship's captain,

"I will declare Exterminatus if I see fit, and you will have to comply without question."

This was not a bluff, the authority of 'Exterminatus' rested with High-Inquisitors or those with considerably more authority and experience than her, but this situation was an exception. The Tithe was the lifeblood of the Imperium and those who failed to comply with it were often used as an example to the others, and Accazius II just happened to be insignificant enough to be used as an example.

The Inquisition had already given her the green light to turn that floating piece of mud into space debris.

Captain Hox's smirk faded as the weight of Inquisitor Greybrand's words settled in the room. The threat of Exterminatus was not to be taken lightly; it was a card the Inquisitor played with calculated precision. In this case, the Inquisition wanted to make an example to all other worlds that refused or delayed their payment of the Tithe.

Hox respected strength, but not the misuse of it, and it seemed the Inquisitor had just asserted her authority in no uncertain terms. She replied, her tone serious.

"Exterminatus, Inquisitor Greybrand, is a grim solution. Let us hope it doesn't come to that,"

However, the Inquisitor remained undeterred by the Captain's disapproving demeanor. Her expression grew sterner, and her gaze remained fixed and unyielding.

"I am not one to make hopes, Captain. I only act in the service of the Emperor, and the preservation of the Imperium, at any cost. The heresy that taints Accazius II must be eradicated, whether through our collaboration or my declaration of Exterminatus. The choice lies with those who still have a chance to choose,"

The Inquisitor declared, her voice cold and decisive.

Captain Hox nodded solemnly, acknowledging the Inquisitor's authority on the matter. She understood that the Inquisition's judgment was not something that could be defied by a single Captain and her ship, not by force, not by sentiments or personal reservation.

"Very well, Inquisitor. The Gauntlet will stand ready to assist you in any way possible. We do have a pair of AITs or 'Atmospheric Incinerator Torpedo' on board, I believe the Inquisition would refurbish us handsomely for our... assistance."

If she couldn't water her moral standings by preventing the death of a world, the least she would do was wet her throat with something precious out of the Inquisition's pockets.

Inquisitor Greybrand's eyes flickered with a glint of approval at the mention of the Atmospheric Incinerator Torpedoes. They were good, useful weapons that would unleash a planetary inferno, burning the entire biosphere to ashes. 

No need to personally go down and play the mouthpiece of god and fight to the death, a simple question to the planet's governor, a solemn speech, and the declaration of Exterminatus would be enough to complete this exceedingly uncomfortable mission that had been forced into her hand.

Although she hadn't expected something so blatant from the Navy, and though the Captain's words were polite she recognized a cunning pragmatism that reminded her of... unpleasant times. She would have to keep an eye on this one. For now, she would play along.

"The Inquisition values cooperation, Captain. The rewards for successful collaboration will be duly considered. However, let it be clear, your assistance is not a negotiation but a duty owed to the Imperium. If your actions deviate from the pursuit of the Imperium's welfare, consequences will follow,"

Inquisitor Greybrand declared, inclining her head in acknowledgment.

Captain Hox maintained her composure, acknowledging her authority. Despite any personal reservations, Captain Hox was a pragmatic person and knew the importance of collaboration, especially when being caught between two hard places.

"Understood, Inquisitor Greybrand. The Gauntlet is at your disposal."

Captain Hox replied, her tone laced with false respectfulness.

The Inquisitor's eyes narrowed slightly at the perceived insincerity in Captain Hox's tone. She was not one to easily trust, especially when dealing with individuals outside the Inquisition's full power. However, for now, cooperation was necessary, and the potential rewards that might come from the collaboration were worth the uneasy alliance.

She inclined her head once more, a subtle signal that the conversation was coming to an end... for now at least. 

"I need access to all the intelligence and information you've gathered so far, every little detail regarding our destination. I will be expecting the data transmission to commence promptly, time is of the essence, and... right, I almost forgot. What is the estimated time of our arrival?"

Captain Hox responded with professional efficiency; the subtle tension in the air did not seem to affect her, or at least she didn't show any signs of it.

"I'll personally ensure the data transfer begins immediately. As for our estimated time of arrival at Accazius II, the last warp transit damaged the warp engines. We are currently 'cruising,' based on our current velocity, we should be arriving there within the next twelve standard hours."

The Inquisitor nodded in acknowledgment of the captain's answer, without questioning why she wasn't informed of the damage to the Ship's traveling capacity.

"Twelve hours... that's enough time for me to go through the files and formulate a proper strategy for deployment."

She stated, her tone containing a sense of urgency and Captain Hox gave a crisp nod in return,

"I... I'll make sure you have all the information you will need... you might need. I'm at your disposal... if there's anything else, Inquisitor."

The Inquisitor's gaze bore into Captain Hox's, a silent reminder of the fact that she... had won the clash of authorities, only because she had pulled out the biggest gun in an Inquisitor's arsenal, the 'Exterminatus.' 

However, what mattered was that she had won the word game and the Captain would be a fool to contest her commands but it appears that she had to make sure that Hox was not a fool,

"There will be consequences if I find any attempt to withhold information that could jeopardize this mission. Ensure you don't give me a reason to question your loyalty, Captain."

Captain Hox's expression remained composed, and she didn't show any signs that suggested that she heard the Inquisitor's warning.

"You have my word, Inquisitor Greybrand. The Gauntlet stands ready to serve the Imperium, at any cost."

Captain Hox stayed behind to initiate the process of data transfer, as Greybrand turned to leave the command room. The alliance, though quite shaky, was in motion, and the countdown to the arrival of the 'Gauntlet' at its destination had begun.
