Chapter: 2.3

Chapter: A Deal


Part: 3



The being chuckled before responding with an enigmatic tone,

"Now that will be telling! Don't be hasty, Insignificant one. Let me know your answer first before I reveal anything."

The Inquisitor stared at the cosmic void all around her, the weight of the decision was far too heavy to be reached with such little information. Perhaps she had been wrong and the being was actually a demon of the warp? 

After all, its offer sounded far too tempting to come scot-free. A chance to survive in this decrepit universe that seemed hell-bent on backshotting humanity!

The price was bearable too - her life would become a spectacle for this 'Watcher,' but being alive was more important than having a bit of privacy.

She considered the possible consequences, anything that might result in her turning into a screaming murder machine, and found none. But the question still remained, what would this 'gift' be? The being claimed to be beyond the simplistic dichotomy of Chaos and Order, but the Inquisitor couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

"I cannot accept your offer without knowing the nature of the gift you promise. I need more information,"

Greybrand demanded, her voice demanding answers.

The being's response came as a soft, echoing laughter that reverberated through the cosmic expanse,

"Insignificant one, you cling to the frailty of mortal curiosity. The gift, much like the tapestry of fate, is woven by the threads of choice. It is a manifestation of your desires, shaped by the decisions you make. To reveal more would be to unravel the mystery before its time."

Greybrand felt a twinge of frustration, the being's cryptic answers leaving her in a state of uncertainty. However, she knew that bargaining with entities beyond mortal comprehension often involved navigating through layers of mystery and obfuscation.

"Very well, Watcher. I accept your offer,"

She declared, her tone resolute... or at least a little less doubtful.

As soon as the words left her lips, the cosmic realm shifted once more. The being's laughter echoed, a chorus of otherworldly voices blending into a symphony of cosmic resonance.

"An intriguing choice, Insignificant one,"

The being's voice echoed its tone a curious blend of amusement and approval.

At that moment, Greybrand saw a kaleidoscope of light, it was otherworldly! Untamed and raw! Yet teeming with a controlled power that she could not comprehend, and then... sounded the first bell.


[Would you like to ignite the Void-Craft Engine?]

{Yes} {No}


She didn't expect this... in fact, she didn't know what to expect. 

Certainly, that being said it was a gift and woven by some sort of cosmic thread which, she assumed, meant that the gift would be flashy-er or something but this... this was surprisingly... anticlimactic?

The question echoed once more,

{Would you like to ignite the Void-Craft Engine?}

{Yes} {No}

'What in the Emperor's name is a Void-Craft Engine?'

The Inquisitor hesitated, her mind couldn't grapple with this unfamiliar choice that was presented to her. She thought back to that one measly year's worth of memory she had painstakingly recovered over the course of the past five years and grimaced.

This type of stuff should also be happening when someone gets reincarnated, not when they are about to turn into a demon!

Her instincts warred within her. A part of her, containing years of rigorous training from the Inquisition and adherence to protocol, screamed for caution and attempted to commit suicide before she became possessed with a chaos spawn. On the other hand, a spark of curiosity ignited within her. This was surprisingly thrilling! The thrill of the unknown and the desire to explore the unknown! 


Even before she could think about her answer, she had already uttered the words. The kaleidoscope of light intensified, swirling and converging into a focal point, and then, just as quickly as it had appeared, the Kaleidoscope of light dissipated. 


Name: Inquisitor Seraphia Credelle Greybrand

Race: Human(Psyker)


Emperor of Mankind; The Imperium of Man,

The Holy Orders of the Emperor's Inquisition; Ordo Xenos.


Physique: 27

Psyke: 18.0198 (Eta Grade)


Daily: (1/1)

Weekly: (1/1)

Monthly: (1/1)

Yearly: (1/1)

Inventory (Empty)

The light emitted from the panel in front of her was blinding, almost as if someone left their dataslate on full brightness. It left the Inquisitor disoriented for a moment before the cosmic void around her shifted and she was back in her room onboard the Imperial Transport, the 'Gauntlet.'

"What in the Terra's name just happened?"

Greybrand muttered to herself, trying to make sense of what had just transpired.

The being, whom she referred to as the 'Watcher,' had disappeared, and in its place was an interface, flickering and dancing with residual energy.

[Congratulations, Insignificant one. You have chosen to ignite the Void-Craft Engine]

The Watcher intoned, its voice echoing in her skull.

"Ignite the what now?"

Greybrand asked. She was still a bit... disturbed, by what had just happened and the last few moments were foggy, to say the least.

[The Void-Craft Engine, it's a construct of cosmic energy. It will allow you to build up your force, your strength, and your standings.]

The 'Watcher,' or rather the interface itself, displayed the words rather than speaking them out loud. But through these words, she could make out a strange tone founded on a strange mix of grandiosity and mystery.

Greybrand raised an eyebrow, still trying to process the information.

"So, I'm not turning into a warp-spawned horror?"

The... interface, continued in an amused tone.

[No, Insignificant one. The Void-Craft Engine is a tool, a gift. With its aid, your fate is yours to mold.]

The Inquisition sighed in relief, mostly grateful that she hadn't been turned into some sort of Flesh Demon or Void Monster. She eyed the interface, uncertain as to what might be the intentions of this cosmic being that had latched itself to her.

"Explain this Void-Craft Engine and how it works,"

Her voice took a demanding tone, something that the Inquisition and her master had drilled into her instincts.

[The Void Engine is a cosmic construct, as I have been trying to tell you for a while now. I can influence it as I have been its watcher for a long time, but that doesn't mean I am its master! I can only explain the functions of this particular construct... and maybe influence it... if I find it amusing.]

The Inquisitor narrowed her eyes, skeptical of the cosmic being's explanation. However, the construct had been fused with her, a product of momentary foolishness of hers... and impatience. But still, any resource that might aid her survival was welcoming.

"Fine, Watcher. Explain the functions and how I can utilize this Void-Craft Engine,"

Greybrand demanded.

[Simple, Insignificant one. It draws upon the cosmic fabric, the threads of fate, and transforms them into tangible manifestations. You have four categories of lotteries: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly. Each cycle, you can activate one lottery in each category. To activate a lottery, simply focus your intent on the chosen category, and the Void-Craft Engine will do the rest.]

"And what about the rest of these words."

She asked again, her voice softening a bit as she sat down on the chair.

[Must I explain everything to you, Insignificant one? Very well, here are the functions:

1) Name: Surely, even you must understand what this means right? It's your name! The original one.

2) Race: You are a human, one with the Psyker strand of genetic mutation. 

3) Allegiance: Your loyalty, to your race and its leader, seconded by your loyalty to the organization you serve and the branch you serve in.

4) Attributes: Your physical and psyke attributes.

 - Physical: The Physique attribute includes... meh, everything that passes for physical attributes, strength, speed, reflexes, regeneration, endurance, and many more. A typical unaugmented human's attributes lie between 5 and 10, a child is around 5 and an adult is at most 10. 

 - Psyke: Regarding the Psyke attribute, it encompasses the susceptibility to warp currents, capacity, and control... or something along those lines. A typical human, whether it's a child or an adult, has a Psyke level between 7 and 12. Anything below that is considered a 'Blank,' and anything above that is considered a 'Psyker.'

5) Lottery: Hmm, a lottery is just that, a lottery for certain... items, that the Void-Craft Engine will create for you. Blueprints, troops, weapons, and troops, etc.

The Inquisitor absorbed the information silently, her mind taking in all this newfound information. The cosmic being, or at least a fragment of it had become part of this so-called Void-Craft Engine, which seemed to be some sort of conduit to manipulate the... void?

"Blueprints, troops, weapons, and serums... What do you mean by troops?"

She repeated those words with a lingering sense of curiosity. 

[Oh, troops, Insignificant one! Troops! Think of them as entities, beings, or even creatures that can serve your purposes. They might range from warriors, defenders, strategists, or even exotic creatures from the cosmic tapestry.]

