Chapter: 2.4

Chapter: A Deal


Part: 4

Onboard Departmento Munitorum: Imperial Transport 'Gauntlet'

Inquisitorial Quarters


Greybrand muttered, contemplating the possibilities of what lay before her. The Void-Craft Engine seemed like a powerful tool, powerful enough to make any Ordo Xeno Inquisitor drool in envy. Perhaps, just perhaps she could...

"Watcher, can these troops be trusted? Are they under my control completely?"

[Insignificant one, trust is a concept for mortals. The troops generated by the Void-Craft Engine are manifestations of void energy. Though they have their own individual will, they still exist only to serve your purpose. But puppets make for poor warriors, be mindful of your choices, and their true allegiance will remain with you.]

"Very well, Watcher. Let's get started. Explain the lotteries and how I can activate them,"

She commanded, her Inquisitorial training guiding her decisiveness.

[As you wish, Insignificant one. Let's start with the daily lottery, you may activate it once per planetary rotation... based around Terra of course. Focus your intent on the category, and the Void-Craft Engine will draw upon the cosmic fabric to provide you with a manifestation.]

The interface displayed a holographic representation of a rotating planet, indicating the daily cycle. Greybrand focused her intent on the Daily Lottery, the very same attempt that usually attached her to the Warp.

And... her consciousness latched onto the engine like a hook,

The interface flickered, presenting four categories: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly. Each had a single slot with the status of (1/1).

[Daily Lottery]

- Blueprints

- Troops

- Weapons

- Serums

"Watcher, explain these choices further. What kind of blueprints, troops, weapons, and serums are we talking about?"

[Insignificant one, the specifics of each category remain unknown until the lottery is activated. The Void-Craft Engine weaves them from the threads of fate and chance. It's a dance with uncertainty and potential.]

Greybrand hesitated, contemplating her decision. The prospect of obtaining advanced technology or loyal troops held great appeal, but the unpredictable nature of the lotteries gave her pause.

"Let's start with the Daily Lottery. Activate it."

[As you wish, Insignificant one.]

The interface shimmered with cosmic energy, four roulettes spun at a speed that might have been hard even for an Astartes to follow, and a brief moment later, it displayed the results.

[Daily Lottery]

- Blueprints: Unstable Energy Blade

- Troops: Better Luck Next Time

- Weapons: M6H PDWS

- Serums: Better Luck Next Time

The Inquisitor examined the outcomes with a mix of curiosity and wariness. The descriptions intrigued her, but the unknown nature of these items raised questions.

"Watcher, explain each of these results."

[1) Unstable Energy Blade: A blueprint for a melee weapon forged from unstable plasma energies. Its power is unpredictable but can cut through almost any material, of course, if it doesn't explode in your hands first.

2) Better Luck Next Time: Better Luck Next Time!

3) M6H PDWS: The M6H is a semi-automatic, recoil-operated, magazine-fed handgun, with a smart-linked KFA-2 x2 scope and an electroless nickel finish. It fires M225 12.7×40mm SAP-HE (semi-armor-piercing, high-explosive.)

4) Better Luck Next Time: Better Luck Next Time!]

The Inquisitor observed every single one of the items displayed before her. The Unstable Energy Blade sounded like a potent melee weapon, but... the warning was a bit... foreboding. As for the M6H PDWS, it was a gunpowder weapon, using semi-armor-piercing, high-explosive rounds that were somewhat similar to a bolter weapon... just smaller.

As for the two 'Better Luck Next Time,' she didn't need any explanation for these two results.


[And what, Insignificant one?]

"And how am I supposed to extract these two items?"

There was amusement in the Watcher's words.

[Both, Insignificant one? No, you are mistaken. You may only take one item per spin and you simply pull your chosen item out of the Void-Craft Engine with your thoughts.]

Greybrand considered her options, weighing the potential benefits and risks of each of the two items. The Unstable Energy Blade blueprint would allow her to mass-produce them but... where? She had no possible manufactory under her command, and its unpredictability gave her an abrupt pause.

The M6H PDWS, on the other hand, seemed like a reliable concealed firearm with quick and powerful attacks. She focused her intention on the holographic representation of the weapon appearing on the interface.

As she did so, the holographic compartment suddenly opened, and a physical manifestation of the chosen item materialized before her. The M6H PDWS, gleaming under the glow globe, floated in front of her.

[Congratulations, you have acquired the M6H PDWS.]

Greybrand reached out, her gloved hand grasping the weapon. The moment her hand touched it, the M6H PDWS felt tangible and real. She inspected the firearm, noting its design, weight, and surprisingly slick finishing that set it apart from practical Imperial weaponry designs.

"Watcher, the next one,"

She commanded, her mind already considering the potential applications of the Void-Craft Engine's offerings.

[Very well, Insignificant one. Choose your category for the next lottery spin.]

Greybrand focused her intent on the Weekly Lottery, intrigued by the possibilities it held.

[Activate Weekly Lottery]


The holographic display shifted to represent a planetary cycle. Greybrand concentrated on the Weekly Lottery, eager to discover the cosmic boon that awaited her.

The compartment opened once more, revealing four slots:

[Weekly Lottery]

- Blueprints

- Troops

- Weapons

- Serums

"Activate the Weekly Lottery,"

She commanded, her eyes fixed on the holographic display.

[As you wish, Insignificant one.]

The roulettes spun once again, and after a brief moment, the results were displayed.

[Weekly Lottery]

- Blueprints: Better Luck Next Time

- Troops: Phantom Operative Squad

- Weapons: Bolt Pistol

- Serums: Psyke Enhancement Serum

Greybrand took a moment to assess her options. The Phantom Operative Squad seemed to be some sort of covert operation unit, the Bolt Pistol was an extremely common piece of equipment, used by Imperial Agents, and the Psyke Enhancement Serum seemed something that could further enhance her psychic abilities.

"Watcher, explain each of these results."

[1) Better Luck Next Time: Better Luck Next Time

2) Phantom Operatives: Phantom Operatives are special troops, skilled in covert operations. They can infiltrate, gather intelligence, and carry out tasks with utmost secrecy.

3) Bolt Pistol of the Inquisitor: A bolt pistol to smite the Emperor's foes with righteous fury.

4) Psyke Enhancement Serum: A serum that, when consumed, will temporarily boost your psyker abilities by 2 Points. With a couple of 'minor' after-effects.]

The Inquisitor pondered her choices carefully. Each option presented unique advantages, along with minor disadvantages of course, but those were far too insignificant to consider.

"Watcher, how will I get the troops? Do I need to get guardsmen to act as catalysts for them to materialize or something?"

She asked, her question based on the values she placed on the items displayed before her.

[Insignificant one, the Phantom Operatives will materialize directly from the Void-Craft Engine. They require no external catalysts, but their manifestation will be somewhat tethered to your will and purpose.]

Greybrand nodded, not understanding the full nature of the Phantom Operative Squad. They would... serve, as invaluable assets to her Inquisitorial Retinue, they seemed capable of infiltration operations and intelligence gathering without leaving a trace.

She focused her grasp on the holographic display once again, the interface seemed to open like a compartment and a card with the Phantom Operatives etched onto its surface. Ghostly figures clad in shadowy armor, equipped with some advanced stealth technology.

The mark of Aquila was etched across their breastplate along with the Inquisitorial 'I' etched on their helmets. Maybe a poor attempt at marking the squad's loyalty to the Imperium and the Inquisition.

Greybrand observed the Phantom Operatives with a sense of satisfaction. They would be instrumental to her cause and probable survival against whatever that may lay before her.

[Choose your category for the next lottery spin, Insignificant one.]

Greybrand focused her intent on the Monthly Lottery, eager to see what other manifestations awaited her.

[Activate Monthly Lottery]


The holographic display shifted to represent a lunar cycle. Greybrand concentrated on the Monthly Lottery. The compartment opened once more, revealing four slots:

[Monthly Lottery]

- Blueprints

- Troops

- Weapons

- Serums

"Activate the Monthly Lottery,"

The roulettes spun once again, and after a brief moment, the results were displayed.

[Monthly Lottery]

- Blueprints: Butcher-Class Gunship

- Troops: Better Luck Next Time

- Weapons: Power Sword

- Serums: Better Luck Next Time

Greybrand assessed her options carefully. The Aegis Defense System sounded like a formidable defensive structure, capable of repelling enemy assaults and protecting vital assets. The Power Sword, on the other hand, was a versatile melee weapon that could cut through armor with ease.


Before she could finish her command, a description of all four items appeared.

[1) Butcher-Class Gunship: The Butcher-Class Gunship is a versatile heavily armored space and atmosphere aircraft designed to provide air support/transport.

2) Better Luck Next Time: Better Luck Next Time!

3) Power Sword: An ordinary Power Sword used by the Imperial Agents to cleave the Emperor's enemies.

4) Better Luck Next Time: Better Luck Next Time!]

The Inquisitor weighed the options carefully, considering the potential advantages and disadvantages of the two available choices. The Butcher-Class Gunship's blueprint was valuable, far more valuable than anything she at present possessed, but it might also draw unwanted attention from the Adeptus Mechanicus. 

As for the Power Sword... she glanced at the hilt of her standard-issue Inquisitor Power Weapon and shrugged, she already had one.

"Watcher, explain further about the Butcher-Class Gunship. What are its capabilities and limitations?"
