Chapter: 2.5

Chapter: A Deal


Part: 5

Onboard Departmento Munitorum: Imperial Transport 'Gauntlet'

Inquisitorial Quarters

The interface morphed into a detailed diagram of the Gunship,

[Butcher-Class Gunship


- Length: 52 meters

- Height: 12 meters

- Wingspan: 28 meters


- Pilot: 2 (Pilot, Co-pilot)

- Gunners: 3 (Two Gunner, One Vox Operator)


- Heavy bolt cannon (dorsal turret)

- Plasma lance battery (ventral turret)

- Multi-melta cannons (side gunnery stations)

- Lascannon (side gunnery stations)

Defense Systems:

- Void shield matrix

- Adamantium-reinforced hull with quantum phase shielding


- Plasma thrusters

- Advanced gravitic propulsion for atmospheric maneuverability

- VTOL capabilities

Maximum Speed:

- Warp 9 (void travel)

- Mach 8 (atmospheric)

Transport Capacity:

- 30 Space Marines or 10 Terminators or 6 Dreadnaughts

- 40 Adeptus Sororitas

- 80 Fully Equipped Guardsmen

Payload Capacity:

- 8 air-to-air missiles

- 4 air-to-ground missiles

Communication Systems:

- Enhanced vox transceiver with encrypted channels

- Astropathic choir for warp communication

Greybrand considered the design carefully. It was a good aircraft, a versatile asset that any army would be drooling over, after all, it was a heavily armed version of the Space Marine's Thunderhawk. However, she also acknowledged the risks associated with having a blueprint of a vehicle like this while the rest of the Imperium was oblivious to its existence.

"Watcher, I choose the Butcher-Class Gunship,"

She declared, focusing her intent on the holographic representation of the aircraft. As she did so, the compartment opened once more, and a small sphere, or rather a hologram device physically manifested before her.

[Congratulations, you have acquired the Butcher-Class Gunship Blueprint.]

Greybrand inspected the sphere, noting the words 'STC' etched on its surface. It would be a valuable addition to her inventory, provided she managed to get her hand on a Cog-boy or Cog-girl willing to work on it or a spaceport to build it in. However,


[You're welcome, Insignificant one.]

She chuckled before asking,

"Watcher, what about the final lottery?"

Greybrand focused her intent on the Yearly Lottery, and the holographic display shifted to represent a Terran year. Greybrand concentrated and the compartment opened once more, revealing four slots:

[Yearly Lottery]

- Blueprints

- Troops

- Weapons

- Serums

"Activate the Yearly Lottery," 

[As you wish, Insignificant one.]

The roulettes spun once again, and the results were displayed.

[Yearly Lottery]

- Blueprints: Victoriana-Class Grandcruiser 

- Troops: UNSC-ONI Escort Unit

- Weapons: Exterminatus-Class Melta Bomb

- Serums: Better Luck Next Time!]

The options before her were grand and powerful alright, each one of them was a powerful asset... or at least the two she knew about were powerful weapons.

"Watcher, explain."

[1) Victoriana-Class Grandcruiser: The Victoriana-Class Grandcruiser is a massive voidship, designed for long-range interstellar travel and planetary assault.

2) UNSC Escort Unit: The UNSC Escort Unit consists of 12 Orbital Drop Shock Troopers (ODST) and 3 SPARTAN super soldiers.

3) Exterminatus-Class Melta Bomb: The Exterminatus-Class Melta Bomb is a weapon capable of annihilating entire cities or fortresses with its destructive power. 

4) Better Luck Next Time: Better Luck Next Time!]

Greybrand observed the choices before her carefully. The Victoriana-Class Grandcruiser... well, she didn't know anything about 'Victoriana-Class,' but a Grandcruiser was a Flagship for entire Chapter Fleets. With her resources, it would be difficult to build even the Butcher-Class Gunship, let alone a Cruiser, which meant she couldn't take the blueprint of the Grandcruiser.

The UNSC Escort Unit would consist of a unit of highly skilled and versatile operatives, but that meant she would have to explain their existence to others. The Exterminatus-Class Melta Bomb, while incredibly powerful, was a mass suicide weapon that would decimate miles of land all around the bomb.

Greybrand directed her attention towards the holographic display of the UNSC-ONI Escort Unit, and as expected, the interface opened up with a card displaying the ODST and SPARTAN armor imprinted on its surface. The figures on the card were outfitted in olive green and black armor, embellished with Imperial insignias, multiple golden Aquila, and a large 'I' of the Inquisition on their helmets.

[Congratulations, you have acquired a UNSC-ONI Escort Team.]

Greybrand eyed the card, a mix of apprehension and scrutiny swirling within her eyes, after all, she knew nothing of these soldiers. But merely having them under her command could shift the balance in her favor in the upcoming situation. 

"Watcher, I have made my choices. What now?"

She asked, her gaze fixed on the holographic interface before her.

[Now, Insignificant one, the Void-Craft Engine will continue to provide you with items to shape your fate. Use your new assets wisely, for they are but tools and only their proper use would allow you to maximize your achievements.]

Inquisitor Greybrand bobbed her head, agreeing with the Watcher's words,


She waited for a moment before asking,

"And what of you, Watcher?"

[I, Insignificant one, would be staying in this interface. Till the next time, you draw the lottery, which should be... in 24 standard Terran hours, or maybe at an even later time?]

Greybrand nodded her head, 


And before she could finish her words, the Interface displayed new words.

[Of course, I will be observing you most of the time. Where's the fun in anything otherwise?]

Damnit! She knew it wouldn't be so easy to get rid of this 'Being' once it latched onto her. However, since the being had decided not to interfere with her duties or personal life, a compromise was reachable.

 Greybrand smirked at the interface, realizing that this being was probably her new companion... for life. However, she found solace in the fact that it seemed more inclined to observe rather than to intervene directly and that the being's gender was undefined... or rather, it was above such concept and her discomfort lessened considerably.

"Very well, Watcher. I welcome your observation,"

She remarked with a hint of amusement in her voice.

With a mental command, she closed the holographic interface, allowing the tranquility of her quarters to envelop her once more. She leaned back, pondering her future course of action.

The first thing that came to her was the dire need for a proper retinue, followed by an even dire need for a proper base of operation. An Inquisitor without both was not an inquisitor but a glorified hostage to whichever force kept them in custody, thankfully, Captain Hox had yet to place her under house arrest.

Probably the courtesy of two Inquisition-sanctioned Regiments on board. Those men and women were loyal to the Imperium and the Inquisition, which meant they would massacre the 'Gauntlet's' crew before they allowed their leading Inquisitor to be... compromised. 


The day just couldn't get any worse...


The servo skull beeped into life, its red eyes gleaming brightly as it conveyed the reason for its abrupt waking.

"Inquisitor, urgent Vox transmission message from Captain Hox. Your presence is required on the Bridge."

The Inquisitor glared at the skull-like contraption and cursed,

"By the Emperor's bowels!"
