Chapter 14: My Trust For My Mate Part 1

What, what is going on? Why is she here? Was she tracking me this whole time, or, was she, with, Elias?

Her grin disappears, then she points her gaze towards the side of my head, being cautious not to call anyone's attention.

She returns her gaze to me, then she whispers.

"Don't make a sound," Pain rises in my throat as she squeezes, and my heart starts to race. "And I promise to make it quick." She extrudes the claws of her right hand, her tattoo visible for just a second, before her palm faces me.

She's going to kill me.

I watch as she pulls back her hand back, ready to impale me with those razor-sharp claws.

So I panic.

As the hand races towards my chest, I scream.




As everything settles, I'm not too sure what happened.

What saw what looked like the blue light of the barrier from the Marlow pack.

But instead of acting like a barrier, it expanded and pushed the assassin away.

I don't question, I don't have time to, the wolf is getting off of the pile of crates she crashed into.

"What is going on there!?" Bounces into my ears, followed by approaching footsteps.

I have to leave, now.

I make my way past the crates and toward the exit, but a tug on my clothing halts me in place.

A second later, the world turned upside down.

And a second after that.


I again don't know what just happened.

All I know is that several pieces of wood have dug themselves into my flesh, my body aches, and my lip is torn.

"Hhahaha." Pulls me out of the pain coursing through me, and I find the assassin wolf laughing, and racing towards me.

I try to get up, but another tug, this time on my arm, holds me in place.

My eyes trace my arm, finding the source of the tugging, and what I find what is tugging, the pain consuming me doubles.

An iron rod has made its way into and through my arm.

I want to shout, and I want to cry out in pain, but a shadow looms over me, a fast shadow.

I know it is the assassin, leaping towards me.

I shut my eyes, force my arm out of the rod, then leap out of the way.

*CRASH* I know that sound is her missing me.

I can't help the pain anymore, so I explode.

"Ahhhh!" I cry out, as blood gushes out my arm.

I try to plug it up with my left hand, but the stream forces through the sides of my fingers.

I have to move, I just...

"Ahhh!" The scream forces its way out of me as I make to run away.

But it is too late.

She is back, already at me, half turned into a wolf, claws sharper than any blade.

She takes a swipe at me, and I shut my eyes.

Unable no matter how hard I try to call any of Darius' Instincts, so like a fool, I give up.

Waiting for her claw to dig into me.

I wait, and I wait, but the pain throughout my body and arm won't let me wait anymore, so with a moan, I open my eyes, and I find Elias holding the wolf's hand in place.

"What do you think you are doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing?" She pulls her hand away from Elias, and attempts to come at me.

But this time, Elias grabs her by the throat, and pushes her against a crate, whilst baring his teeth and claws at her.

I don't wait for them to finish whatever it is they are doing, so I struggle to my feet and make for the door.

As I do, out of nowhere, several men I can tell are wolves grab me and hold me in place.

"Let, let me go." I say, my voice as weak as I am.

My body starts to go numb from the pain, I'm losing too much blood too fast.

Elias turns to meet me, then he pounces, knocking the wolves holding me in place several feet back, before swooping in and catching me before I fall.

"Abigail." he caresses my face.

I don't entertain this, I push him away and scramble for the exit.

"Abigail." He calls out, and before I know it, the shadows on the floor beside the exit rise, and the assassin forms from it, thereby blocking me off.

A hand grabs mine, but I push it away, which causes me to fall, as a result of the pain that is becoming me.

I struggle to breathe, so I start to wheeze, sweat now drenching my hair and clothes.

"Abigail." Elias calls out to me, as he tries to reach for me.

"Don't touch me." I say with more fear in my voice, as opposed to anger that I would have liked.

"Abigail, why are you acting..."

"Why are you with her?" I struggle past the pain, trying to keep my hand straight and steady, as I point at the woman, whom I just noticed is wearing a beanie.

"I don't..."

"Why are you with the woman that tried to kill me?" I say, fearing in my heart Rosemary was right.

The pain bites at me, and I moan.

"I...I..." He says, and out of the side of my eye, as I am now facing the ground, I see him turning his sights to the woman, and then the entire pack surrounding us. "Everyone leave!" He yells. "Except you, help her." He points at a wolf, who comes over to me, and I crawl away from him.

"Calm down, I'm a Kerigore wolf." He says, arms raised, showing no hostility.