Chapter 41: Odd Feelings/Sensations

Darius is about to fall into a pit of spikes.

I think I did it, I think I just did it, it is all over.

A smile tries to form on my face, but, something within me doesn't feel right.

And what's more, a second later, I find I'd reached for Darius, and grabbed onto his hand.

Except, he is too heavy, and I am pulled along with him.

But we don't go too far down before I find the world spin on its axis.

And a second later, a thud reverberates through me, and I find myself on top Darius.

My hair now loose, as it pours from my back onto his face.

I meet his eyes, and what I find in them confuses me to my core.

We hold our gaze, and I feel him, I feel his heart beat into my fingers, I feel the blood rushing through his veins, and I feel his warm and somehow delicious breath on my face.

He stares straight into my soul, as though looking for something, which somehow, makes my heart beat faster.