Chapter 40: A Charon Track

The astonishment in his red eyes somewhat brings a smile to my face.

Which, I pray he didn't notice.

I return my gaze to the path ahead, and that is when I realised, I had stopped counting.

I wrack my brain, trying to remember what number I stopped at, or what number this part of the track may be, but just then.

The ground before me opens up, revealing a chamber covered in spikes.

I almost fall in, but before then, I kick against the ground, and leap over the hole.

Though I wish I could have landed gracefully, I instead crumble to the ground.

And what receives the full impact is my chest.

Which I want to bite my lip for.

A shadow passes beside me, and when I come to, I find Darius already making good pace.

He, is, already up, and...he isn't stopping all of this.

Another hammer comes for him, but he leaps over it.

How the hell did he react to it that fast enough?

Get up idiot.