Chapter 54: New Alphas And The Second Meeting

After what seemed to be a cascade of blood and entrails, Celine managed to get me home in one piece.

Where we were welcomed to uproar by Darius, whom had exploded because of what had happened.

I was left with Rosemary, whom had led me away while Celine was left with Darius, as they both debated on what needed to be done, whilst also awaiting Malcom and his beta Kysilius.

Rosemary and I had said nothing, as we both seemed to have had our attentions taken away by the roaring of Darius from downstairs.

Even from the distance that is the bed away from the door, we still heard his voice.

I was left contemplating how an entire street was decimated in broad daylight.

Could a foreign pack actually do this to us?

Those innocent people, the children, all, gone, in the worst way possible.

This, isn't right.

I shake my head, and force these thoughts away.

I can't dwell on this, if I did, it would eat me up.