Chapter 113: Critical Choice

The wolves bear on their faces sinister grins, as they make their way for Darius.

Darius frowns, he cups his fists and I feel his Instincts stirring inside him.

The wolf in front raises both his hands.

"Sorry everyone." He says with an accent I believe to be...Russian? "My car got a little out of control there." He says, turning around to the spectators and then back to Darius, never slowing his pace.

His wolves follow behind and we watch as they make their way to us, to Darius.

"Forgive me." He says once a few feet away from Darius.

This wolf is enormous and... unbelievably and impossibly bigger than Darius.

He carries with him an aura of malevolence and his sinister grin does not help that fact.

"My stupid car is faulty." He says, raising a hand to Darius. "I am Mikhail Rovoskia, Head Alpha of Russia." I KNEW IT!

Darius hesitates, but he shakes the Russian Alpha's hand.