Chapter 114: First Course

Darius had made his way to his throne, beside Kysilius.

I feel his eyes on me, more so than I do for the hundreds of eyes in this amphitheater.

But as of now, what takes my focus the is obstacle course that the Gaian pack seemingly created out of nothing.

Though everyone, myself included was equally astonished by the Gaian pack's incredible display, I couldn't help but notice the Russian woves -- now seated beside Darius and Kysilius -- were far too interested.

But I shook the thought off and pinned my focus on the obstacle course.

And obstacle course is a drastic understatement of what this actually is.

If I were to describe it, I'd call it a course from hell.

20 Lunas, myself included, are stationed at the very beginning of the field.

Meaning the course covers almost the entirety of this massive field.

The first obstacle on our path is a race track, where we'll have to avoid projectiles fired at us.