Chapter 135: Rapt

Eight Lunas, how can there be so many working together?

I try to distract myself from the weight bearing down on me through my shield.

Just as my shield is about to give out, the lightning recedes, unfortunately, I feel the worst is yet to come.

So I don't waste any time.

I let go of the shield and make my way forward, I call on the Telekinesis Instinct, which I use to grab onto the lightning striking Luna's head.

I pull hard and slam her head into the wall, with the added effect of my enhancement Instinct.


She crashes into the wall a little too hard, that I fear I've gone too far yet again.

And it would seem I'm not the only one who thinks so, because upon striking her head onto the wall, everyone watches her crumble to the ground with held breaths.

I feel the silence eat away at me.

Did I go too far?

*THUMP* we hear her heartbeat, which is accompanied by a sigh of relief from me.