Chapter 137: A Short Lived Relief

While I'm absorbed by the cheers and elation of my own heart, I don't hear the Lunas groaning and even wailing.

Or I don't want to hear, because once again, I did it.

"What a show our wonderful Lunas have given us yet again. And yet again the Head Luna has wowed us away. It goes without saying that the most flags belong to her. So she and her partner, are the number OOONNNNEE!" The announcer says and the crowd goes wild.

I can't help the wide grin on my face, not a grin of pride, but one of, surrealism.

"Please Lunas, clear the maze have yourself a wonderful rest of the day. Time for the next batch of Lunas to show what they're made of."

I draw my attention away from the announcer floating overhead on his rickety drone contraption and toward my surroundings.

The Lunas around us are all but gone, leaving just me and Caroline.

Who I just realized I'm still holding onto her hand.