Chapter 183: Vague Reality And Lucid Dreams

The smoke of gunpowder and blood fills the atmosphere, so much so that it even takes on the form of some fog, a bloodied fog.

The sounds of gunshots prevail, over the sounds of flesh being torn apart, to a degree that I feel my ears will bleed.

For the past several seconds, I watched Darius plow through the Melformed like a bulldozer on a cornfield.

Which I felt was a big mistake, as a different fear had settled in the pit of my stomach.

I fell my gaze away from him and onto the ground.

Which was littered with bullet shells, blood, entrails and parts of the Melformed.

I hadn't given the time to analyze the Melformed of the forest.

They - as opposed to the marine ones - are covered in moth, with skin like tree bark and literal twigs sticking out of randomized parts of their malformed bodies.

My eyes land on a head of a decapitated Melformed, I attempt to look away when I accidentally lock eyes with that of the creature.