Chapter 200: Much More Passion

I said we would spend only ten or twenty minutes together, but Darius began to grumble when he found out we were together for almost an hour.

When this realization sank he, he immediately got dressed and rushed out the office, but not before I held in at least for ten good seconds so I gave him a good kiss.

But after that was over I found myself smiling as he rushed off to the remainder of the meeting.

The most powerful wolf in the world.

I love it so much that said powerful wolf seems so powerless when it comes to me.

I smile then I sink into the sofa, not really ready to get dressed just yet.

Perhaps he'll change his mind and return, who knows.

As I find myself becoming consumed by this otherworldly level of joy and ecstasy, a sudden grim thought gnaws at the back of my mind, a grim thought which I at once push away.

Not now, just…not now.
