'Is something wrong?' Darius asks, concern etched onto his mind's voice. A concern I feel becoming me.
He doesn't wan to tell Darius about my plan does he?
'I...I...' He falters, then pins his gaze to the ground. 'Can we talk somewhere private?' Malcom says. It would seem the privacy of their Neuropath is not enough for what he is about to tell Darius. Thinking on this makes my head spin and my body fail me.
Keeping an eye on Darius, I see him hesitate for a second before turning his gaze to me.
"I um, have to talk to Malcom about something." He says.
"Is...something wrong?" I find my voice failing me. But I hope he will not read deep into it.
In response to my words, Darius' smiles. Then he places a hand on mine.
"Everything's fine." He says, then he leans in and gives me a gentle kiss on my forehead. "Now enjoy the event. I'll be back in a minute."