Surprise!! Surprise!!


"We got to the hotel and nervousness **wanted** to kill us. No matter how ruthless, wicked, or whatever you are, once you like someone, it will always humble you. I faced the rest of the guys, and their faces mirrored mine.

We got to the elevator, and my heart was beating fast. What if they didn't like it? It felt like everything in the world slowed down as the elevator took forever to get to the floor we **were**. We got there and knocked on their hotel door, and Debbie opened the door, beaming. She looked at the three of us and opened the door wider. We saw the other two by the other side of the door.

The girls **liked** the flowers, and I was very relieved. I got Alexis a necklace, and even if she tried to hide it, it was still evident on her face that she was happy with what I got for her. They also didn't remember that today was Valentine's, and they were surprised until they got the note that came with the flowers. Cole got Debbie a wristwatch, a Rolex wristwatch for that matter. I don't think she knew how much the watch cost, and being the businesswoman she was, Cole thought it was the perfect gift for her, and I think he was right. It was Mikky that struggled the most among us to get Bella a gift, and he later figured it out after spending time thinking at the jewelry shop. He got her a bracelet, a matching bracelet with his own, and when Bella saw his own also, her face lit up, and I was glad that at least the gift part of Valentine went smoothly. I would have called my father and greeted him for Valentine's, but he was a hopeless romantic man, and he will start giving me a speech on how he didn't raise me up to be soft and all that. We told them that today may be the last day together in Italy till we went back home, so we will all be going to the beach together this evening. I hope the agency doesn't mess up our plan to have a perfect Valentine today.


I was so shocked to get the flower today because when Bella said that they all went out, I assumed they left us to go and have fun together since they didn't plan on meeting us here in the first place. I loved flowers, and you should see the joy on my face when I received my flower. The necklace he got me was perfect, and he would have made a perfect boyfriend if I wasn't just skeptical about him, his business, his personality, and all that. Everybody knows better than to get involved with a mafia, but I already know in my mind that I was long gone, and I don't think I care anymore, but I will still try to put in a little fight. This Cole guy was very funny getting Debbie a wristwatch, but I think that was what really suited her taste, and he must have studied her during these two days, and he would have figured out that she was a no-nonsense businesswoman, and a wristwatch was a very perfect gift for her. I think I enjoyed this trip even though it hasn't ended, and I told the girls to allow us to go for sightseeing before it was time to go to the beach, but the guys want us to go see a movie theater, and we decided to have a vote, and the guys won when Bella raised her hand to vote in their favor. I smacked her at the side of the head, and Mikky frowned at me, and I gave him a bombastic side-eye. She was my friend before she became his girlfriend, and I was even part of the people that ensured they get back together, so how dare him frown at me. We decided to go to Stardust Village, which was one of the best movie theaters in Italy. We were all dressed, so we called our Italy driver of yesterday, and he came swiftly. He must have been satisfied with how much he was paid yesterday. We left our room and went down to the lobby area only to meet the receptionist smiling again. How the hell did I miss that today was Valentine when it was written all over her? I neared her and asked, "A date tonight??" She nodded her head, blushing, and I chuckled. What a very funny lady. We told him our location, and he drove us to Stardust Village. We got there and bought popcorn, a code for all movie theaters, even if the movie is boring, always have your popcorn beside you. We bought our tickets and got in and managed to get a seat in the middle row. This is the time movie theaters will sell the most as everywhere I looked at, couples were everywhere trying to enjoy their Valentine's, even elderly people were not left out of this. I was seated in the middle of Alessandro and Debbie with my box of popcorn, and I settled in as the movie was about to start. I didn't want it to look like I didn't come with someone also because the atmosphere was choked, and any single person here will feel bad. I tilted toward Alessandro a little, and he looked at me and smirked. The guy was insufferable; he must have known the reason I did that, so I leaned into him and did justice to my popcorn as they showed Romeo and Juliet. Great, just the perfect movie on Valentine's Day to make you bored.


I managed to finish watching the movie without bolting toward the door and leaving them all here because I didn't understand what they found intriguing in that film because it was not my first time watching it, and I was bored. I gave them the "I told you guys" look when the movie ended because they spotted the same look as me. We left the movie theater and wanted to go to the restaurant, but the guys persuaded us not to go and that we can get whatever we want at the beach. The driver drove us to the beach, and we got down, and he went on his way as Alessandro asked him not to wait this time around.

We got to the beach, and the guys asked to blindfold us, and I didn't want them to, but Debbie told me to go along with the flow.


I don't know why Alexis always proves to be more difficult to handle among the three of them. I already messaged the agency, and they told us that everything was all set up. I signaled to the guys that it was time. I brought out my blindfold and tied Alexis' face with it, covering only her eyes, and the others all did the same. We led them to the table, and when we got there, I was surprised at how much they changed the place. We removed the blindfold from their faces, and they looked up, and they all gasped.
