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This place was really beautiful, and I never thought there would go to this much trouble for us. The fact that it is beside the beach gave it a mystical glow.

I faced Alessandro and gave him a genuine smile, and his face lit up. He may be a ruthless mafia lord, but at least everyone got a heart.

I looked at the others, and they were also starstruck as me. The photographer there was taking pictures, and I smiled. This place was lovely. Suddenly Bella squealed... I think her pregnancy is clouding her thinking, but it was fun to shout, and we all gave ourselves mischievous looks and started screaming at the top of our voice. The other people at the beach were looking at us, but since it was nothing new at the beach, they didn't really mind us, and some of them even joined us in shouting.

I should have known that they were not okay, Alessandro said. I turned and gave him a death stare. "Just because you are not enjoying doesn't mean we shouldn't. And now that we are done, is this food on this table meant to be eaten by themselves or what?"

Alessandro waved to the people we met there to leave, and they all left, including the cameraman. We all sat down, and when the food was opened, the smell was heavenly. This was perfect, and the first good romantic dinner I have been to, but I don't intend to say that out loud.

"This is so lovely. If the others won't say it out loud, I would. This is the best Valentine gift ever," Bella said and leaned into Mikky and kissed him on the mouth. And when they were about to get more serious, "Get a room," we all chorused.

I could not wait because the smell of the food is always choking good manners out of me. I took my fork and spoon, and they all looked at me, but I didn't mind as I shrugged and took the first bite. Wow! I was a big fan of crustacean dishes, with the spicy shrimps, crabs, and all that. It tastes wonderful, and I see the others also digging, so I gave them my own eye roll also. They have wine, meat, small chops already fried and deep in stew with big onions to decorate it, and dessert, but I will take a bite of everything.


The girls' expression was priceless, and I love the way Alexis was eating as if she has no care in this world, making sure she took a little bit out of everything on the table. I kept staring at her until she looked at me, and our eyes met eyeball to eyeball, and she looked away, avoiding further eye contact. I have never spent Valentine like this. I made sure any girl I carried never became the clingy type, and even if they tried to, I cut them off as fast as possible so I never even had a girlfriend to do this for.

After the food, we went to the beach and sat down on the sand, putting our legs near the water, and when a little wave came near, it washed over our legs and went again. We all had a relaxed look on our face until Cole sat out and dragged Debbie into the water, and Mikky did the same, and Alessandro did the same to me also, and we started splashing water on each other, laughing...

The moon was already out, and we were lying down at a shed not far from the beach, looking up at the sky. Nobody was saying anything, but we all knew what was going through our minds.

"I wish tonight never ends," Bella blurted out, and we all looked at her. She is just like maybe six or something weeks gone, and her emotions are this strong. Someone should remind me not to tell her any of my secrets till she gives birth.

I stood up and told them I was going to get ice cream for myself, and I looked back to see that all of them are following me. We went to the ice cream shade and got our favorite ice cream, and we went to where the crowd gathered and took a seat at an empty table. It was like a disco party. Some of the crowd were sitting, and others were standing, probably to get a clearer view. A ring was formed in the middle, and I saw a girl and a guy. They were competing with stunts. The girl was good, but the guy was faster and steadier than her. After many rounds, the girl lost. The crowd all shouted and cheered the guy, and a man who I assumed was calling the shot said, "Any other person," and I looked at Debbie, and her eyes widened. She knew why I was looking at her. I would have challenged the guy, but I was filled already.

Debbie nodded and stood up and walked towards the circle.

"What is she doing??" Cole shouted, and Bella beat me to it by answering him, "What does it look like she is doing??".

"She is going to challenge that guy, can't you see??"

"We all can see what is happening here, and you should at least have a little faith in her," I said.

He mumbled something and kept quiet, and I returned my focus back to Debbie as she has gotten to the middle of the ring and told the guy that she challenged him.

The guy scanned her from head to toe, and the fact that she looked older than him gave him the notion that she could not beat him, so he started laughing.

"I told you that what she is trying to do is absurd, but you won't listen, and now she is making a mockery of herself," Cole said again.

"Will you just shut your mouth and watch," I said in anger.

My girl was a fucking cheerleader when she was in school, and she was one of the best, so even if she couldn't beat this guy today, I was sure she could hold her ground against him.

The man in charge signaled for them to start, and they both started tumbling, and we all opened our mouths, "Oh fuck!!!"

This wasn't what I was expecting!