Chapter. 79: Golems

With each passing second the sound only got louder and louder. Everyone was on high alert as they stuck close to one another and looked around them.

However, due to how dark the place was. Their field of view was limited. The orb had only managed to illuminate a radius of 30 meters. Hence, the field of view was no more than 30 meters.

A few minutes passed away in the blink of an eye but there was still no sign of any beast. Seeing this Lucius and the others frowned heavily.

"Why isn't the beast attacking us? What is it waiting for?" Lucius muttered under his breath with a frown on his head.

Just a few seconds later, the eerie sound died out like it was a lie. This caused the frown of the others to deepen.

"Was it not the sound of a beast since if it was then wouldn't it have attacked us by now?" Zoe asked, her voice carrying seriousness.

Lucius shook his head upon hearing this.