Chapter 94: An attempt to escape (2)

Lucius saw his summon slowly fading into darkness as it walked away from him. Lucius quickly turned his attention to the demon, he still couldn't see the demon but the light ahead of them was much brighter than before.

As Lucius was trying to get a glimpse of the demon, a voice resounded through his ears.

"Lucius we will have to disband the formation when we enter the narrow path since at most only 2 people can enter at the same time," Xin remarked, his voice carrying seriousness.

He turned his attention towards the tunnel. The tunnel was visible due to the orb of the demon emitting light. He took a closer look at the tunnel and realized Xin had spoken the truth.

"You are right," Lucius replied, his voice carrying concern.

"Lucius, I think we should already decide who will enter first to make sure our venture in the tunnel is as safe as possible" Zoe declared her voice carrying seriousness.